Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/829

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2278 CONVENTION--VVAR ON LAND. omm is, 1907. DENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE the President of the Dominican DE CHILI; LE PRESIDENT Republic; the President of the , DE LA REPUBLI%UE DE CO- Republic of Ecuador; the Presi- `LOMBIE; LE GO RNEUR dent of the French Republic; His PROVISOIRE DE LA REPU- Majesty the King of the United BLIQUE DE CUBA; SA MA- Kingdom of Great Britain and JESTE LE ROI DE DANE- Ireland and of the British Domin- MARK; LE PRESIDENT DE ions beyond the Seas, Em§eror of LA REPUBLIQUE DOMINI— India; His Majesty the in of CAINE; LE PRESIDENT DE the Hellenes; the President ofg the LA REPUBLIQUE DE L’E- Republic of Guatemala ;the Presi- QUATEUR; LE PRESIDENT dent of the Republic of Haiti; DE LA REPUBLIQUE FRAN- His Majesty the Eng of Italy; CAISE; SA MAJESTE LE His ‘Majesty the Emperor of ROI DU ROYAUME-UNI Japan; His Ro];-ral Highness the DE GRANDE BRETAGNE ET Grand Duke of uxem urg, Duke D’IRLANDE ET DES TERRI- of Nassau; the President of the TOIRES BRITAN NIQBIEEES the United States of Mexico; His AU DELA DES MERS, E E- Royal Highness the Prince of REUR DES INDES; SA MA- Montene§ro; His Majest the JESTE LE ROI DES HEL- King of orwaygthe Presidgnt of LENES; LE PRESIDENT DE the Republic of Panama; the LA REPUBLIQUE DE GUATE- President of the Republic of Para- MALA; LE PRESIDENT _DE guay; Her Ma`esty the Queen of LA REPUBLIQUE D’HAITI; the Netherlands; the President of SA MAJESTE LE ROI D’ITA- the Republic of Peru; His Impe- LIE; SA MAJESTE L’EMPE— rial Majesty the Shah of Persia; REUR DU JAPON; SON AL- His Majesty the King of Portu al TESSE ROYALE LE GRAND- and of the Algarves, &c.; DUC DE LUXEMBOURG, Majesty the Kin of Roumania; DUC DE NASSAU; LE PRESI- His Majesty the Emperor of All DENT DES ETATS-UNIS ME- the Russias; the President of the XICAINS; SON ALTESSE Republic of Salvador; His Maj- ROYALE LE PRINCE DE esty the King of Servia; His Maj- MONTENEGRO; SA MAJESTE esty the King of Siam; His Ma]- LE ROI DE Nonvncn; LE esty the King of Sweden; the PRESIDENT DE LA REPU— Swiss Federal Council; His Maj- BLI%UE DE PANAMA; LE esty the Emperor of the Otto- PRE IDENT DE LA REPU- mans; the President of the Orien- BLI%UE DU PARAGUAY; SA tal Republic of Urn ay; the MAJ STE LA REIl\E DES President of the Unite<IlStates of PAYS—BAS; LE PRESIDENT Venezuela; DE LA REPUBLEUE DU PEROU; SA MAJ TE IM- · PERIALE LE SCHAH DE PERSE; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE PORTUGAL ET DES ALGARVES, ETC.; SA MA- JESTE LE ROI DE ROUMA- NIE; SA MAJESTE L’EMPE- REUR DE TOUTES LES RUS- SIES; LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DU SALVA- DOR; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE SERBIE; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE SIAM; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE SUEDE; LE CON- SEIL FEDERAL SUISSE; SA MAJESTE UEMPEREUR DES OTTOMANS; LE PRESIDENT