Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1725

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ccxhi IN DEX. Shiloh National Milzlary Park, Tenn.-Con. P¤8¤- Shoe Polishes. · p°€°· deficiency appropriation for repairing cy- duty on .. . ...-. - .·-------·-·- U clone damages . . 210 . Shoemaker, II. R., _ _ for replacing buildings, etc., destroyed q deficiency appropriation for service-s .. 804 by cyclone .. . . 788 Shoes, _ for repair to Iowa State mounment ., 788 · duty on, horse, mule, or ox, wrought iron for additional land . . 788 · or stvcl ..-.----- . · . 28 Shingle Bolts, Wood, leather . _ ... 68 hon flrge list, not specially provided for , 81 { Sh hmarle of hides entitled to free entry". 88 S ing . oo , dut on . . 33 duty on, suganbox and packing·box ... 33 Ship laland Pau, illolsa., Shooks, American, appropriation for improvement of channel, . on free list, returned from abroad as barrels, etc . 646, 942 etc ... 72 Ship, Steamboat, and Way Letters, Shoolus, Orange and Lemon, appropriation for, Postal Service ... 365, 1337 duty on, of American manufacture, reim- Ship Timber and Ship Planking, ported in boxes filled with fruit 33 on free list, not specially provided for. . -, 81 Shooting Galleries and Ranges, Army, Shipment Imtrumrmtalitikza and Facilities, appropriation for expenses 258, 1053 included as transportation in interstate exchange of lands, Fort Bliss, Tex.-. . 258 commerce . . 545 construction, etc., Sparta, Wis 258

 Interstate, completion, Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. 258

losinifnformation of, by carriers, etc., I Short Haug in Interstate Commerce, un wful . . 553 aggregate charges for, not to exceed that _ penalty for . . .. -. . 1 553 for longer distances over same .. 547 Shoppers, nor to e ual . . . 547 attempting to obtain less than regular Shortage of Fruit, dc., rates by false billing, etc., by, a regulations or allowance for, from decay, misdemeanor ,,,..,.,., 549 etc ..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,.,., IM by false claims for allowance, damages, Shoshone Agency, Nw., Western, etc .-- 550 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians punishment for . . 550 at . 278, 1067 _ by bribery; punishment ... 550 Shoqhom Indian Reservation, Wyo., Slnppgng, _ _ _ appropriation for Indian school 288, 1076 marmme hen on foreign or domestic ves- or expenses, irrigation system ... 288, 1076 sels, for repairs, supsplies, etc ... 604 deficiency appropriation for school 1324 ocean-going steam vesse to have wire- desert lands in former, open to selection ess telpgmph apparatus -... 629 by Wyoming under Carey Act ... 288 vessels enhenngootherwnse than by sea use of proceeds from lands corrected . . . 860 exempt m tonnage dues, It not Shoshone Indihm, Wyo., _ _ unpcsocl at forengn port 234 appropriation for uppcrt, etc .. 288,1076 Sfnpping Cmyrmwswners, or fulfilling treaty with ... . . 288, 1076 appropriation for office expenses. . 765, 1229 deiiciency appropriation for support, etc., permanent mdeiimte appropriation for, of _,.., , ,,_,._,___,_,_,,,,,_ 223, 1324 regealed; detailed estimates to be I Shoshone National Forest, Wyo., Snppingsré mgtwd hereafter ..-...---·... 7 73 Shzigpmpriaticn for maintenance, etc., of. 429, 1251 appropriation for salaries of commis- dxity on, iron or steel, for abrasives ... 24 giongm at gpec1§ed ports ,,.,, , ,..,, _ 1229 lg3d_ ______,__________ _ _____________ _ _ _ 30

01* clerklhire; coptingent expenses .. 1230 Shotgun Barrels,

or app iances or admeasurement of on freelis1:,si11 le tubes,forged ro hbored. 97 vemels .. . .,.., 1230 Shotguns, g , ug for motor boats, etc., for enforcing navi· duty on, combination, and rifles .. 27 gmc:} laws, em, ·.---.---...--- _. . . 1230 d¤¤ble—b=¤rr¤|ed, breech-Iwdi . 27 for enforcing use of wireless communica- on double barrels for breegg-loading _ , mn on vessels --~--.--·-.-···-···-. 1230 sportin ---·-·---- · ·--..----·---.. I 27 Shape Stores, Navy, on muzzlelgoading .. . .. 27 profit allowed on sales of, to be used for parts and fittings for double-barreled _ amusement, em., of enlisted force". 619 sportin , breech-loading .. D 28 Slnpwreeked .j1m¢rwan§ea1rte7z, single-barreied, breech-loading ... - 28 appropriation for lifesaving testimonials stocks for d0uble·barreled sporting · - 28 for rescuing. .,...,,.,... , .,,,,, 340, 1031 Shreveport, La_, ’ · . l . · for relief and protection of, in foreign appropriation forimprovement of waterway , , ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤. ew -------- - ---·----- 346.1036 ¤+=¢w·>¤¤ J¤ff¤r¤¤¤, ’1`¤¤=·. and --·-··- 650 Slnmng Cloth, _ for public building 707 1382 xiuty on, flax, hemp, ramie, etc .. 51 for rent ... Q ...,.,,,, · I , 707 Shaw. · may bridge Red River ---------··-----.. 961 duty on, cotton, etc ...,,,,,.,,..,,,...,,_ 48 terms of court at, ,_____ , _____ 1114 Sho¤lHm·(>o(,N.·I, Shr¢w¤l>uryRiv¢¤·, N. J. appropriatron for improvement of . . . 636, 936 appropriation for impiovement of . 637 936 Sho5yd , Wool, 53 Skrtmggé °° ’ ¤ <>;¤ ---·-----···-·-----------·-- - ··-·· ¤¤ list ----··----·- · ··----·----·-- snglgmm, 27 saga., ‘‘‘· 79 °{* ··-•···-·-—-··· · ··—-··---·-···-·-· “ °¤· muse °*' **}*0****** stock- ··-· Slwezacmgs, 0112% list, forryDe£'rI;•:1ent of Agriculture 37 duty_ on, cotton, etc .. 48 0, Botanic Garden ____________ 78