Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1904

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‘ INDEX. 3245 Th°"*P§°”·. J°·*¢Ph, Paw "Three Marim Miles," page. TE)°““‘°” “‘f'°°S°d —-····-···-- - ~—---···--- 1680 agreement with Great Britain submitting mPg’0’*; 036Ph Bq to arbitration construction of, under Egrlmon Increased ··--------- ‘ ···------... . 1790 convention of 1818 ____ _ 2142 T ·1·;·<m¤ J¤··¤z>*· 1--, Tm-Pzy cm-pm ° ```°`‘‘``‘‘‘ FDNOH lDCl`€388d . . . . . - . . , . _ _ 1783 duty QD _______ I ____________ _ ______ _ ____ \55 T Lew? P ° 153 Three Rivers, Mich., I ° ¤°¥$>°86 ----·~- _ -·---··----·· . - . . 6 appropriation for public building ,,________ · 1382 T£§11]{80’¤, Mzranda C'. (w1d0’w), acquiring site andpcrecting public building TF6¤¤¤8<::]· ····---·----·---... . . 2050 Thm8h_ atfnxihmzed _,,,_,___, _ ______ 635 0’m1{ I 86417; mg ac incs, Usmn mcY9986d---l· --·—--- · ..-..·... . . 1803 duty On; admitted free from c 1; Q; Tgyinpgem, R. W, _ _ _ imposing duty ... gl}?. 71 deficxency sgpprgprwuonx for services .. 1316 Throcknwrton, John W, Thompgw*n,_ Rwhar , Tfension increased 2089 FDHOH increased ... . ... _ 1501 TOOP, Homer H., T cmpscm, Robert L., Xension increased . . .. 1788 Tmsion incrjeiased ..., 1836 T mop, Newum A., pawn Ru us pension increased 1798 Tnrfrtlmsion . . .. , , 1890 Tlxgiégwtea, ic., énterstate Commerce, pam: an ., ment, y ommissiou auth 'zed mnsrgsion ... . .. , - 1664 _ on failure of carriers . . . 552 pam, Srott, to mcludc water connections ,,_,________ 552 Tnnjgsiou increased ... . ..__ 1534 exceptions, electric lines not carrying psorn, Wilbur F., gm-sight ., , _,__,, 552 mica increased . . .. 1511 tmnsportatiqn vqholly by water .,.,_,, 552 pwn, William H., Kansas Voluntura, to egnbrace gntue lme of road ; exception. 552 TE-;':sion increueckii . . .,.,.,_, 1910 choice of shippcr to be observed; billing, `,_ William ., Malwmmi Volunteers, _ _ _€t¢ .. z . . - - ., 553 Tiggsion mvgreased ... 1849 f8·C111t1§St;i;;tg$:Nt1Qg, to be provided by wu `Il' IC nu camera .. 545 ngon }¤c;ea1:e'”<;--.; . .. . 1643 Thurman, Cary T., 17¥;m, Charles H., mxzffgion increased . . .. 2035 DSi0I1iDC .. - . 1887 1 _ _ Tlgycmwn, Jamey, on free hst, OI] 77 nsion incrmged .. . ... _ _ 1978 Tibbcltg, 1Qnoch, ivfzinymn, James, · penmcn increased ·..-...-..-- 1714 pengmu incrggged ,,. . .,, _ 2050 Twe, B., Tho,-iu, Penman yncreased ...,. . .. 1954 duty on ,,,______,,,... . ...,,_ _ _ 30 Turkfaw Rgvef, La., I Thwgum, g pmpnntmu for improvement of ... . . 647 duty on oxides and salts of ... 30 Tidgwb JQ’m D-, nm", Dmbm RW peusum mcreused . ... 1625 Tgxmgigu increased _,. . .,, , 1513 TW, Jt¢117l¢g E., 0,.,,, John gw peusmn nncrgascdn.: 1612 Tmgm increased ,,,_._.. . ... 1592 T¤§n0q¤,nI{wérwfw (¤v¤dv¤¢·), 2115 ban/7 Edward nsw m re . . .. pension increased ... . 1518 T'*5*;;t$°g‘07;,m" Or steel 62 ’“°”pe¤¤’€‘z‘£?€‘:»é2’$£‘e¤ ... . ms T—=;,;;t;·¤,g*~·*~ "`‘``°‘`°`` Q, 0 . . . . '. Thome! T7g0mas A., 1746 Twin, Ohio, l · U · P€¤¤0¤ ·--——·· - ------·-·-·-··-- approprmtmn for publ1c buxlding ... . 1332 T7¤w’f•w’/¢, Willwm, acquiring site and erecting public buildin . . , 8 Pension increased ... . 1616 - at, authonzed .. . .. 687 Th Ed a A. Ti/hm, Ga., gzrliéiou gnzreaked . . . . 1741 construction of public building authorizgd Twp, Wilhhm G., . at ---------·--······---···----···- 681 pension increased . ... · 1894 Tight? tt t Thmpez John LW TN; Y 011, C0 0¤, 9 0 ----·------ · --·---·-·- 48 pcnsnon .--·---·---.·- - -----.. 1818 duiy on 17 muzi, 1.0. 1m..`,Z]jZZZZZZQZZZZZZZZZZIZZ ``````'` deFncieg¤cy,uppr0pri=\¥·i0¤ Y0! éxtm S9"' imarble or onyx paving 1Cm* ·, ····'‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘’°‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘ 127 pill, of china, etc., decorated, etc ...,.. 18 Th"“}'”> Ed”"" L·· not decorated, etc ... 18 pension increased ... . 1552 Tilghmany 680.,.98 W, Thrasher, Suphm, pension increased 1522 pension increased ... . 1560 Talghman Island Harbor, Md., q7m,ad_,’ E greliminuy examination of. to be made. , . 671 duty ou, cotton . 41 { Ti l¢mw0k_B¢}!/ mul BWZ O'€9·, mmm spool ... , 42 i appqoppatwn for v¤p{¤v¤¤¤¤¤¢ ¤f -------- 663, 950 flax, hemp, m- rarme . . . 49 I prehmmary exammxmon of, to be made, _ _ 574 silk, not specially provided for - . gg Tcllmayo, James H., iuxitatjgn ___, , ,,... . .. - -. - PGDSIOIL .· -··----· · -·-··---· · - · ·~··-·--·· 2064