Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1919

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3260 INDEX. Verwzuela, Page- Ve.ssqls#Conti11ued. Pageappropriation for minister to ... 337, 1027 special licenses for lading and unlading gr secre of legation . 338, 1028 cargo at night . 899 my articles from, admitted at minimum tariff. 2675 preliminary entry vo boarding officer, oath, Venice Tulqpmtine, I e1:c..& . 1.. 900 on free `st . . .. 80 ading an `nga owe 011 arrive, .. 900 Vmison, bond required; licenses and permits .. 900 V;}Z;%?§7; ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 38 gigrmmlgr §§¤2‘5£€§1‘§,r§e$‘i;f£§ ?$’§*;2;‘X§ZEg gm included as transportation in interstate at night, etc ... 901 V fc§‘$e;·c§ .. Z ... 545 wireless telegraph apparatus required on enue 0 a ctiom etc., ocean-going steam . 629 provisions of Judicial bode relating to 1100 Vessels, American (see also American Ves- Vmus, Joseph, sels), Vpgpsiou increased ... . 1824 on free; ligigdcoal stores for; not to be uner , . oa e ... . . 74 oulgei list . . . 80 Vessels, Fompn (see Foreign Vessels). Verkins, Frederick W., Vegsegs in River and Harbor Work, pension increased . ... 1637 0 cienc appro riati n for ying him; · Vmnicelli, etc., forydamagtg by.? . . . 1301 _Vdut);_o11. . 35 damaggs from collisions by, to be paid for; ermz um w, 'mit ... 676 appropriation for improvement of .. 653 Vessels, Naval, preliminary examination of harbor to be deficiency appropriation for paying claims _ _ made. ...-.. T . 674 fordainages from collisions with ,,__ 1302 Vermzlwn Reds, _ Vessels mt on Trade (see Yachts). duty oq, g0ntf41;11(iug qmcksilver ... lg Vessels 4% thelsgfniwd Scam (gu American - c0u¤umn§ . 1 ease . Vermillion! A bert W., Vest, Valentine T., nsion increased 1788 pension increased ...,____,____ _ __________ 1532 Vegrvillwnz Charles D., Vests, _ pension increased .. . . 1665 duty on, cotton, etc .,.,,_,,___ · ,______ 4 g Verzncmgd d dl ml Wterinanlzm, Army, assign to secon jug `c' circuit . 1131 a ropriati ll for ; I 'tz ... 249, 1042 Venmmt Judicial Dwlsmct, rggrement guthorggi. ..,,__ 1042 terms of court . . .. 1127 Viale, Vefmulh, duty 011, iilass, decorated, etc ,_______ _ _ _ _ ]g duty on .. 40 glass, in , , ,.,,,_________ _ ______ 19 Vcrrwr, Anidrew, `Vabe Premint of the United States, VP€#t;$lL0I;’l!t;$F938Gd ..··---. 1513 ap;>ropriat1g;1yfor compensation _____ _ _ _ 482, 1184 cm _ 9 , or_secre messeugexgetc . 468 1170 P9¤$!;*¤ 1¤<¤f¢¤¤¢d ----·--------------...-. 1632 deiicxeucya ;0 riation for urclmgg gm ’ Pg, P P ! ) Vernon Street N W, D. C'., automo IIB for ,.. 127 217 part of U Sujeet, between Florida Avenue duties of, extending Capitol Groninds to , and Nmgwguth Street, tp bg known Union Station ____,_,___,___,_,_____ 738 88 ··-···~··--·-··--·-·-··---- · -··· 385 to 8·pp0illt Seuatorq on commigion `Vemcvg, Susanna (mother), be Memcun centeumal celebration. , 882 P6¤S1¤¤ -----------·-------.-.------.. 1972 two Senators on commission to invest;. Vern;¢Sv{:;uSi¢;?:wl, 1645 gate,employer’s Qiabilizy md workpe reased . ... man s compeusatum .. o 884 ery, Ifemy Bowen Vicksburg, Miss., penswu uxcreased 1742 appropriation for public building. . 1383 mper Adam ugrge s r · · `°`‘'‘ 1 mon . 1724 ° 5§‘§1££83...‘?TfT.‘?.*1T‘T¥‘?‘??-??i.?f‘. 679 Vexletl; (see gg; $h1ppmg), 2 terms of court at ,,. ; ,,,_,___,_ 1116 Smv , ‘¤`°¤· ---—···-·--·----· _ — · · - 6 Vicksburg, Miss. Nation I O cylxzigcncal or tubular. f<>r gv, hqmds, 26 right or way gnzanted oger gm .,,, 926 · ‘ ‘ * ‘‘‘‘‘ - ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 2 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Wchimrg NatwM' I Milwzry` Park Mics., °DP?3°§n1:s£f¥g¥?;;;u§g§1a\tPS;z?_i€lf I I approprkiatiou for continuing esiablishmeut abandoned mgyghgndxsg fum; sunken, in { 0 ""I'i " 'éi ‘. ‘‘‘``‘‘‘'‘‘‘' 725’ 1401 ggéergcgu waters, may be brought in Vic 0¥ uzgmgaa to m°I;t§‘“?X ···· · ·) --·· 725 0 u ___________ _ ____________ 88 _ _ we vmmvuwca 0 ustmia. ' drawbacks allowtgd ou imported materials Vwmmv ""Z·· . . used in building, for foreign accounh 90 approprmtxou for public building .. 1383 foreign war, may purchase supplies free of Fering of cvurt at -··---·~·--·--- · ----··-—·- 1127 tu, mm bonded, and bonded Vwfmq, Charles H, _ munlmcmdug warehouses _________ _ gg g<;msion increased 1981 mantime lien allowed 011 foreign or domes- “ ’“m"'W»” Bdmh Stw”¤·?h’iP» itk}, for g·gp§y5, 5E;pp]igg’ gm _____ _ _ _ 604 payllléllt to OWDGIS Of., . ..,.,.,,,.,.,. d, , . 1873 _ folk (i{)!lStI"\1C§;¢tg1& E12, of££ndfor· Views of United States Scenery, etc, mgn e .. . 88 · d 1* ‘ · mm, __ geetrictiop on trade.? Z . B 88 uw 02%, Wd., . 64 if iorfgrergn account not allowed ru c0ast· former rate effective until October _ was trade. . . ... . . . 88 1909, on previous orders . 64 I