Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/775

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SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 384. 1910. 751 have no friends to whom they can be sent; for the expense of care and medical treatment of· guards employed by the United States who may be injured by prisoners whi e said guards are endeavoring to prevent escapes or suppressing mutin , and not exceedin ten thousand dollars for repairs, betterments, andy improvements of alnited States jails, including sidewalks, five hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For the suplport of the United States Penitentiary at Leavenworth, {:g}g;1‘{,‘;’,gP·K¤¤¤- Kansas, as fo ows: ` For subsistence, including supplies for prisoners, warden, deputy S“b$*¤*€¤°°· warden, and physician, to acco for pr·isoners, kitchen and dmin room f1u*niture and utensils, and for farm and garden seeds and ?Hlements, and for purchase of ice if necessary, fifty thousand o ars; For clothing, transportation, and traveling expenses, including such C*0'=¤i¤8· ewclothing as can be made at the penitentiary; for the usual gratuities as provrded by law to prisoners at release, including transportation to place of conviction or place of bona fide residence in the United States; or expenses of dpenitentiary officials while traveling on duty; for expenses incurre in identifying and pursuing) escaped prisoners, and for rewards for their recapture, twenty-Eve thousand dollars; For miscellaneous expenditures in the discretion of the Attor·ney—‘ Mi¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· General, for fuel, forage, hav, light, water, stationery, purchase of fuel for generating steam, heating apparatus, burning bricks and lime; forage for issue tpu-public animals, and hay and straw for bedding; b ank books, bl forms, thewriting supplies, pencils and memorandum books for guards, boloks for use m chapel, paper, envelopes, and postage stamps for issue to prisoners; for labor and materials for repairing steam—heating plant, electric plant and water circulation, an drainage; for labor and materials or construction and repair of buildings; for general sup lies, machinery, and tools for use on farm and in shops, brickyarg, quarry, limekiln, laundry, _ bathrooms, printing office, photogra h gallery; stables, policing buildings and grounds; for the purchase of cows, horses, mules, wagons, harness, veterinary supplies, lubricating oils, office furniture, stoves, blankets, bedding, iron bunks, paints and oils, library books, newspapers and periodicals, and electrical supplies; for payment of water supply, telegrams, telephone service, notarial and veterinary services; for advertising in newspapers; for fees to consulting physicians called to determine menta condition of supposed insane pris— oners, and for other services in cases of emergency; for pay of extra guards when deemed necessary by the Attorney—Genera, and for expense of care and medical treatment of guards who may be injured by prisoners while said guards are endeavoring to prevent escapes or suppressing mutiny, for-ty thousand dollars; _ _ _ or hospital supplies, including purchase ofemedrcrnes, medical and H°°P““· surgical supplies, and all other articles for the care and treatment of sick prisoners; and for ex enses of interment of deceased prisoners, two thousand five hundred) dollars; For salaries, including ay of officials and employees, as follows: S°l'=“'*°’· Warden, four thousand dollars; deputy warden, two thousand dollars; cha lain, one thousand five hundred dollars; chaplain, six hundred dolliirs; hysician, one thousand six hundred dollars; chief clerk, one thousan<l)eight hundred dollars; bookkeeper and record clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; stenograp er, nine hundred dollars; four clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; steward, nine hundred dollars; superintendent of farm and transportation, nine hundred dollars; srtperintendent of industries and storekeeper, one thousand two hundre dollars; three ca tains of watch, at one thousand dollars each; guards, at seventy dbllars per month each, fifty-two thousand and eighty dollars; two teamsters, at six hundred dollars each; engineer and electrician, one thousand five hundred dollars; assistant