Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1159

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gx INDEX. gg]., Ajycqggj gi, Pas [Qing K0 apgpriin isldmicii. . .. 258,857 appropnstp _ §is¤gI¢¤l¢$¢•- g¤¤n1A¤ny¤·viea. . .-.· Q53,857 ·§¤¤¤·¤ -·······— 865 ix pay, qurtszdars {sr uadruaan Fort Ieavsn- .;yw,__ ___,__ _ ____,_____,_,, .-. 253,857 worth, Ka¤.- . . T- % iravalrydshdunsnt. .&;-.- 253,857 bvs of abmes allousd snpmn- 263 utillgy dgetnsnt.; sxua tandem. ...··---- · .··-· · ---···-·-· it ug ___,__,,_,_,,.,,,,.,,, ,.-.%,57 ¤s¢litinaos¤;:s<|fIis¤LG¤l.J.l(. 264

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aging _,_______ z ,___,_,_,,... $4,&$8 pr&¤u· e1:1¤ae1£¢¤r1m1gth 9gs;1:£•y,61grmenhn¤n¤1¤., 54,858 ofgqvnoe ..----- _ 264 htm i!d¤u¤gst¢:,landson(}ua¤¤n¤on 84 0¤d¤PW¥“- ----·--··-··--··•· ·· ld_d······· ·•········•‘· :·· ······ §;g;qgP!y,gd;qisgyi¤g ,,,... .254,;: funxlknnsdadetsstrnurguml 712 nag? dY® . ZZZZZZZZZZZIZ'isa,ssa q»q¤Y"""`h;§§&¤s.¤ ``` jj me iu- Board d Viton ... 57,8N ii dc ·... . .···-··-...-.· C12 Bunidvuunftoagnbtdmem- . _ ... _ 619 ,835 bas of IiluaryA.|Iun(>om¤$tsa admmnn mthmued for mirucusn .of d both Houses; sqaamte vista, h¤¤e1AghroyJ1m,o€Guba-- Q notice, str: 257 hIIBIlDlWlllI,d hl ,. B2

  258,8llI forJos6Pnn¤Dias,pfNi¤sngun ... 628

irrqrairsandimpuvemenh 258,8il) forHumbsr·toL{en¤`:£o£&lvador . Q EM \id¤¤»e¤= ·-—-· ----------~ yigg f·¤.¥·>*¤¤¢- ¤d·¤|¤, V$·¤¤¤b -·-· W 866 uuqnam. Z ZZZZZZCZIZZ mm mss, up erm, as second uml iuprining .. 258,861 hmantdmhntryntand  :. N5 for department of mvslry adet ssrvme hereafter not computed un

amimf:‘?¤cti¤..:-. $8,861 Army¢£oe.r’sgorr11nnonsssrvnos.. 584

in- d and military polqpuuespumhasshnnuedforisseat 714 angrneering . 50,861 serum as udah not to be &IP¤bd E! i::•ispartmentofna¤¤mlandexpai· ln@vityinNavyorIarrnsCor·ps it menta1phEI:ophyt .. -.. _ herea£ter.§;..: 6 ju.; N1 mmm of iqveosrueylcg m.,.u¤•¤1. .I ms alogy, and geology: - . 259,862 Ebb; Qosrsuarons, Army, _ imdepuuneutoidnmng., ,,.,. 259,862 zgpropruhonforexpezmss .. :.. 575.708 “I’d¢@!¤IlBl1t0{lIl(d$I1lllIglBgE.. 26),862 utednmnmayserveustemzgraphncrefudgaartmsnt oflaw ... _ .. Zw,862 _ @Qt0;€X¤I`KL; ---·-··--·-·· 575 for epartrnput of gnctical Hilgt¢¤y%bI¤.s§»•n¢In _ jan y)-

~ ·-·· ·· -·-· -··•-- •   Jhlnabanv 1

•.Isdunss·rvioeablsmat,er1al,` etc 2W f oontmge' nt expenses. 569,704 im- department of ordnance and gun- _ 576,709 M nary ... ai .. &% de&cie:!c;° n or contingent 619 iorlecturss. 261,863 approgriagidn for zcoagt defenses, Phillor miscellaneous and incidental sx- nppme Islands ..,,,,,,,, :1 ,,,. 438 bt penss•..l;i-...:...§é.. . xg for Fpglgem Hougmu, Tex, mdluond 438 or .. gl ...ZZfZZCZZIIZ mfsss rx Fort 1kEiéi§i{é,`i6§,bZ[`éi1§»Q,;§.i$i.i for contingent, academic board; techni— of reservation . . . . 438 eal ouppliss .. 261, 863 for Schofield Barracks, Hawaii .. 439 for band instruments, etc 261, 863 for Fort Monroe Va. . . .. 439 for laundry, mea utensils, etc 261, 864 forequipping o8icsrs’ schools 580, 713 for policing bunch, eu:. . .. 261, 864 for construction etc. exchanges ... 582, 715 for udet barracks, furniture .. 261, 864 chapel, Fort gsm Houston, Tex .. 715 E?eildren’s . 262, for roads, walks, wharves, etmgu1s' ` n t . ... . ... . . ..583,716 is 1m¤di,,..n.1,.¤...¥4‘Lf'If .. mm r.mB*I{.‘§“i1°.. ... no for ordnance museum, laboratory, etc. 262, 864 Fort Canby, Wash ... 716 _ {or soldierflhospital .. @,33 for ztablishing wafer and sewer syswaterwor .. , ms. .. 584,71 fg cadet hospital ... . . 262, 864 dsiiciency appropriation for water and 6 for cadet barracks ... 262,865 mwersystems at ,,,,_...,_,_ 619, 623,935 {or post . . . . ... §& Q Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., made a brigade poet; orvnlls, meds, .. estimates ...,,,,,,,.,,, , _____, 119 for addition igo o6cers’ quarters 263 use of appro riations for improvements on fornilo gnllenqn, etc . . 263, 865 _ _ abandoned, forbidden .. 582 for relief plans, etc .. 263. 865 1l6.l¤h¤·;‘Rmrm¢ion• for _ men s quarters .,... 263 Fort cklonry, Md., to remain a . 311 fm improvement of roads, grounds, Fort Robinson, Nebr.,righ|: of way across,. 16 6% -··- : -~·····---··-·-.---~· ;-- 293,865 Fort Wingate, N. Mex., added to Zuni for completing east academic building. . 263 Nunn} Fogggn __________________ 236 £orIohnG.Pavok ...,. 263_ ______________ gg;