Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/774

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750 sixrirrrnsr oononnss. sms. II. os. 384. 1910. ~ I,§;=g*’°gjgll?,g¤;Q§0‘§; For fees of United States district attorney for the District of Columneg. bia, twenty-three thousand eight hundred dollars. _ _ "“l°t‘°°* For payment of regular assistants to United States district attor- · neys, who are appointed by the Attome;y—General, at a fixed annual compensation, two hundred and eighty- ve thousand dollars. _ M¤i¤¤¤¤¢¤i¤ ¤P¤9i¤l For payment of assistants to the Attorney—General and to United °°S°S` States district attorneys employed by the Attomey·General to aid in special cases, one hundred_and seventy-five thousand dollars. This F<>¤>i8¤ ¢°¤¤¤°*- appropriation shall be available also for the payment of foreign counsel em loyed by the Attorney-General in special cases, and such Own counsel shrill not be required to take oath of office in accordance with R. s., seascs. aca section three hundred and sixty-six, Revised Statutes of the United States. oxen: ieee. . For fees of clerks, three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. United sums wm- For fees of United States commissioners and justices of the peace miimsl`°l»i£e?ii61i?°;i§ acf under section one thousand and fourteen, Revised Statutes of 189- the]-[ignited States, one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars. mms- tees. For fees of jurors, one million one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. _ gi§¤•==f¢&¤6 160 Fees of witnesses, United States courts: For fees of witnesses and ` " °°°' ’p' for pa ment of the actual expenses of witnesses, as {provided by section eight hundred and fiftg, Revised Statutes of the nited States, eight hundred and seventy- ve thousand dollars. R¤¤¢·>f¤¤¤r¤u¤¤¤¤ For rent of rooms for the United States courts and judicial officers, seventy thousand dollars. B··i1*¤¤·¢¤=~ For pay of bailiffs and criers, not exceeding three bailiffs and one crier in each court, except in the southern district of New York and fggtmmmw the northern district of Hlinois: Provided, That all persons employed ais., £e.·11.s,p.1sEs. under section seven hundred and fifteen of the Revised Statutes shall be deemed to be in actual attendance when they attend upon the order of the courts: Provided further, That no such person shall be employed _ T¤*$•1}e8-asm-· °*· during vacation; of reasonable expenses actually incurred for travel °°°°°° J and attendance of district (judges directed to hold court outside of their districts, not to excee ten dollars per day each, to be paid on written certificates of the judges, and suc payments shall be allowed the marshal in the settlement of his accounts with the United States- Amnghnce circuit of reasonable expenses actually mcurred for travel and attendance of °°°"‘°° °"’°°l°' justices or judges who shall attend the circuit court of ap als held at ` any other place than where they reside, not to exceedpizen dollars per day, the same to be paid upon written certificates of said jud e, and such payments shall be allowed the marshal in the settde- Jury expenses ment of his account with the United States; of meals and lodgings for jurors in United States cases, and of bailiffs in attendance upon the Jury commission- same, when ordered by the court; and of compensation for jury °"“ commissioners, five dollars Her day, not exceeding three days for any one term of court, two hun red and sixty thousand dollars. nacexmeeus ex- For pavment of such miscellaneous expenses as may be authorized

  • ’°“‘“‘ b the Attorney-General, for the United States courts and their

imma. officers, four hundred and forty thousand dollars: Provided, That in Nuke- so far as it may} be deemed necessary by the Attorney-General, this giprppriation s all be available for such expenses in the District of as a. Supplies For supplies, including exchan e of typewriting machines for the United States courts and judicial! officers, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney-General, thirty-five thousand dollars. supporter prisoners. For support_of United States prisoners, including necessary clothing and medical aid, and transportation to place of conviction or place of bona fide residence in the United States, and including support of _ prisoners becoming insane during imprisonment, as well before as after conviction, and continuing insane after expiration of sentence, who