Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/477

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1910. 453 fireproof Walls, and all doors through such walls shall be of noncombustible materials. Every building hereafter erected with a hall or altered so as to have Hama hall with a seating capacity of more than three hundred persons when computed, as provided by the building regulations, and every church hereafter erected or bui ding hereafter converted for use as a C““'°"°‘· church, with such seating capacity, shall be of fireproof construction up to and including the floor of such hall or the auditorium of such church as the case may be. _ Sec. 4. That additions to existing combustible or nonfireproof struc- ’*d°‘°°"‘* tures hereafter erected,altered,or raised to exceed the height limited by this. Act for such structures shall be of fireproof construction from the foundation up, and no part of any combustible or noniireproof building shall be raised above such limit or height unless that part be fireproof from the foundations up. _ Towers, s ires, or domes, hereafter constructed more than sixty d,,r,f,’§'f”· “’"°°· ““° feet above the sidewalk, must be of fireproof material from the foundation u , and must be separated from the roof space, choir loft, or ‘ balcony brick walls without openings, unless such openings are }g;1>tected y fireproof or metal-covered oors on each face of the wall. at full power and authority is herelgi granted to and conferred upon D°m° in °q“"° M every person, whose application was ed in the office of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia lgior to the adoption of the ‘ gesent building regulations of said istrict, to·construct a steel eproof dome on any buildings owned by such person, in square three hundred and forty-five of said District, as set forth in the plans and specifications annexed to or forming a part of such applications so filed, any other Eurovision in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding; d the inspector of buildings of said District, Pimshall make no c anges in said p ans and specifications unless for the structural safety of the building it is necessary to do so. Every theater hereafter erected and every uilding hereafter con- Th°‘*°"` verted to use as a theater, and any building or the Lpart or parts thereof under or over the theater so erected or the bu` di s so converted, shall be of fireproof construction from the fouiidation up and have fireproof walls between it and other buildings connected therewith, and any theater damaged to one-half its va ue shall not be rebuilt except with fireproof materials throughout and othergigs accordance with the building regulations of the District of um 1a. Sec. 5. That no building shall be erected, altered, or raised in the g°ly;$§°¤§,Q§€_'°°° °° District of Columbia in any manner so as to exceed in height above the sidewalk the width of the street, avenue, or highway in its front, increased by twenty feet; but where a building or proposed building confronts a public space or reservation formed at t ie intersection of two or more streets, avenues, or highways, the course of which is not interru ted by said public space or reservation, the limit of height of tfie building shall be determined from the width of the widest street, avenue, or highway. \¢Vhere a building is to be erected or removed from all points within the boundary lines of its own lots, as recorded, by a distance at least equal to its proposed height above grade the limits of he' ht for fireproof or noncombustible buildings in residence sections gmail control, the measurements to be taken from the natural grades at the buildings as determined by the commissioners. No building shall be erected, altered, or raised in any manner as B“¤*¤¤°'”°"~ to exceed the height of one hundred and thirty feet on a business street or avenue as the same is now or hereafter may be lawfully designated, except on the north side of Pennsylvania avenue between First and Fifteenth streets, northwest, where an extreme height of one hundred and sixty feet will be permitted. 887·l0°-vox. 36, rr 1—ll·—-31