Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1745

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oclxii INDEX. Timber-Continued. Pass- Tobacoo—Continued. Page excepted from prohibition against rail- duty ou, pouches. --· 70 roads carrying products in which in- scrap .·.·..-..-·--- - ··---- 35 terested . . .. 547 snuff ... . ... 35 punishment for unlawfully cutting, etc., wrapper . . .. 34 on public lands, Indian trust allot- on free ist, stems _ - ··- 80 ments, etc ,..,, , ___,_,,_,,___,, 857 reimported to pay mtema1-revenue tax, Timber Depredahkms, Public Lands, if exported without., .. . 73 appropriation for expenses, preventing. 739, 1415 special provisions for, 1mported from Timger, Indian Lands, Plulippme Islands . 84 sales permitted from unallotted lands in Tobacx uud Mqnufactuygg gf; rsssrvstious; pvrocwds --------·-...- 857 Schedule F, rms of 1909 .,..,,_ 34 fmltlmnesotalpnd isconsinéceixcepted. . 857 TOL Domzmc m trust a otments; proc s 857 ’ ·’6d f H d h · Ti L tm I F n R az. packages requu·_ or snu , an c ewmg apprgpriation for &rotection; etc., of .. 271 madgld Sm°k::§1 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘··‘ _ enominee is. excluded . 271 g reqs ‘ '‘‘‘'‘‘‘ . ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’ · ’ » ‘ not applicable to exports 1.:1 bond .. 109 Timbeglgg L“];°;,;:mh°”‘* °x°l“d°d ‘‘‘‘···· `· · 271 sales of perique, etc,, from one manu- S 1,0 nation fo; inves - tin methods facturer to another or for export 109 PP POL ctcm_____"u_??· · - · _ _ · _ 430 1252 _ combinations of materials permitted ,___ 109 Time Damon, ’ int§1r;1;i;;·§;el1:iu§]1tax_on snuff ...,,_ __ _ duty on, movements, etc .. C. . 31 · °km§ ‘‘‘‘ Z ‘‘‘‘ j ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1* ‘ ,. Hmzg, Nmwcgmn , new boxes required or cigars, quantity d°“°’°,‘;°1I;];‘g’,{,’r”P”“°” ‘°' }°‘““d °* mw 1295 pumiliigiggéé §£151§%ibbblZff.`.`.lZ1ZZ§fZ iii · `'`' ‘ ’‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ sales at re ,.,,, , _________,_____ _ 109 Tinlifing Hsty oxide of- _ O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 80 packag£3s01;;s;1duired of cigarette ; quantity 109 m iFe1-.??.-f-?T?Y’.?T.?Yf?Y”,?T’}T‘f_ 80 gI{1;;;·tgd¤¤g:<gggI¤;=g,;S11¤s stamps ------·- gg mr d<},·;*,;q*jg·;,0*;_*;,·;;=_·;¤,;,;;?_ _¤§*}{·$g=_ {{7 80 nttms-m..¤,.b tax 1;.r;@‘ in `éigiirl Tin Pam d. .°***?° ·-—· I; ·-—-—---· ; --------—-·---- 1 10 dut 0n:___________________·________ 23 1SlI1llCt10l1 tween C1g8.!‘B and cigar. 11,,,- M · ° ettes . ...,__ 110 dut§,,’;::$t_ ________ _ _ _____ _ ___________ l _ 30 SCMIIPS b0 be p1’01fided for new ratings of articles 30 cigars and cigarettes ..,_,__,,___ _ _ _ 110

       ‘ `   °         '‘‘‘‘` 30 restriction on paclrages, wrappers, etc . 110

- ° ‘ ' `` lottery orders, indecent pictures, etc. mis °f;,g ···‘························ 3° forbidden with ’ 110 u ions ... . .,, , _ _ 30 ·-·- · ·-··--··---~-··· b · · L __________________ penalty for . . 110 g:l,ir,§%???_? ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ‘‘' 3 new provisions to take eHect July 1, 1910. . 110 I umm OL _________ _ _ _ ____ '` 30 unstemmed natural leaf, not subject totax. 110 Em, ___•_________________ _ _________ Q: I I 30 buying and selling, without mx snowed _ 110 0m8me¤t8__ ____ _ _ _ ________ _ __.____ ‘ 30 dealers in leaf tobacco mclude all who sell ribbons ... . ... XXIII so E ¤¤1¤¤g1·;·,jd¤> ¤¤=·¤¤f¤¢11¤¢rs ---- -- · 110 toys _____________________________ _ ____ 30 ers SD p ucers excepted ..___ 110 trimmings ____ _ ________________________ 30 regulations of .,... , .,.,,.______ 111 Ti um, Will M., Tvgrus, Mc., _ Tie§zf;c;en_cy appropriation for ..,_. 1306 ¤PPfoP£:;1Q01}:I{)0;1§xpemes, Volunteer $1;.15:3 1409 duty on, cotton, etc., and india rubber. . . 48 Toilet Articles, . _ · · D · · · . I - _ . I · · . · · , T?3 Lg§°"'*°¢'*·”» _ 29 duty on, containing alcohol _______________ 16 , ~~··-···-··· · -··--·--·--·—·—· · ··-- t ta` 1 h ...,,,,,,_____ mmzi fc. ok; be G summers, in digi f‘_$?_ f’} ___________ _ _ gg {Q deiciency appropriation for widow of . 1317 on cgtatesf m Umwd 80 hm'! “P€"» dut? °¤ --·-·—·----··-~·--· · —·-··—--·----- 61 drawback allowed on domestic al 11 1 used Titamum · man C0 0 duty0x;m·n"_"N"··HUnunn-up 30, Tofudstgzm 11f¤¢¤1rsof,exported 90 Title Guaranty and Surety Company, I duty on ____ _ _____ 16 d6Ec1€¤€Y ¤PPl'¤¥¤3ti0¤ fo1' P¤Y1¤g, surety 1 Toilet Waters, _ · ° - · `'```` `````° ` on bond o deputy smveyor ... 1308 | dut on , 16 mnt tb rms; in District of Columbnh, Taiyabe National rbiétl `irti, ```‘‘‘°‘°'‘‘ ¤Pp1’0P§£;;¤ for i11V¢5¢1g==1ti118 'United 749 I Tsggpropriation for maintenance, etc., of- 429, 1251 _ , *‘‘‘'‘ * '·•· · ···· · · •····- — · ·-·· 0 0, (129072. , Tdumlkr P°·» appropnatidn for onnd g gf appropriation for public buil ...,_ _ _ _ _ 1383 ’ __ _ gr mn °m` Tm. { _ _ gd gT.t.t.,&r.:? ·-·--·--·—---~—·-—-·——- s~·»1·¤·> approprm. ion or !.l1V6Ht1g8_ Improv a ti f _ _ methods .>1gmm8,,.t. . 422,1242 ""’°‘°b'3-2'T. . if "“°’°”°’”°“‘ °‘ M',53 9,, classification of. under Tsnff Act ... . . ss sb; {mbyte buildhgéj ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ · * .,.0., d“3§*°'¥“” ""d °'g"°“°° ·······—·-~·- Q T*<a¤1¤¤¤f¢<>¤r1 st .. ZZZIZZZZjZZZZZ[jjff 1121 nmpscbnypmtidééb}QZIIZZZIIZIZZZ as busébibt ,._.,,,.,,. 74