Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1158

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mum; cix Henican of M Plat lidland, Makin., d bhcb has

   in United States 641 ITN _ at, authorized  ..   . . .. 875

¤» 1¤ -·····----· · ··-·-··--·- PPM", c0mmiarionofthresAmy0Eicsr•tobe courseatNavalAcademytobefouryears.. 73 appounted ior ... . .. 641 commisrons as ensrgns on graduation . 73 powers and authonty; report . 641 to clan my at sea . 73 mdgicwracy ¤2vnr:p¤:¤¤¤ for erpetgingn- - - 001 clzzof 1000 ---~···----.-. gg an retro American tusens , . . . . seeHngr¢§ugefrom, inTeaas,etc-- 640 service not tpbe computed hereafter for use of ungended for 640 longevity of Navy or Marine Corps 891 Hismppr ilood r ... 0 ... truuportation to be furnished from border, Iilnukf Horst., _ _ toAmericansileeingf:¤om ... 641 saleo landstoLou1sW.Hill,withmt¢>wnappropriation for expenditure .. 641 _ site of ... .= ... 64 amountallowed for subsistence .. . 643 withdrawal of lands for Glauer National laaiongr Hoatilitirs, _ _ for 619 H_ lgaik from townsrte of . 64 deliueréy natm _ ... tdwuy Iariarn arrppmp R fo hm 619 appruprlationlfor monument in ngmory of e6crency' ropriation rvo tears Gens. ames Bcreven an Danm1'

 folpiill days’ service in ... 113 l_ Stewart. ._    . . 445

9 V *9 pnatron"ior bandortb . 95,688 tremauung" permanentlwithin ·PE)secretary oixbany ., . 95, 688 no State or erritory dldemed witlrliri for second secretary ... - .. 96, GW protection of United Stain . 847 Iurthirdsecretary . 96,689 nottobetaken,etc.,contrarytorq1r1a- for wer Boundary Ccmmrsaron. .. 99, 692 tions.; ... . .. 847 apprqipriallirm fm pgiblic building .. 422 etc., to be .. · . 847 Iqer, oIys;E., _ to kill, etc., W1ulll.l1Cl4I9d l1. 848 _ appropriation for eonsu-uctrqn of wells, punishment for .. . .. _ ... 848 · mt Pleasant Indian School, 525 preparation of regulations; public cen- 848 .. sr e n . . Mmmi, Fla., regulations to be approved by the Presiappropriation for improvement of harbor. 209, 809 dent . . . . . . 848 snrbgelclt to work by Florida East Coast 209 local laws progméingbednonmigratory, 848 wa ; terminals ... etc., no a ec - ... suitable facilities required. . . 809 Staw legislation to render emcient proteccontracéowrth Flolr;ida_East Coast Rail- 809 Mu t1§n,Dr;c£t prevented .., 848 wa m mding bank, . ., for public buddilnyg ... . . 422 acquiring site for public building at, Hg; f d b ned fm C M sgvrthorized . 879 0 t ' , m" ,

 ..    . . . . 10 appropriatizarn for fiscal year 1912, immedigguund or bolted ..,. . ., , , . . 10 _ awliavailable . . . . 36

reciprocally exempt from duty in Canada H¤{¢•_C·ili{, cnt., _ _ uxémarionriacbgumd .. 11 ylirzrurtloccout increased, public building 867 un or ..,... , ,,., 11 , mm., Mig, of lamb for _ to appropriation for improvementjof mor. 802 acceptance tional rests !¤l1mmary` xaminatin to from ... ,.,.. 241 P harbor? .. if .. li . ? . T). 223 public lands gariged in lieu: . . . 2;; Hilford Haven, gr., { 206 ap rtnonment 0 pressntatryes ' r improvement 0 . . Hidrzlan Ind., Hoa., _ _ _ r appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 217 lrmrt of cost increased, public building 867 prelrmmary examination to be nude of 228 aktory 4c¤d:rn¥, Pon of the 251 856 harbor ap ro muon or sup e , Hichigcm Natkmal Forut, Hide., gr gay of professors. . .·. . 252,% appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. . 284, 840 for chaplain, and master of sword . 252, 856 ‘“""""‘G"'°".‘;'1‘;..{,“i‘.§L?‘*" lm ‘“.$3¥u?,£§»"§§‘a;z".¤·‘mr ·····‘ 1). terms, ran .. . .. Marquette ,.,..,,,.,. , , , .,...,.,.. 190 Col b' .. 252 Sault Sainte Marie ..., . , , . 190 egaminalion of undidates for Hiddlaboro, Ky., a pointment . ...2 .. 252 limit of cost increased, public building. . . 867 gradlmtesallewed mileage tqpost . 252 Alrddletozm, Comm., reamrnbhng of to reconstruction ol public building authorized open cases of certain dmnrased at- .6 874 f cadets; reinstétement, etc . . . .452 gg Alzddldown, hio, orextrapaytoo cers ... ‘ construction of public building author- for constructing quartermaster; allow- , _ ized at .,..,,,.,.. 872 ance tp present incumbent .. 252 Middhngs, _ for longevity . 253, 857 duty on Canadian 4 for enlisted men . . . ... 253, 857 reciprocal duty in Canada on . .. . 7 for band 253. 857