Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/626

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602 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. H. Cns. 369, 370. 1910. -l¤¤° 2% Nm GHAP. 369.-An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to sell a portion of [H' B‘ mu'] the unallotted lands in the Cheyenne Indian Reservation, in South Dakota, to the [Public. Nc. ass.] Milwaukee Land Company for town-site purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rrleflrresentatives of the United d,§g°Y°B¤¤¤ *:2:; Ig States of Amerika in Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the mk. ' Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized, under such rules, regulau§“{J,$§’{,l§‘§§‘“f§’;,°§ tions, and conditions as he may prescribe, to sell to the Milwaukee 2g;¤P°°Y· *°¤ ¤”'¤· Land Complany, a corporation organized and existing) under and by V virtue of the laws of the State of Iowa and doing usiness in the State of South Dakota, the northeast quarter and north half of the southeast quarter of section thirty-two; the northwest chpgrter and north half of the southwest quarter of section thirty-t e, all in township seventeen, north of range twenty-two east, containing four hundre and eighty acres, and lots one and two, and the sout half of the northeast quarter and south half of the northwest quarter and north half of the southwest quarter, all in section two, townshi twelve, north of range eighteen east, containing three hundred ang twenty-three and two one—hundredths acres of the surplus and unallotted lands in the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation, in the rumen:. State of South Dakota, for town—site urposes. The rice of the lands shall be faxed by appraisement, tolbe made under the direction of the Secretag of the nterior, which price shall not be less than twenty-five dollars per acre; that uponpayment of the price iixed as herein provided patent shall issue to the said Milwaukee Land Com- `

  • "°°°°“°*°I¤•***"* pany for the lan s urchased; the proceeds thereof except as hereinafter provided shall) be credited to the Indians in the manner and

V°l· *5-1*-***- form prescribed in section six of the Act of Ma twenty-ninth, _ 1·¤»¤•·>.u ub nineteen hundred and eight: Prmnkted, That the Secretary of the u ’“‘°" Interior is hereby authorized to set apart and reserve for school, park, and other public (purposes not more than ten acres in each town site herein sold an conveyed, and atents shall be issued for the lands so set apart and reserved for school, park, and other pur- , poses to the municipality legally charged with the care and custody bt§,&’*;gcfi°¤ °‘ of lands donated for such purposes; an he shall cause at least twent per centum of the net proceeds arising from the sale of the land; erein provided for to be set a art and expended imder his direction in the construction of school houses or other public buildings orin improvements in the respective town sites. Approved, Jnme 23, 1910. June 23, 1910. CEA?. 370.-An Act To authorize the Chief of Ordnance, United States Army to [H' R· 1°”°·] reeeivetwelve three and two-tenthsinchb h- ‘ * ’ [Penne, Ns, ess.] limbers, and their pertaining equipment fm tlig8Siiiti§d? lE‘i1nse1t‘tgf}s' www Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R esentatieeso the United gfgghumm my States of America in Congress assembled, Tm the Chief oi;. Ordnance, mum flcldgunaetc. United States Army, is hereby authorized and empowered to receive back from the State of Massachusetts the twelve three and two—tenths inch breechdoading Held guns, carriages, caissons, limbers, and their iggrtaining material which were sold to the State by the Ordnance partment for the sum of forty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-three dollars and twenty-one cents in the year nineteen hundred. ntxglagouéwm ¤> Sec. 2. That no part of the value of this material shall be paid to the State of Massac usetts, but the value of all the material returned to the Ordnance Department by the State under the terms of this Act ` shall stand as a quota of the State, the same as though allotted from R.S.,¤ec.1661,p.290. the annual_appropriations under the provisions of section sixteen hundred and srxty-one, Revised Statutes, as amended, and subject to all the conditions thereof.