Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1072

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INDEX. xxiii Dunauo Irmnigmtimuz·ndNarumlimt12rn we 1’••· Bureau of .Nnv¤9¤t•M•` Navy-Continued. Path

 Dt: deliciency appropriation br gunnarysxsn

¤ erc1ses.. . .» ... 035 938 Labor . - hr at tiees ... . Z . ’ m Burea•• A,]'a¤?•(seeIndianDep•rt· g:$valui -,...é éz)620 · . Traming tatio .. Bureau InndarA_fa¤•(•eeInsuhrAEai¤ for ’ at::ion,It.hndeIsla:rd 62),9,;,3 nreau, War Department). _ for . J .. ,620 Bum Argnyutwn (asa , . ,. 624,92,938 terpadram¤1taryUmnn§or§‘ro· Bur•auofp1girmtu,Nm»y, r§ot¤ng°;)ntemational Arbmtratacn, a torordnanceandordnmc:r;‘3589° ¤!¤|¤ · . res.. . ._ ...; Bu_g·•ag¢¢Laboré•eeI.aborBureat1,Depart»- derical,etc.,service¤ .. .335:896 ment of and Labor). emergency purchases abroad; free en~ Burn`; of Dgghjmgq (gg; Bu- try., .,..,,. 335,896 reau, Department of exce and for nnokelesrowder ,,,,.,,, 335, 395 L•bor)._ exch? o materials authorized . 835 Bureau of jledreme and Surgery, Navy, {flee poyder rgtrictgd ,___,,___,___ 395

 necemnesamgésgm m:l1perat:wnoiInd1anHeadfnctory 896

new hosp1tals' m¤t¤cm· heeéukr ’ memmcuifii£&`¤}"ZZZZZZf.`.'.ZlZZZZ'iss,m Oongres . , . 902 fornewbatteriesior 'ps ..,.,.. 335,896 tor power plant, Chelsea Hospital, Mas. 902 for ammunition for shi , . 336, 897 forcontmgent. .. 343,902 forsmallarmsandmag meguns ... 336 dmtal outlits ... . . 344 br torpedoes and appliances ... . . . 336, 897 for ... . .. 344, 902 for modernizing prdectiles 336, 897 Navy Den Reserve Corps author- for torpedo station, lthode Island . 336,897 ized ..._ ..., _ .. gg for exzperimental work, aunor, powderéso etanls, etc e 4 , 897 d foncisrks, etctdiayy 394, 771 gr Naval m, 897 eiicrancy pmpriatam medical` r repairs 897 mm? .. 608, 605, 923 for contingent .. : . ._ .. 337; 897 for contingent . _. Z 603, 620 ordnance, etc. zsgropnatmons, balances dental surgeons, provisions for appointment, available un une 30, 1913 ... 837 etc., of amstant .. . .. 344 for clerks, etc., Navy Depgtment 398, 770 Medical ltemrve Corps, established .. 344 draftarnen, etc., may paid from pharmacists to be cornmmioned cliref phar· _ "Ordnance_and ordnanceatores . 393,770 mgcmtx gftgrgxx ye3rg’ grvrcg; pay, d6ECl.€DCy tpyppnlhbn fo! IQBPNIB ... 604 etc ___________,_,_________________ 345 for ammunition, etc., for slups .. 604 Bureau zamliner, Interior Deatment (ue for udnance and ordnance stores .. 620, ` esBureau, Interior partment). _ _ 624, 922, 935, 938 Bureau of Navigation, Department of Conv for contingent., ... 62) meree and Labor (see Navigation Bu- for torpedo station . . ._ _ 620 , 935 reau, _ Department of Commerce and Bureau 0% Cgu.ru1t¢¢ifAeibt;•ratwn (ut r . ‘ 11 u 0 BHIISDBD Bureau of Navigation, Navy, Court of Arbitration). appropriation for transportation 332, 893 Bureau o£Plant Industry (see Plantlndustry r recruiting .,,,_ _ _,__,,.,,, 332, 893 ureau, Department of Agriculture) . evidence of age required; release of mi- Bureau of Soils, Department of Agriculture (au non on request of parent; 894 B;1.reau, Department of Agritrons c ure . advertising agency . . ... 332:894 Bweau of Statistics, Department of Agricul- Eor contingent _ .,. [1¢T!t(°3;6 Statisttxggureau, Departor gunnery exercises . men Agncul . f¤rgwamingexer¢hes.,.. ,.,, 333,894 Navy, for expsnmsntal aviation work .. 333,894 appropriation for steam machinery .. 847,906 for ondlta, enlisted men and appre¤~ 333 894 fwasngplano moatcchmery EEK, . $8 9,32

. ... , ., yards an — tions. ,

girfnavalauxiliaries ,...1 Ioryidenxexpenses . { - tramnag stations, Cahhn-ma ... , c encal . services .. , Rhode sland .. Q, 6.32 devhailloprnent of heavy-oil engine for ws sm t ne1.¤iZZZZZZ'.'.`fYZZ§ZZCIIIIZZ.. has rm engmscrmg' ``'```'`' 2r'§av:llWarCol1ege ... . wg? in Perl Harbor, 343 v Home . . , wau qisposl of property of deceased in- 335 E: xm machinery,_new 912 rm cmu, éeZ,`i€§.Gy`13${•.i¤iéhE i Z I 'éso, me tion B ... E { ... so 1 deticienc appropriation ioroutflts on first for derks, etc., Navy Department 393, 770 enlistment I . 608,620, 922, 935 dxaftsmen, etc., may be paid from for service badges and ribbons .. 604 _ "Steam maclnnery," etc".: 2 393,770 for transportation .. . 620, 624, 935 deicrency appropriation for tort-nnsportation, recruiting, and comin- experimental station ... ..‘ (D4, ,938 gent., .. . . 620 for steam machinery . . ... 620, 624, 935