Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/203

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SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 9. 1909. 1 79 Alabama, and the highway bridge known as Monogans highway county bridlge, Noxubee County, Mississippi. T e building commission of Horry County, South Carolina, a S_lgf"°°““‘“" R“’“· corporation of the State of South Caro ina, its successors and assigns, b ¤é>¤Y ¤<>¤¤¤W ¤¤¤>‘ are hereby authorized to construct, maintain, and operate two bridges rijiiacu. and approaches thereto across the Waccamaw River, at points P°“· "· °°°· suitab e to the interests of navigation, one at or near Star Bluif, and the other at or near Conway, in the State of South Carolina. _ _ _ _ The cig of Minneapolis, in the State of Minnesota, is hereby §§‘§,’,§,*§f,’},§“,‘§{;,,_ ` authoriz to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches MY *>¤dK¢~ ’ y thereto across the Mississippi River, from Fort -second avenue north, on the west side of said river, to Thirty-seventh avenue northeast, on the east side of said river, in the city of Minneapolis, in the State of _ Minnesota: Provided That such location is in the opinion of the §L‘f§;,,_ ° Secretary of War and Chief of Engineers suitable in the interests of navigation for a brid e. _ The Kiskiminetas Connecting Railroad Company, a corporation of pfu°gh°“Y Rm"' the State of Pennsylvania, its successors and assigns, are hereby mfgskglgetgs $1%* authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a brid e and approaches mage. pa Y Y thereto across the Allegheny River, at a. point suitalge to the interests I‘°°“i°“‘ of navigation, bctwveen the village of Ke ly Station and the village of Clinton, in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. Pm, mm mss The Forest Product and Manufacturing Company, a corporation of rms: Product aim the State of Iowa, its successors and assigns, are hereby authorized to f,',,‘,§.“§'§§§."{,",§‘&,‘?°‘“` construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across L°°¤¤•>¤· · the Pearl River, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near the north line of section twenty-two, township eight north, range twenty-one west of the basis meridian, in the land district east of earl River, in the State of Mississippi. Bayou BM,h0,0_ The county of Drew, in the State of Arkansas, is hereby authorized mw, Ark. toconstruct, maintain, and operate a bridgte and approaches thereto b,£,"§§Y °°“”°" my across Bayou Bartholomew, at a point suite le to the interests of navi· L°°·**°¤· gation, at or near where the public highway intersects said bayou in section twenty-seven, township fourteen south, range four west, in Drew County, Arkansas. Baum Rm, Mk The county of Bradley, in the State of Arkansas, is hereby author- Bradley may may ized to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto §?·‘2,?,§$· “‘ ‘”"‘° across the Saline River, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near Reddings Ferry, in the State of Arkansas. Mmm, mm The Act entitled “An Act to authorize the Minnesota, Dakota and Time extended mr Pacific Railway Company to construct a bridge across the Missouri ;’,§`{,‘Ql§'}§},*',;,,{’,§",,?,‘,§“}?§§ River," approved May fourteenth, nineteen hundred and six, is hereby cit} 1§;i1g>,h<><i)¤;; revived and) reenacted and so amended as to extend the time for com- Kiln? u mencing and completing the construction of the bridge therein author- ,,,Y§,};,,§’f‘· l’· 1%* ized one and three years, respectively, from May fourteenth, nineteen hundred and nine. Pmm,0 u mm The Idaho and Washington Northern Railroad, a corporation of the wan;. ml ° _ ‘ State of Idaho, its successors and assigns, are hereby authorized to ,¤§§§‘§O'§{},‘Z,n}l,g‘§,l}‘ construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto rvggcrggy bridzeacross the Pend D’Oreille River, at a point suitable to the interests of °°` navigation, at or near where said river iiows through the Box Canyon, in Stevens County, in the State of Washington. Snake Rmx The county commissioners of Malheur County, State of Oregon, and nainsur can cy, Canyon County, State of Idaho, and the chamber of commerce of the §{{§§;.f"},'},’Q{’",§°},’,‘},“,§{,; town of Ontario, in the State of Oregon, their successors and assigns, Ogasgggg bridgeare hereby authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and ` approaches thereto across the Snake River, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at the town of Ontario, Oregon. _ The Philli and Strangways Lumber Company, a corporation of ,,,8;*** ""“°" R"°’· the State of Xrkausas, its successors and assigns, are hereby authorized ':*;¤“,yu;¤b*;r$*g°¤,g; to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto pexiy may snags.