Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/478

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454 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1910. F·¤¤id¤¤°°¤*¤°*¤· On a residence street avenue, or highway no building shall be erected, altered, or raised in any manner so as_to be over eighty feet in height to the top of the highest ceiling joists or over eighty-five feet in height at the hi hest part of the roof or parapet, nor shall the highest part of the roof or parapet exceed in height the ,_w1dth of the street, avenue, or highway upon which it abuts, diminished by ten feet, except on a street, avenue, or highway sixty to sixty-five feet wide, where a height of sixty feet may be allowed; on a street, avenue or higlhway sixty feet wide or less, where a height equal to

  • ’°°‘· P- °°‘· the width of the street may be allowed. _ _

°°”‘°'l°°" ghe heiglht 0% a buildizig on a corner lot will be determined by the ` thoft ewi erstree . S¤‘¢¢¤ M ¤¤•¤°° mOn streets less than ninety feet wide where building lines have ‘°°lwid°` been established and recorded in the office of the surveyor of the district, and so as to prevent the lawful erection of a building m ad- ` vance of said line, the width of the street, in so far as 1t controls the ggight of diplgdpr this law, shall be held to be the d1stance tween said u mes. _ A<ygg_¤¢ l=¤\>1i·= On blocks immediately adjacent to public buildings or to the side bun of any public building for which plans have_been prepared and money approgrgatsg at th; time of the gppligatgmnufd; the ppdenét Ito construct said u' the maximum e s a re a y a schedule adopted blylilie Commissioners olgthe District ofggolumbia. A¤>¤g*;8U¤*°¤S¤*· Buildings hereafter erected to front or abut on the plaza m front u°vf¤li sz. am. of the new Union Statilon provided lfordlg (fact 3fi isa§p£;·og;d , Februa twenty-e' ht , nineteen un an , s proof aiiil shall nit lie of a greater height than eighty feet. ,p’§‘{,'¤'§,‘,f,l'L'}'{,‘Z¥,_* Spireiagowers, dplmes, ¤$:1.frets, ggnnacles, penlt liouskcgs ove; x 7 vator s ts, ven ation ts, c cys, smo es ac , an _ _ sprinkler tanks may be erected to a greater heiggt than any limit rescribed in this Act when and as the same may approved by the Mem, M_ Commissioners of the District of Columbia: Provded, however, That mgiiiifm mu such structures when above such limit of height shall be fireproof, and no iioor or compartment thereof shall be constructed or used for human occupancy above the top sto of the building upon which ,e§f;,°’;}‘§‘§,"°”’ °" such sltrniieturesiatre plagidilztzd Thatégxent tlgouses, vlcgitélation s a ts, an an s se ac rom e ex rior wa istances equal to their respective heights above the adjacent roof. _,,§·;§§{{g{°' "‘“‘° Sec. 6. That no wooden or frame building hereafter erected, altered, or converted for use as a human habitation shall exceed three stories or exceed forty feet in height to the roof. mg? °' ¤¤·¤¤*•· Sec. 7. That for the purposes of this Act the height of buildin s shall be measured from the evel of the sidewalk 0 posite the middle of the front of the building to the highest oint of) the roof. If the building has more than one front, the heigiit shall be measured from the elevation of the sidewalk o posits the middle of the front that wtil; pe;·l;;ni&_of tth}a lgrealtgr heigilit. No parapet walls shall extend a ve e rmi o eig . m\l;;<;L=g<;§¤ deemed _Sno: S. That buildings erected, altered, or raised or converted in violation of any of the provisions of this Act are hereby declared to be common nmsances; and the owner or the person in charge of or maintaining any such buildings, upon conviction on information filed in the police court of the District of Columbia by the corporation counsel or any of his assistants in the name of said District, and ` which said court is hereby authorized to hear and determine such cases, shall be adjudged guilty of maintaining a common nuisance, P¤¤¤1¤¥· and shall be pumshe by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars per day for each and every da such nuisance mummp · shall be permitted to contmue, and shall be required, by said court ,,,8,. to abate such nuisance. The corporation counsel of the District of