Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1918

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INDEX. 3259 Vanasdall, Oliver, Page- Vaughan, Isaac C., Pagepension increased ...,_.. . ,.,,,,.. 1665 pension increased 1982 Vanatta, Willvhm, Vaughan, James B., pension increased ... . _,.. 8134 pension increased ... . 1773 Vance, J. W., et al., Vaughan, Job B., may dam James River, Mo., in the Big Bend 929 Vpexfion ?zre%sed 1673 V ccruver Wash., aug an, 0 n ., liiyppropriation for public building .. 1383 pension increased- Z .. 1939 acquiring site for public building at, au- Vaughn, Sarah B. (widow), thorized ... 692 pension increased ... , . 5 .. 1831 Vandeanfr Earl. V za, Safes 777771 L5717.7 Public B77ad¢77g7, pension increased 1848 (ii;) roprigtion 157, a,nd’repa,irs . 708, 1385 V¤nd¤r!>¢¢1¢7 Gaiam V. in electrical protection to ... 708,1385 p€I1B10¤ ·--.- _ ..·-- · ------------.--.·------ 1843 deficiency appropriation for __,... . ...,, 208, 1293 Vanderhoof, Richard H., Veal, pension increased . . .. 1614 duty on fresh ____________________,_______ 38 V‘{Z,‘*'.;‘§{‘$’.?’E¤.l'”mSed“'”’ 1706 ”““y·- "’1"‘*"" H1 1602 vmmwrz, .17mm WI `````` ``'`````````` V1"§§§"°}‘,,§f,‘,$‘“""$‘? ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ _ Vg>:£97;>¤ --·--·—-------·----—---- 2115 ..,...,..,_. 1610 . · . v edder, ., Vupyingign ------------------------ 1960 pension ig;/regged ___,_,_._,__ 1947 '· ’ · ’ Ed V ctable Extracts Vg;?;'2," Bggdm ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1*83 ifuty onnsnimbie for dyeing, etc., not conpensioiincreased-UU-I--HU--·-_"-nu 1638 |;n1_n1_n,gaIc0h0landnotmed1cmal-- 14 Vandykc, Peter, Végembk Ivo'!/v · . pension gncmnnnd _________ _ ______________ 1555 uty on Of, not ¤P€¢1¤1lY 70 · .,m‘d0,0, pl‘0V1 G or ...·... "",,';,$;,’;{,‘,§’_f‘{{‘Tf'_f ______ {· _________________ 1,,2,, 7,,. free 77,7, 1DI18tll.l'9·lSt8717€ .. . 76 Vanhook, Sylvania, Wgcmble Knives, pension increased -... 1801 MY 011- - -···--·---·····-----·- · ·-··——· 27 Vanillin, Wgewbk Sub8i¢m¤¢37 d Vduty oing _______ T ,___ ) _____________., 17 on nee xr, cg-ndle islrgxtniw-?(¤;'ufuctw¢ 7 not 77 mwrwlcf ester (1lf|d0’W_ , 0 61 Wwe · ··‘·· ‘ ····· pensioni . .. . ..-. • 1704 pggmbk nyu, Vann Ellen, Edward, on free l1st ... - ------------- - -·--·-- 80 nsion increased . . - - ---- 1939 Wgemblw, _ _ Vziilnatla, John W., duty on, articles 1mmersed m alcohol, not nsion increased ... . ...- - - - - 1713 specially E1‘0V1<1€d 1012 ----·------- 12 Veifnatta, Joseph, 1916 druis, not edi lloiéi . ,.11 .. 13 ngion increased _____,,, . . . .--- - —-·· in 1; eir nature, 5 e no gpecia y pro- V¢i:nutler,_Jacob B., vided for , . _ .  : . . . 37 union lnc1·€8S€d_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _,,, . . . . . ·-·- · 2121 edible, not Vciilness, Charles G., for - - ---- _ ----·-——----·- 36 pgngion ingyenged ____ _ ,,,. . .. - -·-·-- - 1748 on free list, lprude, ncptdepible, drugs, not ..5 Vanpelt, James N., specin y provide or. . ... r pension increased -·---- · ----· - - - - 1796 Veils, Vansyclcel, Cornelius V, duty on, coiton, flax, etc .-... 50 pension increased- · ·· - - . _ _ _ ____ _ _ , , . . . . . . cotton, sxlki hctpq on Ilevcr or 50 Varian William, Gothroug mac me. . . ·_ pension increased ______ _ _ _,... . . - ---- 1526 silk , ,,,_________,__________ _ _______,_ 60 Vamfr H°"m°"1·7 V l'ng, A1 drew, pensionl Ecrzzsed ..---.-------- - --·-···-· 1689 aygngion increased _______________,________ 2049 Varnishe at 7 V llum __ dutyhgn . . .-------- - ---·~—-·--· - --·· 68 in fnée list ..,... . .. :8 V l 1 . . V Z [ GT Z3, __ E13 on, including g0ld_¤1¤6 0i' 1311311 ··-·— iliiiy qui)? _________,. . ...,,,,...,... 5o enarnel paint. made Wlth ----·--···- - - - - lg tapestry ____ _ ___,,.,.,.. . . 55 spmt . . ..-. - ---··-· — ··---·-· 7 ···· , nd V1 gg

   Eu     c0;t1;)¢n'e;:3(;____________________  

pension increased --·------ - ··---··-- - ···· nik, not specially pmvjdad {0,- __________ 57 Vmbinder, Johiel, 1682 p;,,l,,m, Silk, _ p€¥}B1011 in€l`€i}·9€d-i ······· · ·‘‘‘ ’ ’ ‘ '°`' distinction between plughgg and _____ _ _ _ _ 51 V“"b"‘€l"* .11 fummdl " ________ _ ____ 2115 Vmablc, F- (‘¢¢’•H°"”)· Vp€¤B101'1 1H\'.l'€8B€ ·· ·-··--· ·· pension u1cr€aSed_·______________ ____ ____ 1977 axes, _ h. Tw <*·**g.°¤· °*“¤¤·%,;,§*,;°,‘;‘T,":,‘°2;,'i*f_·_i;;;;; ii V$?.`?7i€-i&7{?¤2'-eas-7d . ...-... we $”a1;1i1,°?t;1; W1 ‘‘'°`` ` I ` `· ````il---- 2; Vd t sgi iiiriizcgpecially provided for ... 33 on free list, lgatinum, for chemical uses- - 7 Vaxrzbk ,L0wTy’ VMS- Willlklm -7 2001 pension inc,,,,,_.,,,d ________________________ 3033 Pemmn Increased ‘‘‘‘‘’'‘' ‘'``' '```` Vmgrian Chain Carpets, _ Vassar, Jaws R-, 2001 duty 0n _______________________ _ __________ D5 pension increased ---··-·- - · --·- · ···· ‘ ‘‘‘‘