Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/627

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 370, 371. 1910. 603 Sec. 3. That the sum of forty-two thousand four hundred and twenty- APP¤°P'***»*°¤· three dollars and twenty-one cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, from any money in the Treasury not otherwise apprgplriated, for the purpose of carrying this Act into effect: Provided, at hereafter whenever articles of government mgjon 0,, H,. property are sold for cash to any State, Territory, or to the District ggfgiggg Igggfmemclw of (eolumbia, for the use of the organized militia, thereby ceasin to ` be the property of the United States, none of the articles so sold siall be received back by any de rtment of the Government upon the basis of allowing any credit tbzrefor, except when such articles form gart of the equipment of troops mustered into the service of the United tates in time of war. · Approved, June 23, 1910. CHAP. 371.-An Act To provide for sittings of the United States circuit and June 2%}. 1910. district courts of the eastern d1vision of the eastern district of Arkansas at the city of lH· R· **)*87-] Jonesboro in said district. _ [rams, No. 2m.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in. Congress assembled. Smcrrxox 1. That from and after the passage of this Act there shall in-_}{‘§,gfgggtng:¤¤¢*¤ be held at the city of Jonesboro, in the eastern division in the eastern Terms ot com, district of Arkansas, a term of both the circuit and district courts of J°}‘.§',,lf°Iff’i1,,,,_ said division and district on the second Monday of May and the second Monday of November in each year. Sec. 2. That the clerks of the circuit and district courts for the D“¤°*°* °¤<¤¤¤- eastern division of the eastern district of Arkansas, and the marshal and attorney of the United States for said district shall perform the duties a pertaini to their offices, res ctively, in and for the courts held at Exe city oflgonesboro; and the cli§rks’ offices for said court shall H§gg•{d¤· ¤*¤·· •¤ be at Helena, where all the records of said court shall be kept and all ’ the office duties performed, except when said courts are in session at Jonesboro. · , · Sec. 3. That the court, or judge thereof, in vacation may order a °"'“‘i‘“'*°"- grand jury for either term of the court herein provided for at the city of Jonesboro. Sec. 4. Prosecution for crimes or offenses hereafter committed in mQ§_¤’¤·* P*°••¤¤· any part of said division shall be cognizable at either of the terms of court held in the city of Helena or in the city of Jonesboro. Sec. 5. That suits may be brought to be tried in the court held at °"“¤¤“·*- ‘ the city of Helena, or at the city of Jonesboro, as the plaintiff may elect; and trials, civil and criminal, may be transferred by the court or rramxm. judge thereof from Helena to Jonesboro or from Jonesboro to Helena, in said division and district, when the convenience of parties or the ends of justice would be promoted by the transfer; or such transfer may be made upon the written stipulation of the Trties or their attorneys; and any interlocutory order may be made y the court or judge in either place. ` Sec. 6. That all causes removed from state courts held within said ,,§,§§§,§§ m‘{,°,f:"°d division to the circuit court of the United States shall be sent to said court at Helena or at Jonesboro, at the option of the adverse party, and be subject to transfer as prescribed in section five. Sec. 7. All Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions r$g1°,g_i¤*¤¤¤ ¥•W¤ of this Act are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency, but not otherwise. Approved, June 23, 1910. O