Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/204

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180 SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cm!. 9, 10. 1909. “’°°“°”· across the Saint Francis River, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, between the town of Fisk, Butler County, in the State of Missouri, and Saint Francis, Clay County, in the State of Arkansas. S_'§°" ’“'°’·°"·'“d The county of Chatham in the State 0 Georgia, and the county of <>¤¤¤¤¤·¤¤ Gout!. Beaufort in the State of South Carolina, are ereby authorized to ghiiiiig, xiii; construct, maintain and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across """¥°·**s*"*““'·"· that branch of the Savannah River known as Back River at a point auggable to the interes§ of navigation at or near the city of Savannah, r a. %,g‘P*,,f*'é°{;,,, Th§‘Minneapolis, Saint Paul and Sault Sainte Marie Railway Com- P¤¤! wl £¤1¢¤g;¤w n , a railway corporation organized under the laws of the States of ,,“:,.r§°m{§u5Y.Hg., m` Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and North Dakota, its successors or ’;°°"*°“- assigns, are hereby authorized to build a railway bridge across the Mississippi River at a point suitable to the interests of navigation from a point on the east bank of said river to a point on the west bank of said river, all in the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-seven, township forty-nine north, range twenty-tive west, in the county of Aitkin, State of Minnesota. wQ;*¤¤¤¤ F·*'°’· William G. Tait and his assigns are hereby authorized to construct, wniamc.·cnem•y maintain and operate a bridge and ap roaches thereto across the Okan-

  • "*°’·"’·"°"""‘ oganélivtg at al pgint suitazblehto &e interests of navigation at or

near ma , in the `tate of as ington. °·l¤¤¤ F~i*¤*· The Chi o and Western Indiana Railroad Com , a co ration ahihixainrilmvictah organized ignangier the laws of the State of Illinois,IiBt;1ysuccessrl:>(i·s and §’{"@,{’{,“{,}_“‘I§_”°°‘°* assigns, are hereby authorized to construct, maintain and operate a bascule bridgean approaches thereto across and over the Calumet ‘ River, to replace the present bridge of the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad Company, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, in the northwest quarter of section thirty, in township thiwseven north, range fifteen east of the third principal meridian, in the citg of Chicago, county of Cook and State of Illinois. °°¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤·¤*¤· nc. 2. That the construction, maintenance, and operation of each of the bridges herein authorized shall bein all respects in accordance V0l.3A,p.84. with and subject to the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to rggulate the conlstxiiction of bridge? oger réavigable waters," approved arch twenty-t i , nineteen un re an six.

  • "‘°"°"‘°‘“‘ Sec. That th; right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby

express y reserve . Approved, August 5, 1909. Ar§·ust5,ia0a. CHAP. 10. —An Act To authorize the building of a dam across the Savannah [ .R.62*n.] River at or near the mouth of Stevens Creek, between the counties of Edgelield,

 South Carolina, and Columbia, Georgia

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R esentatives 0 the iiwriiuiiiinigiiiibu, United State.; ofzlmerica in Congress aseevnbledillyhat J. L. Halrfkin-

 DM ¤*¢·· my son, N. B. Dial, and their associates, their successors and assigns, be,

and they are hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a imaucn. darn across the Savannah River at or near the mouth of Stevens Creek, vol Mp 386 between the counties of Edgleiield, South Carolina, and Columbia, ‘ ‘ ‘ Georgia, in accordance with the provisions of au Act entitled “An Act to regulate the construction of dams across navigable waters," approved June twenty-tirst, nineteen hundred and six. Approved, August 5, 1909.