Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1168

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nmnx cxix Navajo Indizrn Reservation, Ariz., Pin Naval Establishment (eee also Navy), Pan. appropnation for Ganado irrigation project construction authorized of one first-class on . . .. 522 battleship; cost . . . . 354 Naval Academy, two fuel ahips· cost; one at Pacino coast appropriation for pay of profesors. . 348, 906 _ navy yard .. 354 or mstructors z ... 348, 906 su: tm-pedo·boat destroyers; cost .. . . 354 de cheers as instructors re- me géltérnger todgstroyers; . gt'; ... su torpedo · . appointment of Nathaniel Matson appropriation for .. . 354 erry and William Wooleey Jolnmon stationing on Gulf and Pacihc coasts to as rofesors of mathematics, Navy; beconqdered . . . . . 354 rariik, pay, etc ..,., 2 906 one submarine tender; cost ... . . %4 apggpltpgnt of A, J. Gqrbeeégr, to be -------.----. gg: tenant in Manne , au- v ma m na yards thorized ,... 906 tobebx¥.lti.¤navyya;’<lsifcont1actors for swondmaeter, amiatante, eu: ... 348, W7 _ combine to revent iaircompetition. 354 for watchman, etc ... 349, 907 nver gunboat for great Lakes may be built for department of ordnance and gm;49 907 elaewhzzgtban on Great Lakes or~_355 { dpartm ta {electrical `ee` appropriatimavailable ... .. $55 or End pb?ice? .. . THIS349, Q7 ctnstruction authorized of one first-clan 2q d:parhmen£tofofsumanship. . t 2 349, W7 dx tgattlez-hgggtcént . ... or esartmen manne engmeering rTd estroyerr c I an naval cgnstxuction ... 343, % four su margne tfrpedo boils 911 ' ‘ epartm t ... , · on or . . . . . 9 1 ig; current and expenses 349, 907 cost .. . .. 911 iorbooksfor .. 2 ... 349,907 onesupp yeh1p;_coet ... .1 . 911 Board of Visitors to be agpomted from battleship to be built in navy yard. ._ .. 911 Naval Committees of Houses.. 907 vesels to be built in navy yards if confor expense, Board of Yisitors, etc 350,908 t:ractors_ combine to prevent fair for contzinsencxiee, eupermtendent: . .; . 350, 908 competmon- .:., ... 911 gg; gens maintenance and repairs. . @, appz·op;:c%ei¢;· construction and steagss 912 IBD . ... . . --.. , ·· ------- · .·... .----.1. for preservation, etc., of naval trophy 79 ger Eubmarine torpedo boats ... 355; 912 Hai t .,.. or eet collrers . 355 for pub 'sworlra ..,. 341 for equipment ... 355, 912 for concrete budge, Dorsey Creek ... 341 for armor and armament ... . . 355, 912 §3§1';,.““*.£.’ii"é.?g‘i§’°°,,?‘“ §‘;“";i;.;e;.e‘.;e..; "°1 ”‘;’,3°'£;‘r'2.€?.‘i."2T.%.;»"'°"’”¥.‘.';";t’Z· °‘· er 896 tion ,...,. . . .. 901 gr new foundry e%1ipmerit. l . . ’ 335 ior land, buildings, etc., for dairy ... 904 Naval History Society, . C., The, yment from m1dal¤pmen’e store mcozornted; objec etc . . 322 "Knd; expenditures . 904 Naval ome, Philadelglnh, Pa., for engineering experiment station. 348,906 apiuopriation for mairrtepance .. 334, 895 deicielrgg appropriation for heating and 604 or paying benelicranee for extra ner- $34 ° ting . .. vices Z gg engineering experiment station gl); gg, 3358 dispoql of rxlmmed property of deceased 335 -r0r£3K&i¤§;¥tZZZ§fZZZZZZZZCZZZZZ Z. m Nmz1r¤q»uu,· BCE, `'````````````````` cadet service hereafter not computed in forinetallingwatermetemin. $3 Army cllicer’scontinuousservice.. . . 594 N 0%*.Naq Department, . coursdolrmddnipmentebefouryesrs . 73 appr%¤mforc etc..-; . 390,708 tob aserxaig1reo¤grad1n.· 73 Naval _Cl:·fh, _ _ 00 m¤ms.smiQ'&§iii&Q`¤3&i£Ji£SQ£IZZZIZZ vs uuumua no to%:1:atingcla¤of1909 .. 773 NaoalB•@slB:‘ool,D.Q'., _ ,63 no pay,_ eu: . ..  :._ . . . _ _ minlhq m. dmexgzildwnegytztcpmm rt. W N.;;""i'$“h md _ mm to be •pp$¤4’• aeim {mgm, m E Ecru c1e¤;k, etc., ance ni i·i¤y!K1>e.` M m M.- ’2Z*.».¤..,...· ·‘···· Ne.; i&?3“,..·; ··············· tor lengevim in Navy or ’ m appropriat.i¢z:£¤r_ ..:1 gtc.;pa§:b:le gvauzagieateeciééifaéiiy, ``'``` 1¤n¢i•·· . E ... , ... aaa, m

iorngamtenan¢:e.:  .-.. 333,894 Na·¤al.I`or•1pnent, Tabbwy National Pa-rk,

ney appropriation for maintenance-, 620 Upon, _ Nasal panerrots, approprntion for brmae portraits of compar¤al_pay-ments allowed for work on dur- manders .-..1 ... 442 mg progres .. . . 32 Naval 0b•a·vg1Ju•%rD. Q., Iienuig iavog Government for . g mtamtenance of grounds 3;,2 gg tron , m con or e . . . . prmn for pagrenu in Navy for computa%ons, books, apparatus, etc. 392, 7U appropxation Act 1912 repealed. 38 for contingent expenses ... 392, 70