Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1073

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xxiv mvnx. Bureau q/SuppliuuadAcemmt•, New, Psa- Butler, Ho., _ _ ?¤¤•· gepum my pmvih . mans my we d ubhcbualdn up dcommutagon of rations .. , x 13;; Pat, . 875 mul, etc. ¤¤’V¤¤¤¤ --·--.·· - ·---- . » ¤· . aw im contacts to be by 904 Bagpryrridtion for building .. 418 vidual items . .. , ag. ., fg t,mgg¤' t _,,,,,.,,, , ,,,,,_,,,.. 346 memo¤a[i.npublicgIDundsD.C. allowed my gmmmu ..., . .. mi to mma. nqu muse {mi, wm gm height, i££d346,904 peridnedm"'1‘ntanic" 644 or building, et; . I 904 appropriation for inspection of manufacfu clerks, etc., Navy Department 394, 771 ture of grocgs, etc ... . . 273 deliciencyap;:opriatimi:¤conti¤gent--. 603, freeofdutyw en1rr§edfromn(knada.- 9 620, 923 reciprocally exmpt duty m Omagh- 10

 ----·-----·· 604.g»'g;§»§ B¤¤¢F»K¢!¤°!¤¥¤$0' _ _ of _

t ... pnatum inspection factories, mu w¤¤r¤¤.n¤u¤c¤¤Jp•¤y. gg `mimm .. _ .. HB ... _ . 273,3732; muueed ..,... sam regulations extend , factories. B;-gas g Wdjb and Keanu (ue Inuerm- Buzawtdaqgay, Haas., 6oa;lBureauoiWeigh¤mdMeas· e¤nunationof,tobemade-.. 821 urea . Byron, . Bve¤¢q‘_Yqrda?1ndDqch,Nc¤y, 339899 time;;teng’edto2l'amBockRiverat ...- 85 pprofznauun or mam .. , Byron ara- over ompmy, I cerical,etc.,¤ervices ... 339,899 time enendedfordainming Bocklliver hrcontingait ... .. . . $9,899 by ... . ... 85 iurpublinworys, yank md szaciaigi 339,;:9i ‘ tupedo sh Puget Sound, . . 3, Pearl . . ... HD . NayalAcadenny ... Chbi·s§rjcno§,ld.,_ _ _ dtwho 225 tninxngstatnons ... relmunsry examination · ..· Naval .- 341,901 Fang, Ions., » nav:.l;_ugp.¤ne¤, etc , 341,901 gon for maintenance, etc., eL. 281, 839 wu lh¤¤¤ B¤¤¤¢ . P¤8¤¢ ¢¤¤l6’¤1¤¤¢, d%>und,Jabh .. . . .. 343 ap c;:lbti¤ni¤1·¤ni1 by. 549,799 f ride range, ghzget Sound. Wash- ... m sugErtutio:lo§?wagon 11thorised- 549, 799 repaue' an geelyation .. Cade acior oust, , fg clerks, etc., avy Department . @771 a pro riation for maintenance, etc., cf. . 282, 839 . ML P dnftsmzn, etc., nmay be paid from C Rwq, girl:. _ ,, “Public works .. 394, 771 appropnataon for improvement of ... 215, 814 deficiency appropriation for repairs and wa Com, cu:.,_ _ for _ _ _ fwd { preservation ... appropriation mvestigaung as or {or . 603,620,6%,921,936,% _ gsgnck .. ’ . 277,836 or ... . Coca, pwwlcu my timber docks .. . . dx lamb set aside for mpagating, for animal

 .,. 604 loodmonditxgus    507
 604 OaddoCoun¢y Okla.,

for concrete and granite dry doc .. 923 tract of land set apart for pqblic highway. 505 Bm, _ im M 597 Caddtnadarko to fence south side . ...,., 506 Burglar Alum, Publi; l _ ‘ l A i · bridge aulhorized across, Mooringspon, Le. 56 Ba;;pmpna¢;`¢;n(i_ormuntenanceoleloctn<ral. 427 time eigended for bridging, Moon-mggpqyg, UIQZOTI, . ·, ... . .·. . `gonstruction ol public building authorised S 2 Caddo 16:36 1020 st- ... . ... 7 ma lghg §{q°g·i¤ppgg__ Bwlinywfg, W-, _ _ 'lbve{;e·Mi1eB:you. U? ,, wig zgpmpiiigugz 2: improvement of harbor. 201, 825 time e§¤engled fo; bridging Caddo lake, rms 0 co ... . . . 00 _ ,____ _ _______ _ _____ _ _ Bwlivngtglg IFJ., _ _ _ l Cwdctl, &1Md€M,y, · 1020 mqmring shoe agi! erecting public build- 8761 apegropriarion for psy { ,,_,,_ 25 3,355 - mg au o .,. mem: a nation .,,,___ _ _ _ soma cmmy. wo., _ _ _ g ·u·»¤¤»¤?o'i¥s'Y°.¤'$a¤¢ or c¤i’.L.i'T}L am.,..,d °°2 bridge authorized across Saint Croix River, 4;.) two _________ _ ____________ _ _____ 252 OB to Pino Colmty, Mmn., from .. 14, 25 { may appear for gymwb- . mation at tim ... . 25 duty ?1dC':¤¤d11¤ K°¤¤¤b¤¤’Y. ¤¤Pb¢¤’Y» 5 { gndmstergt to recleige ogcexi mileage to 2 mm my in cme- ¤¤ mm, ¥ »·.¤..».m.‘§“£s‘e;;.;n,,· ···· ..···;;.;;..,,.· #,4 ·· 252 be and currant · · · - Hmm? ¤’Y» un -~·-··—-- 7} m0d§i>er§cl;>nsider¢(i;zn1n1y;;£;:demm.,. gg D. 0., ' " gm, ,,·pz,,°'d'”‘. ‘‘‘‘·‘· -; gppmpriaeionjor expert inquiries, etc., for I m_ ziotsidlgw numiofi 856 Bakr · ·.-·-- 417 service ncl: computed in Army officen’ b . Saint F . r H continuous servjcgu ____ _ ____ _ _____ 594 IMY Y£_•}8¤ ’*¤¤¤ V6!. at °d8¤¤ hereafter for longevity of Navy or Marine BUY ‘'‘‘'‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘·· · ·······-- - 67 l Corps officers ... . . . . 891