Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1511

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2852 INDEX. Gloves, Page- Coal- Tar—C0uti:nued. P¤8¢- ou h·ee‘lig|;, nmground ... - ... 79 on free list, products cf, not medicinal, colstems, unground. ... . . 79 ors, or dyes . . . 74 Claw, Benjamm, Coalmnm, John, nsion increased 1774 pension increased . . .. 1712 (.‘£€wcs, David AQ, Goals, Lignim, ctc., union increased . - .. 2028 appropriation for testing, atc _ ... 742, 1419 Cgi Creek, Ga., tests for outside parties; changes, etc. . 1419 appropriation for improvement of . . . . 643 , investigations of, transferred to ureau of Clucas, Joseph, Mines . 370 usion increased ... . 1977 Coast and Geodetic Survey, Clzeqey, Thomas, apgxrepriation for; advances- . : 755, 1432

 corrected .. . .. 1750 or field expenses, Atlantic and Gulf 1432

, ., coasts, cbc . . 756, pension increased . . .. 2028 for Pacific Ocean survc ... 756, 1433 Goakley, Willahm W, uamgartahdcu of Figixiuo employees 433 pension increased 2089 to sm` a ctc . .. 756, 1 Oval, _ _ for hf¥d1· researches, gtc . 756, 1433 duty 011, bxtummous - ... 65 foro shore soundmgs, Coast P11ot, etc. _756, 1433 briquettcs . 65 for magnetic observations, etc ... 756, 1433 coke . . . .; . 65 for points to State surveys ... . . . 756, 1433 culm .. . ... 65 for special surveys . 756, 1433 sf;3 compositions of ... » g ger xéxiiacallaneimus 756, 1433 · c . . or e te, nternational G etic Asslack . . 65 mcegiiou . . 756, 1433 on free list, zmthracite 74 for vessels, re ‘ , etc . , 756, 1433 dmwbsgck on, u:cedu1zlAmerican ships in 65 §cr gessels, ofggers, and men . 756, 1433 orcign, e ., e . or u rinten cnt, assistants, etc. . . 757 1433 Coal and Tramportattbn Navy, _ for omg; force ...,,,..,,,,,,.,,, 757; 1434 appropriation for fuci, handling, mamt»e· for officc expenditures .. . 757,1435 nance of depots, water, etc .. 613, 1273 for printing and binding for . 769, 1447 C deifiegenfy appropriation for . . . . - 1303, 1322 deficiency appropriation for party ex— oa , nt racite, uses . , 224, 227 deficiegcy appropriation for refrmdiréi) 1321 §or gggerglialxpenses . 224, 1324 utics 011- ··.-----. , or J. . ... . ...__, 1314 UM! D¤1¤<>¤, Naw com Anizzq-y Amy 0°s:5;g;>5§1;sgtion for establishing. 613, 1273 appmpgliqh fqlfjluipment of Organized ¤¤¤i¤d°é·;1${:_§d ]·;¤w<;¢_;f h<>¤¤i my ¤¤<1 583 com A¤qz2;s?»;qi,`g>6i¢` h1&§»}$é,` iid.] ``“` 1045 »¤»¤¤·;`¤· p·»¤=-med stm um Cmy “p}Z,$°§{2‘2.§i’£§‘¤sf’£,1',§$.i$.€$.‘¤'j“}»fI¢’$‘??T‘???;2 $1} {SSS ct of surface of ... . .. 583 Com, Pilot ’ withdrawals permitted under reclamation appmpmition fm. compiling 756 1433 ° ‘ ' ‘ ' ` ‘ 1 limit .,%°.§.,‘;f;t‘“.l...'“°.§’,§’.€;4i;,.;:::::::1;:;:;: 2% ¤»·»»-·1¤r·=»*e<»rg·¤··»-¤. R- I-, , _ . pending entries, eww may be pgdgcwd 9·PP!'0P¥'1¤§i0¤ 0!‘ MW} tmming smtggg, · with coal rights reserved ... . 584 { Nmmtwauw ·········· : ······--· 609, 1269 applications to be made subject to coal f°' “. . “' Q°u"g°· “}“m“’mm°°· 60% 1269 reservations _____ _ _________________ 584 or_tmmng station, public works ...,,,_, 617 Patents to contain reservation of coal deficmncy appropriation for naval training rightsw ____ _________ ____ __ _____ ___ 584 stati0¤ ... . _,,,,,__, ___ 791 disposal of coal rights _,,,,,,.,,,_,.,.,,,_, 584 Ccastwise Dredging Company, nght to enter, etc. , 584 payllyélit to . . . . ,_,,__ 1874 damages to occupants of lands, etc 584 Coastw;z:e_ Trade, mining coal fgg domestic use permitted 584 mstncg;J;1t80¤,fbfy vessels buglghin United prior to nsposal _ s 0 oreign mate ° not . right to deny classification not a.bridg0d.- . 584 _ mg duty ... . ...,,_.,,_, 88 within temporary reservations for power Coat Lmings, sites, etc., not open to occupation, 847 dingy 0n,_v{l00len, cgttou, etc., warp ..,,,,_ 54 etc .., no specm y provided for .,.,____________ 54 Coal Lands, Oklahoma Indian, C’oates,_ Joseph, lease of Choctaw lands to Savannah Coal peusmu increased ..._ _ ___________ 1653 C0{n‘pa11(y extended -2 _ ..--. 8 32 Coats, pengpsey, to Demson cal Com ny relinquished, peumon increas¤—>d ..--... . 1526 and one for otherqznd made .-- 832 Coats, Jejersorn D., Coal Mines, Alaska, pension increased .-. . ..-. _ -..- 1988 appropriation for inspecting, ctc- ..-.. 742 Coats, J`0se_ph, _ Coal Stores, pension increased .,,,,_,_ _ ,,__________ _ _ _ 1892 on tree list! of American vessels; unloading Cobalt, forbxdden ..--..--.-.. . 74 duty ou oxide of ...,,, _ ,_,,,,____________ 13 Coal- Tar, { Cobalt and Cobalt Ore, duty on, dyes or colors ...-..-.-.. 13 on free list -.., , ,___,_,__,______________ 74 other products, unt colors or dyes or me- Cobb, Alton E'., chpiml, not specially provided for. . 13 gngion increased ,_,_____________________ 1574 on free hat, crude. -. .. 74 C' 6, Daniel R., pitch of ... . .. . 74 pension increased ,,,,__ , _ ,,,_,,,_,,,_,___ 1679