Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/11

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PUBLIC ACES AND RESOLUTIONS. xiii . . . . . Pm Eight-hour An Act Limiting? the hours of duly service of laborers and mechanics emplo ed upon work done for the Uni States, or for any Territory, or for the District of Oolumgis, _ and for purposes. June 19, 1912 .. . ... . 137 Union Pat-iyie conveyance:. An Act conveyance: heretofore made by the Union Pacific Company. Juno 24, 19 . .. 138 Appmpnalsons, Dutnd of Columbia. _An Act linking appropriations to provide lor the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for the tiscal ear ending June thirtistb, _ nineteen hundred and thirteen, md for other purposes. June i6, 1912 ... 139 Bridges White, etc., Rivera Ark. A.n_Act Tc_authorize_tho Saint Louis Southwestern Railway _ éompsny to repair, alter, or rebuild certain bridges m the State of Arkansas. June 26, 1912. . 185 Badges, Tug Fbrk, Bag Sandy River, An Act To authorize the Norfolk and Western Railway Com- $3 to construct sundry bridges acres the Tug Fork of the Big Sandy River. Jnme 26, .---. . ---.-.-··.-·-···..--...·. . . . .·.. . . . . . . . . . , . . 185 Bridge, Ruudl Fork, Big SandgLRiv¢r. An Act Authorizing the fiscal court of Pike County, Kentucky, to construct a bridge scrum Rumcll Fork of the Big Sandy River at Manowbone, _ Kentuck¥w Jung 26, 1912 ... . .. 186 Bridge, Russell k, Big Smigggléivcr. An Act Authorizing the Escal court of Pike County, Kentucky, to construct a b across Rumell Fork of Big Sandy River, at or near Millard, Ken- _ tucky. June 26, 1912- . . ..,,,,, 186 Right oéxwuy, Mason, Cal. An Act Granting it right of way to the Panama-Paciic International position Comgany, or snichsucceaors or assigns as may be approved by tho Secretary of _War, across the ort Mason Mthtary Reservation in California. une 28, 1912 . 186 Umatilla Induzra Rescrvatwn, Org. An_Act To authorize the sale of certain lands within the Uma- _ tilla Indian Reservation to the city of Pendleton, Oregon. July 1, 1912 ‘ .. 186 Wmne§a¥o An Act For the relief of the Winnebago Indians of Nebraska and Wisconsin. u y , . . . ..., 187 Public buildingb Huron, S. Dal:. An Act To increase the limit of cost of the United States post- . oflsice buildmgat Huron, South Dakota. July 8, 1912 .. . , . 187 Amy, Lloyd L. R. robs. An Act Authorizing the President to nominate and, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint Lloyd L. R. Krebs, late a captain in the Medical Qorpsof the United States Armtgéa majorin the Medical Corps on the retired list, and increasmglthe retired hst by one for purposes of this Act. Ju1f 3, 1912 . . 187 Army, S pler Ward FitzGerald and Alden An Act o authorize the appointment of Shepler Ward FitzGerald and of Alden rge trong to the grade of second lieutenant in the Army. July 3, 1912 . .. 188 Army, Harold Hmwock Taintor. An Act To authorize the apgointment of Harold Hancock Taintor to the grade of second lieutenant in the Army. July , 1912 .. 188 Black Hills Forut Reserve, S. Dah. An Act Excepting certain lands in Lawrence and Pennington Counties, South Dakota, from the operation of the provisions of section four of an Act approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six, entitled "An Act to provide for the entry of agricultural lands within forest reserves." July 3, 1912 . . 188 Dam, Choctawhatchcz River. An Act Authorizinghathe Choctawhatchee River Ligllgt and Power gompany to erect a dam across the Choctaw tchee River in Dale County, A bama. July 88 ,1912-... 2 `-..;. . . l Ccmstead lands, North Carolina. An Act For the transfer of the so-called Olmstead lands, in the State of North Carolina, from the Solicitor of the 'heasury to the Secretary of Agriculture. July 6, 1912 . 189 Unrigged vmcb. An Act Conceming unrigged vessels. July 9, 1912 ... 189 Choctaw lands, Mississippi. An Act To correct an error in the record of the supplemental treaty of Sclptember twenty—cigl1th, eighteen hundred and thirty, made with the Choctaw Indians, _ and or other pupioscs. July 9, 1912 ... 189 United Stale; Courts, zbhigan. An ActTo fix the terms of the District Court for the Western District of Michigan. July 9, 1912 190 Sam Francisco, Cal., old marine hospital. An Act To relinquish the title of the United States to _ certain property in the city and county of San Francisco, California. July 9, 1912 . 190 Bfidyc, lllisnlsxipp/i River. An Act To authorize the Cbi<.—a§o, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Comgnany to construct a bridge acres the Mississippi iver near the city of Saint Louis, in _ the tate of Missouri, July 9, 1912 .. . . . ..,. 190 Wzlwrington, N. (7., marine hospital tract. An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to convoy in the board of education of New Hanover County, North Carolina, portion of mannohogiital reservation not needed for marine—hospital purposes. July 10, 1912 .. . 191 Boston, an., cu.vtmnhou.s¢. An Act To amend section eleven of an Act entitled "An Act to grant additional authority to the Secretary of the Treasury to carry out certain provisions of the public building Acts, and for other purposes" approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and nine. July 10, 1912 . . ... 2.. 191 Roruxn, Mont., tract of land. An Act Authorizing the sale of certain lands in the Flathead Indian Reservation to the town of Ronan, State of Montana, for the purposes of A public park and publwschool sito. July 10, 1912 .,..·. 1 ·-.-·---— 192 Army, Robert H. Peck. An Act To authorize the President of the United Statcs to appoint Robert H. Peck s captain in the Army. July 12, 1912 .. . . _ .-~···- » - 192 lianuy Nqtwnal Forest, S. Dal:. An Act To allow an exchange of certain lands in the Harney _ _ National Forest, July 15, 1912 .,,...,.., . .. _ ... - - . 192 Dutnct oj Columbia, police court. An Act To confer concurrent jurisdiction on the police court of the District of Columbia in certain cases. July 16, 1912 ... . .. 192