Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1746

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INDEX. cdxijj T°l“id'l"”¤ . P'*8°- Torpedo Boats, Submarine, Pogo. °“ has ust ·······- · ··········-~·- - -··--·· 74 construction of four authorized- 1-0. Ttzuoz, _ pmnm . Z- - ’ wp 628 °“ *'°° hP" ········-···-·-··- - ···--···--- · 74 appropriation for, heretofore authorizeyozs use Temeht ww-; _ construction of four authorized cost ,1287 ap rogwnation for Indian school . . . . 287, 1076 appropriation for., . ’ _ l l l - 1287 Twegw _R?w. Ale-, eight·1mm— workasf `iééiriééxtri 8pp1‘0p¤¤¢10¤ for improvement of; locks expendjtmm _ ___________________ _ 1287 ` www- t1`2‘i*¤i‘},;‘2““.»12.;i;;,;,}‘ ‘‘‘······ r· ’2° TQM}; g~n· . appropriation for improvement of ; con- PP IQm,ctm,es°§0rpr°B€rv°u°n’ °w" °;6 1 uncle '’''‘‘ " `'°‘`’'‘ "‘ M6, 942·1406 Philippine Islgndsn--un.--l-." 298,133:; for maintenance gf, {,0 Demo lis, A] _ 646, 942 ° `°`` ° ````````` ’ to Columbus, _______ ____ _ _ _ 646 Torpedo Bepot, Fort Totten, M K, _ to Walkers Bridge, Mm _____________ 646, 942 =*PP1‘0P¤¤·i={<>¤ for expenses. ... 598, 1342 bridge authorized across, at Iron Wood T°'P€d° S!“¢[*°"*» NGN/» Pad/ic C°“·’*» T R_B1uu1°_n}ss __,,____,,,,_,,,__,,___,_ 897 spprepnsuon fe; pcurclmss of land for; Urns wer, . . eqlllpmen e ...,..,, _ , , , 618 appropriation for improvement of . 637 Torpedo Station, Newport, R. 1., Naval, T¢m9¢¤¤ NMQOMZ Feteqt, Alaska, appropriation for maintenance, etc. . . . 612, 1271 sppropssuon {Q! m3»111t8D8.11CG, GDC., Of. 429, 1251 or new mgcbjngry und mole _______ _ ____ 312 Tongue Iver Indian Reservation, Mont., for higlrpresurs air plant .. 612 ` appropriation for civilization, etc., of In- deficiency a p tion for .. 617, 1322, 1326 · _ dians on _ - .: .. _. . : . . 2 277, 1066 Torpedo Vesseg, xavy, Tdeiicrency appropriation for irrigation 223 Tdeligiency applpopnadon for housing .. 221 °"*M9¢ » WW OH, ie-, . on v ports in North and Central approprixition fo?{>urchase, etc 612, 1271 égenpg, West Indies, Caribbean 1 T or l£lem%deling-:i .. . . . . 6'I2 ,¢ .. ---- 11 orroc' y oonev, van, Cuba, other ports . 111 admitted to Military Acgdemy for instrucvossels ]t.\i&d]SlI§, or not in trade, ex- 2 T tig? cogdition, etc .. .- 824 cep 11 may vet arpete, f boats, yachts, etc. not affected 112 (dirty on. ... . ...,,._,,,. 55 rep€;l' of exemptions to mail steam- Tow, · ships . . 112 duty on Bax . . ... 49 condictang tonnage laws. .. 112 hemp . 49 provisions_to·taEe eliect m 60 days ... 112 Towboats, Borges, etc., oreign-built yachts owned by citizens, appropriation fordesigning constructgllowed exemtptions, etc ...,,.. 112 ing, by Mississippi River Commisvessels e o erwise than by sea sion for experimental use . . 659 _ reci y exempt from .. 234 Town Creek, _ _ Tonqum, Tonqua, or Tonka Beans, bridge authorized across, Bnmswnck Coun- Tonn·§;vo1ist-2j' ,..., ,. 80 T S%y,N.C . .. 350 onto atnona orest, riz., own 1 es, _ appropriation for maintenance, etc., of,. 429, 1252 on reclamation prgiectsh reapprsusal and Tool Steel, _ sale of unsol lots in .. 465 duty on substitutes for ... 23 manner of payment ., ... I . . 466 Tools, sale of lands on Cheyenne River Indian duty onhmachine, , .,,,.,.. , ...,,.,,,,__ 32 Reservation, S, Dah., ttcipla, , , , , . 602 T lgrackf iron gc steel . . 25 sale oi lotsémelxg rlgorltiiier 0 ndian 466 asn {ge list, of l 78 Pine Ridgle Indian Reservation,-8: liek. 441 Toothpicks, a Rosebud ndian Reservation, S. Dak. . 449 duty on wood, etc . - ,..,,,., $4 reserved lands on Srletz Indian Reserva- Topeka, _ _ _ _ tion, . _ ... _ .. k 367 appropnation for public building . . .. . 1383 stations requ at, on railroad rights o tems of court at. ... 1112 way in Indian lands .. _ . 859 Topograplgic Surveys, survey and sales, on Yakima Indian Reserappropnation for ,.,... . .,...,. 743, 1418 vatron: 11 ash .. . . .: _ . : . . . . 348 Topography Division, Post Office Departgnent, appropriation for expenses; disposition oi appropriation for topographer, BSHIBUDE gnlceeds ···-····-··· · ·~--·—~·-· - · · 349 drafrsmen, etc . 521,1223 T43; Mor les, _ _ for miscellaneous expenses, post-rouge? 1224 T uty on, not specially provided for .. 66 .. . .. -, 8, ` To p;,,gm#?B,§$w` `-.. Q ’ · duty on china, etc., decorated, etc 18 deficiency appropriation for services .. 1318 china. eggii not depgoergtpd, etc . . gg Torpedo Boat estroyers, _ not spec y provi or. ... 66 construction of six, authorized; appro- parts of._not specially provi or .. pri£tion_ __________ , ______,_,_,___ 628 tmsel wire, etc ...·- - ---··---·-- 30 construction of eight authorized; cost. . ._. 1287 Trachoma,_ _ _ ` appropriation for yonstructron of, prevr- 1288 appropiinstgon for prevention, etc., amouzgl 1059 1.,,, ,, §‘{f,},’_Q,““th°“’°d"‘_ ‘‘‘‘‘`‘`‘`‘‘`‘°‘ dsscaency sp§»}5;3{a§i{0i{ `1b¤·` pm§?餧£i¤¤, appropriation for construction of, with _ etcwamong Indians ... 1323 vitals below water Imc .. - .- 629 I T¤¤¤¤9 CW » 46 smslivessslssuthomed; vest- ·.· 629 . dutysncotwe ---·-·----.----·--·--·.----