Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/411

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 248. 1910. 387 between Penniylvania avenue and C street, from thirty-five feet to thirty feet; ifth street, northwest, between M street and N street, from thirty-two feet or less to thirty feet; Rock Creek Church road, northwest, east of Georia avenue, from sixt feet to thirty-five feet: And pro/vwkied further, That they are similarlly authorized to change gms- , any roadway width by an amount not in excess of one foot whenever mr $if$`ic1i°lrif§§l“Y hereafter they consider the same necessary and advisable in connection with the resurfacing or other improvement of the street. For replacingl and repairingl sidewalks and curbs around public Sid¤W¤1k¤¤¤¤¤¤rb¤- reservations an municipal bu1 dings, seven thousand dollars. Rnrams COUNTY norms: For current work of repairs of count <?¤¤¤¢v meds. re- -roads and suburban streets, one hundred and twenty thousand doi W"` lars, including not exceeding nine hundred and sixty dollars for the maintenance of one motor vehicle for the use of the superintendent of county roads and one motor truck for the use of the field party engaged in the survey work pertaining to the construction and repair of county roads. d Enmems: For construction and repairs of bridges, fifteen thousand Bridges. 0 ars. For the strengthening and stiffening, and all work incidental R"°" "'°°k b"i°€°· thereto, of bridge number thirty across Rock Creek on the line of Calvert street, twelve thousand dollars, to be immediately available: Promkled, That the street railway company occup ing this bridge Q,‘?,}§,?g$, to mum shall contribute an equal sum under the provisions ofy existing law. we Highway bridge across Potomac River: Two draw operators, at one Highway bridge. thousand and twenty dollars each; draw o rator, seven hundred and twenty dollars; four watchmen, at six himdiied dollars each; labor, one thousand five hundred dollars; lighting, power, and miscellaneous supplies, and expenses of every kind necessarily incident to the operation and maintenance of the bridge and approaches, nine thousand three hundred and forty dollars; in all sixteen thousand dollars. Operation of the Anacostia River Bridge: For employees, miscel- ’““*°°°"° ‘”'*d€°· laneous supplies, and expenses of every kind necessary to the oplera— tion and mamtenance of the bridge, five thousand six hundred dollars. For constructing a suitable subway and bridge to carry Cedar street §$,‘§§';g:,'g°‘·b,,dg° under the tracks of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com ang, all in over. accordance .with plans approved by the Commissioners of tilie istrict of Columbia, fifty thousand dollars. Authority is hereby iven to purchase or condemn, in accordance ”“’°°*“¢ °“°°*· with existing law, anydand necessary to widen Cedar street to conform to the plans for constructing this subway, the cost of said dpurchase or condemnation to be lpai out of this approlpriation, an the said commissioners are here y authorized to ma e the necessary expenditures for the construction of said subway and bridges and C0 du approaches under the conditions prescribed for t 0 expenditures of veil izfiilssia appropriations for the elimination of grade crossings in the Act approved February twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and _ three, providing for a union railroad station in the District of Columbia, and or other purposes; and of the appropriation for aipproaches, et cetera V°‘· 3‘*· P- m- Anacostia Bridge, District of Co umbia, containe in the Act approved June twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and six, making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the District of Columbia for the fiscal gear ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, and _ for other purposes: Promkled, That such portion of this cost shall be by imaborne by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company as is provided §,?g”Cgyu¢},_Q,’;,_° B¤“· in section ten of an Act entitled "An Act to provide for a union rail- xi¤,p.s1a. road station in the District of Columbia, and for other purp0ses," approved February twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and three, and said sum shall be paid by said company to the Treasurer of the United States, one half to the credit of the District of Columbia and the other