Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1936

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INDEX. 3277 Winchester- Md. Page W' z - Z · prelimiiiary examination of harbor to be ;71L;d)1;§?0;mHsc1Xlge§€Q?t1nuEd· Pnggg Wi .. 671 mum; Harbor, Me.,_ _ ..,,,.44.,111~z1.41,,1. r81dp111111c building .. 1384 Wgrlfhrlmlnop %_°““‘“““°“ °‘· “’ "° ““"°··· 953 acquiring site an_ erecting public building appropiiation for improvements etc W_ at, anthorized . 688 Marine Corps ride range . , .,,_ _ W 1277 md Cave Jyatwplal Park, S. Dak., Wnyah Bay, S C , ` ap ro nation or protection etc .. 745 ‘ ' · . _ E., §,4p,.,v.4,,.1, etc _____ * ______________ 1 421 “*""°*’§‘.~;Z‘1§.’T{,l‘?T_‘”“*"°“°“‘°“* °" "°“4;44 938 . mud Rwer {nduzn Reserualakm, Wyo., preliminary examination of ’ appropriation for expenses, irngation sys· basin of 954 .1 1‘°“"".1"1 ‘‘‘‘ 1*1 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1 288*1323 ”“""· """“· us o procee s om an s, correc .. ension increased ... 1821 'W|,5ukckgr,S·fd·ngy' Wgyg --uU-.---nUu

    • 810** increased -------·-·--·---------·· 1586 duty on ba.1-bed fence 24

WI1414141441 12111141.1 c41411414i 1111.11 1111 4111.ZZZZZf[ ``'`` Z `“'``` 24 duty 0**1 w°Q:i1°l*° ··--·-··-··--·· · -~---··- 34 covered with cdtton, etc ,,,_,,,____ _ I I I 24 m"d°w C'”’Wm*1 Hat iron or steel ___ 24 Wénijg ¤¤é1,;;¢¤¤¤. ¤¤¤1 ctc-1 1=•·<><= ----...- 50 119dd10B 411 1141411414 ..._,, jjj I f Q Q f f [ Q ‘ 24 l w lead ... . .,,,,,_____ _ _ ` dmv ¤¤1 l>·>1¤t1 decorated, etc ------------- 26 111411111111¤11114111 41: 11'0I1 111 4111411 ,_ jj 322 _ ¤¤p<>1¤¤hcd common-_ ... 19 nails, w14111g111 il'0l1 Of 11,,.,1 ___________ __ _ 28 m”d0w’1 _ _ rods, iron or steel .._ , _____________ _ _ 24 Wdyilgay onbstamed or pamted glass .. 21 round, {mn 0;- steal ___________ _ ________ 24 1 of mJ¤mm1 tel h tc. f tal d bb _ WP€¤s1‘;¤ mcl‘°¤8€d -··--··---------··---- = · 1617 on frgcgrlligf elatinlirsé. . jx}. . . fe zrncgwir, Qharles H., 1523 W, [mn 0,, _§;ue€’ h . WW on ¤1¢¥ ····---·- - ·---·--------- uty ou, car c ot ing ...,,.,,,.___ _ _ 25 md-*07 W- Wireless Communication A para: terms 1>f €¢;\11’t at ---------...--- - ---·..---· 1127 appropriation for expensgs enflging use on Wmdward Islands, Colon of the, O' gtgamghi of ______________ 12 articles from, admntt at minimum tariff. 2591 Wireless Telegrlggi, mmbrerger, Albert M., 1614 Wocelgn,-gloilrgg st}7mers tg have apparatus for. 629 p€¤510 ---·. . ...-····-.·.--. . ·...-.-- are e gra etc. ompames mebrjenner, Henry, held to be common . .. 545 WPGHSIOD increased . ... 1718 Wtreless Telephone, Army, · ‘ rms, _ (IBHCIBDCY appropriation for developing, duty on, champagnes and all sparkling 40 etc., reappropnation . 790, 1301 coloring for 13 Wirtz, Thomas S., imitations oi ... 40 nsion increased ,,.,__,_, , ,_____ 1471 Still 40 Wiseconsin, rice, and similar beverages not specially assigned to seventh judicial circuit 1131 _ pzovided for .,. 40 consent of _Congress to agreement for jIuris· %nes,_C rles A., diction of State laws over .ako Wpension increased 1952 Michigan, by Illinois, Indiana, and, 882 an/Eeld, Kane., swamp lands trans om~d to .. . 822 appropriation for dpublic building  :. . . 1385 Wisconsjm Central Railroad, acquiring site an eepecting public building 68;) full time of resiilgnco allowed hom47·st4—11d- at authoriz ...,__,.. . ... em eject-er 1*0m [mnt to .. . . 885 Wirmebago’Irulian.s, Nebr. and Wis., time for second entries extended 885 appropriation for paying accrued interest W1lsc¢msin_Cmtrol1ila¢lzr·a_y Contpany, to enrolled tribal members . 873 may bride Saint Croix, Riyer, between new enrollment to be basis of future Saint from and Viashmgton Coun- _ _ payments. . . Z ... 873 _ t1es, Wis . ,._ 1 . .: .,, 23.9 deficiency appropriation for expenses en- Wwcorunn Eastern _.Iudu·1olD1.s¢rwt, ro] ment o __,._,,_,, - ,..,,.,,.,_,. 124 counties composing ... . 1129 paiiiment of enc; expenses from interest. 877 terms of court ... :._ . _. . ._ ... 1129 enry Wfliee om tribal funds 288 Wisconsin Weslem_Judw1al Dzsmct, Wqnnibigoshslsh Band, Chi pewa Indians, 00111-lnes €`0¤1P0S1¤S ----·-·---··---··-·--- 1129 village site for, reservedbn Minnesota . 863 terms of court ...- 1130 Winnipeg, Yankton and Gulf Railroad Com- Wise, Qeorge, _ _ pany _ · · - _ Wpension increased . . . . 2008 time extended for bridging Missouri River, we, Henry, _ Yankton, S. Dak., by ... 186,1082 Wpension increased ..-. 2068 Winona, Mum., 1561 {am? Ro d 0061 Wterms cg court at ..,..._... 1116 Wpsogmigiggplcreaase .. - . - [ r msnfgion gzieased 2118 iwicn increased- - ; ----·-·----·-· - ------ 1836 W£te8¢0n-Salem, N. C., Wg; Wtllram, Ohio lolunteers, appropriation for public building .- 1385 wp€¤S10!1 {¤¢f€‘¤€d ·--- 1- - ; · - -_ ·--·----—-·-- 2038 acquiring additional ground to extend ssc, William, Pennsyltama lolunteers, _ public building at, authorized; cost. 693 Wpcnswn 1¤¢MS€d ·--···-·~··—·-~·- · ·----- 1"13 limit of cost increased .-------.- - - - - 693 WWP- Hm'? W1 0122 construction, etc., authorized ..--.- - - - 693 P¢¤¤'»¤<>¤ mcfwsed -··~·---·—-·—·-·-··-—--· —·