Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1724

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ccxh Sevier Nazjicrrgal Forest; Umh, Page. Symp, Pm S,c§g_)§%1imé%?nf°r m°m*»°¤¤·¤¢¢, ¢*·¢·,<>f- . 429,1251 ccususa2?iqa¤1l1f·i1i•;¤d:§>t§, for food, 22 ¤PP!'0I{1'18·¥»1011 for cleaning and repair- duty on ___________ p_ C '`''’`‘`' 3; mg": ‘‘‘···· . ··--···--- - -·--··-·- 388,979 ·regulationst»ob - . f°‘ P‘“?°P‘“g °“?“°” ··-- - --···--···-- 38% 979 swaying I 72 for mam and pipe ...,_,,,____ _ _______ 388, 979 Sheep Dip, ’ fol'S11b11!'b3.I1; motor trucks _________ __ 388,Q79 0nfre6H8t_________________· _ 79

  • <¤¤s1¤——<>tw¤y-_--Z --·--- ass, 979 smpsum, ‘`‘‘‘‘’‘’‘‘

f°*` Amcwm mam mwrcepwr -.--... 388, 979 duty on dressed and finished 68 fOr R0ck_Creek main imgercgptm- ______ 388, 979 Shed, '```'’`````` I f¤r_w¤t side 1-nt€!`C€ptl0T ---. . ...,... . . . 388, 979 dnt; on, cop r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ · 30 d°6c¥9¤¢Y ¤PP!‘0P¤'i¤$i0H for Yigh?8 of iron or steefiold rolled, do. 25 for cmzgligé ··-·· _-; -·--·--—--- · -—·- lead  : ., . ..,,,,_________ _ _ _ _ 30 re amn _.,__________ _ · Swing MacM~=Ne¤dlesI3 g ;li§l;?}C[.`.'.'.ZZZZ[][Zi]ZZQXZZZZZCZZ d‘!*Y °“· - · c ---·--·---··· · ——-—-·-----··--- 28 coated, etc ... sz Sm"? M“°}"”“» on free list, platinum ._,, 78 d'%*Y 09 ·-·· · ·--··---—·--·----- - ---·-----· 32 Sheds, Ircm or Steel, S’"”’*9 Silk, - duty 011, common or black ..,..__,,,___,_ 23 duty Ou ----·····--· · ·-·-··----------·---·- ~ 57 with other metal imposed ..,,, 23 S6!/"Wu', CW"-, _ polished, planished, or glanced . 23 appropr1a.tion for public bmldiug .. 1381 pickled, gu; ___________________________ _ 23 acquiring site for public building at, au- _ gold rolled, not poljghgf ________________ 23 tho:-ized ... 689 polished, em _________________________ 25 SWMW, IM-, steel, not specially provided for 23 appropriation for public building .. 1381 Shelby, N, C_, acquiring site and erecting public building appropriation for public building .. 1381 at, ¤¤t}10!'iZ€d --·--·------·--·.. . - - 685 acquiring site for public building at, au- Shaddvcks, nhorized . .. 691 duty OD  : . 38 Shelbyville, Ky., Shades, · appropriation for public building . . 1382 duty 011, wood, etc .. - -... 34 acquiring site for public building ut, au- Shajling, Mill, thorized ... 689 ‘ duty on steel 23 Shelbyville, Tenn., Shgleiy , · 65 construction of public building authorized ll 011. .‘ ... . at ... . 683 Shallottc River, N. C., Shell, preliminagf examination of, to be m2Ae... 674 duty on manufactures of, not specially ‘ Shallowbag ay, N. C., rovided for . ,.. ,.. 70 appropriation for improvement of 641 Shelley, (george R., Slumwkm, Pa., ‘ title of United States to certain lands in appropriation for public building .. 1381 Pettis County, M0., released to 1079 Shanghai, China, Shells, appropriation for expenses, United States du?] on engraved, cut, etc 70 court for China., at ... 343, 1033 on ree list, pearl, not cut, etc 78 for prison expenses . . 346, 1035 Shelton, Arthur B ., Shanks, Oscar, deficiency appmpriaqon for exam survives. 127 appropriation for paying proceeds of bond. 1392 Sheridan Railway and Lzght Compavlzh Shapes, granted right of way on Fort ackvnzio duty on, for hats on bonuets, fur . - . 67 Military Reservation, Wyo .. 1011 steel, pressed, sheared, or stamped .. 23 Sheridan, Wyo., _ _ _ Shapes, Iron, appropriation for public b\1rldlD{l .. 707, 1382 duty on rolled or hammered, not specially limit of cost increased, public building 679 mvidgd for ,____,.,... 22 terms of court at .. 1130 Shasta 1Vgtio*nal Forest, Cal., . Sherley, Honorable Suugar, _ _ Shszppropriation for maintenance, etc., of. . 429, 1251 desxgmzted a ménipe; 21; c0énmnss1¢;n1{o remngs, arrange a 0 e ouse o epreduty on Steel ,,._,,_,__, . 24 SGDCQUVBSU Z _ .. 1. 444 Shaw, Hershzl, Sherman Rwcrandz, Cal., deficiency appropriation for services .. 127 1 appropriation for Indian school 273, 1063 Shaw, Richard I, Sherman, Taz., dgficigugy appropriation for services. . 1316 of 00111*13 313 .. - . .. 1126 Shawls, 54 Sh3dg"M~ C., ti f 1318 du on w00]gu_ ________ , ,,., _ _ .,.., . ..., B creuc Sppl'0 113 OD Ol' S€1'\‘lC€S .. Sheartg Shields, (£neral James, dut on .,,,,,..,.,,,,__,,,,..,.,, 27 appropriation for monument over grave at Simgixng, _ Carrollton, Mo .. 721 · du? on cofper ..,,_ , ,_,., , ..,,.. 30 Shzloh Natwvml Cemegay, Tenn., _ _ Shea! mg Fe t, deficxency appropnatnon for repmring cy- 0u free list, adhesive, for vessels .. 75 _ clone damgges- . . . ...,. 210 Shcathing Paper, Shiloh Natwquzl Mehta:-y_Pag·l·, Term., duty on ____,_._,._______,.. , ..,.,...,.,,_ 61 appmpriat;1011 for connnuing estabhsbment Siwboygrm, Wis., of  ;._ 724, 1401 appropriation for improvement of han purchase of 8dd1h0I1$r18.¤d' .. 1401 bon _ ___________ _ ,,__ .;. ... 657 erection of o$ce bmldmg, etc 1401 SS740"—-vox. 36, rw 1-11--109