Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/12

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Army, rewards for manufacturing improvements. An Act Authorizing the Secretary of War to pay cash reward for suggentions submitted by employees of certain establishments of the Ordnance Department for improvement or economy in manufacturing proces or plants. July 17, 1912.................................................................. 193

American registry, "Demara." An Act To provide American registry for the steamer Damara. July 17, 1812... 193

District of Columbia, Underwood Street. An Act Te authorize the extension of Underwood Street north west. July 17, 1912.................................................. 194

Oklahoma, drainage assesments. An Act To provide for the payment of drainage ameeements on Indian lands in Oklahoms. July 19, 1912................................. 194

Lemhi Indian Agency Act Providing for the sale of the Lemhi School and Agency plant and lands on the former Lemhi Reservartion in the State of Idaho, July 19, 1912... 195

Bridge, Missisippi River. An Act To authorize Arkansas and Memphis Railway Bridge and Terminal Company to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Mississippi River. July 20, 1912............................................................. 195

Immigrant Station, Baltimore, Md. An Act To authorise the Secretary of the Treasury to exchange the site heretofore acquired for United States immigration station at Baltimore, Maryland, for another suitable site, and to pay, if necessary, out of the appropriation heretofore made for said immigration station in additional sum accomplishing such exchange; or to sell the present site, the money procured from such male to revert to the appropriation made for said immigration station, and to purchase another site in lieu thereof. July 20, 1912....... 196

Uintal Indian Rantation, Utah. An Act To provide an extension of time for submission of proof by homesteaders on the Uintah Indian Reservartion. July 20, 1912. 196

'Right away, Wasatch National Forest, Utah. An Act To authorise the Secretary of the Interior to grant to Salt Lake City, Utah, a right of way over certain public lands for reservoir pur- poses. July 20, 1912................................197

Okanogen, Wash, Inndian lands to. An Act Authorining the sale of certain lands in the Colville Indian Beservation to the town of Okanogan, State of Washington, for public park pur- poses July 22, 1912....................... 197

Cotton statistics. An Act Authorising the Director of the Census to collect and publish statistics of cotton July 22, 1912..................................... 198

Radio communication on steamers. An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to require apparatus and operators for radio communication on certain ocean steamers," approved June twenty- fourth, nineteen hundred and ten. July 23, 1912........... 199

Public lands, desert-land entries. An Act Relating to partial asssignments of desert-land entries within reclamation projects made since March twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and eight. July 24, 1912. 200 Paulina National Forest, Oreg. An Act To consolidate certain forest lands in the Paulina (Oregon) National Forest. July 25, 1912. 200 Appropriations, rivers and harbors. An Act Waking appropriations for the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes. July 25, 1912, 201.

Hawaii, irrigation date....An Act Authorising John T McCrosson and associates to construct an irrigation ditch on the Island of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii. July 27, 1912... 201.

Aids to navigation. An Act To authorse additional aids to navigation in the Lighthouse Service, and for other purpose. July 17, 1912........................................... 238

War revenue tax claims. An Act Extending the time for the repayment of certain war-revenue tax erroneously collected. July 27, 1912......................... 240

National cemetries, superintendents. An act To amend section forty-eight hundred and seventy-five of the Revived statutes, to provide compensation for superintendents of national cemeteries. July 30, 1912. 240

Prize-fight films, etc. An Act To prohibit the importation and the interstate transportation of films of other pictorial representations of prize lights, and for other purposes. July 31, 1912...., 240

National forests, Michigan An Act To authorise the exchange of certain lands with the State of Michigan. July 31 1912 241

Jesus Silva,jr. An Act For the relief of Jerus Silva, junior. July 31, 1912........... 242

Salvage, etc.' An Act To harmonize the national law of salvage with the provisions of the international convention for the unification of certain roles with respect to asistance and salvage at Sea and for other purposes. August 1, 1912. ... 242

Alaska placer mining.' An Act to modify and amend the mining laws in their application to the Territory of Alaska, and for other purposes. August 1, 1912.......................242

Right of way, etc., Hawaii. An Act Granting a franchise for the construction, maintenance, and operation of street railway system in the district of South Hilo, county of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii. August 1, 1912..........................................243

Apple barrels, etc. An Act To establish a standard barrel and standard grades for apples when packed in barrels, and for other purposes August 3,1912 ... 250

Appropriations, Military Academy. An Act Making appropriations for the support of the Military Academy for the final year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, and for other purposes. August 9, 1912 .... 251

Right of way, Vancouver Barracks, Wash. An Act Granting to the Washington-Oregon Corporation a right for an electric railrond, and for telephone, telegraph, and electric-transmission lines across the Vancouver Military Reservation, in the State of Washington. August 9, 1912.. 264

United States Court, New Jersey district. An Act To amend section ninety-six of the "Act to codify, revise, and amend the laws relating to the judiciary," approved March third, nineteen hundred and eleven. August 9, 1912... 285