Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1167

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cxviii mmcx. Nalionaldggvrw for Disabled Volrmtur Sol- Ple•· Nagglqnal Pub-Cgntinued. I mm { Plee. ° , c an , Oca 0 appro riation for expenses, Dayton, Oh 449 for Fort fggthorpe poet 1;§r“..§”,wn ...,,,__.,. . g - ... ,...6‘.Kl;ii.,... 119 ... expenditures or conetrucuon dings H?:;r,on$ Va 450 in, require expres authority of Con- Leavenworth, 1-lane. .. . ... 451 · _ grees. ... : .. 460 Santa Mcigaca., (al ...,,,., , . . . Glance, [ont., ofoflande for 64 lam, ,.,.,..,,,,,, admmetrauvo argues . Danville 111 ..,..,.. 451 Mount Rainier, amougnt r protection of, I JalmsonCity,'l`enn . 452 etc.,!ed¤ced _ . , .{ Z. 38 Battle Mountain Sanitarium, S. Dak. . 452 vacancies occurring m commission in iorclothing,allbrunchee ... 452 chugeofgnottobeiilled ... 442 iormlarieeandexpe¤ns,bo¤doin1an- 452 whe1;°vacanueeocc¤£r°rSe{c`:~letth.ary‘;>ft·{Yg;r»r 442 agen . become mem ; er u . deickncy appropriation ir Lesvenworthé02’ 935 21., elignination of private 80 Kms ... m . . . $]fi’°t“””¤,‘3r.°€=§?éY’°i$“.t;;;:;;;:::;;:::; % ""°°‘...1.°""°°.2.€’$.".."°' T‘}?°“’”"‘.`..` ¥’Ii‘i‘?? so iorayingi. .Pamsh 602 ealeofmatmed etc. timber .-. 81 for Kiran Ohio 619, 935 National Training for Boys, D. C., for vaulee, Wis . ... 619 appropriation for maintenance oi infor Togus, Me .. 619 mates 171, 966 for Hampton, Va .. . . . . 619 for buildings; central echool building. . . 462 for_Sant¤. .. - 921 dogoqnlariee and ... gg appomtmen on Managers, - mem: ro muon 0 , etc ..

H. llarryd .. _ . be 38 N for¤·e•E:i’ri)acIéount·•;fSf;;7g*.}'°Oi$rri(’¤ien.. 020

ymen ne e to n 1'rar1m?` or , . . Ps pensignAct ... 313 ap mpriation crexpensee ... Z. 171,918 National Inrtituu of Arts and Letters, D. C., grr new building ... 171 Niueorpunted ... 600 denciency appropriation for maintenance, no GMM! bnga , etc .. . ' for xpenseof meeting . 434 Gomminionern to ad ’ bili f NL’~£»";¥'?‘u§..‘?"m, ..,,...t..d$‘}2.‘21‘¤.lt({?;r”,:,i‘»...??'.f’. m librs.ryof,made¥•artofLib1uryofCongres. 364 name of Reform School for changed appropriation ormnving . .. 364 to ,,_,,,,.,.,.. . .. 171 to make Emil report January 8, 1912 .. 30 National Watawsga Cbunmiunon, authority for, repealed, to take eiect appropriation ter expenses incurred .. 222 March 31, 1912 30 dasgoeslot huozichartn, etc . 222 provision for oontinuationand oompenn- National oologieal P (Nl Z¤¤l0gi¢ll PNK. tion of membership repealed. 2 . 30 D. O., National;. Government omcnsls not to be pad for Natrualintion Bunn, oflnbor, eervioee to ... , _,,. . N atablired in Duesartmnt oi Inbox: . Z 737 yoluntary amistance allowed ... W commissioner deputy commmnmer Natrona! linens, _ authorized.  : . . . 737

fgr¤glane•,£xtun•,etc  436 dutiee; appointmentslnclsifiedcivll

fw ng, lrglgttxgzg, etc. . . g z . : ... . 787 s¤r¤»•a..Z...IZ .. ZZZZZZZIZ aes nmqauwf fur books, repairs. ctc ...--. 480 aprropriation for chief, clerb, etc . 400, 788 for ting and binding for 481 or epecisl examiners, expenses, etc . 470 f<n·_§.lli.¤g water in Z . . 963 deficiency appropriation iorapedal e¤mi— m deficiency ro na. preservation .. . ... _ . 622,036 N of{lien•, . , riation special` xa.mmer¤` , - appropriation for Ghickamsnga and Chat- lppmfkensee, eg; . 2 .. ?. 476 tspocga ·---·...-·· 441 for diticnal clerical lsistmce to club iorglgéohi ..-...-- · m réeorrrtsiucanee? T., if .. 476 or . statue papere, e ., o louisville, . for .. 4Q city court, prior to June 29, 487 Union Naval Monument . . 442 Nauptud, Conn., lor Yellvvsvma ---··...··--·-·---·-· 442,4N construction of public building authorized {cr gnu; lake ... 443, m N aj ... ...,,,, sn or oeomite .. 1;wy·¤m' L‘p§;yM,·p' examinat:inn¢gfSa¤Fr¤l¢d•coW•te! nfor reparing ..,.,,,..,,,. , 893,770 eupply continued ... 460 N Almanac 0%% New Depgmqg, tm Sequma. ..-.·..-------- 400 spgopriauou ter anisunu etc . sos, no fw General Grant .·..--. 4U preparing Nautical Almanac .. 803, 770 for lieea Verde; -.-.-..--·.---···--· 460 arrangements with foreign almqnc omg; for Mount Baumer . .460 io; exchange of dau, mghqiud ____ 342 g Glacier Q termination; provision for emergen- . . cies . . 342 system; condition .. 532 employee be used for vmg' formgeellowetone, mlary of crmmidoner. 412, tabluuéztan, etc ... 342 . 789 uaeoi Washington meridian repealed . 342