Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1224

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nmnx. clxxv Beams-y of P•••· Swdavalggtk Pass. may enlarge Zuni National Forest, N. wi w tewnsite lands from Midvale, Mex., by exchanging for Nprrvate Mont., forGlacier National Park". 64 lliandsin, timberfrom ecos ational 328 chief ogg may be designated to sign odi- ... . pers, etc. r ...,... 395 to administer water suppliy resqves of designatedlziboard to approve plans, etc., Colorado _Spr|¥s an Manitou, in building m square 143 880 to t.r.tPi.*.i.’£.2r‘*.2”2‘tr ‘m... ‘‘‘‘ "" °°T'5}.°¤‘.h‘£.Z£.".$ZZi’..‘.Z1°°‘“"“d..g °""· ‘°‘ 885 able variations of contents of pack- to re plans, etc. for ne; age:_underpur;£03d law . z A 732 d _ ?llice. .'..éa.ig.a;;.i:.. 883 topreven 1m graman nties, 0 unrese ort seeds fguging . Z 5M Rmerwatigr, Neb: ... 651 to select, etcl, as spun as pugzible, agle lands over property of Osage Indians, in Okla- 86 mnauonal orats may open homa. ... · . toh estead . 287 regula d1sposl' oftrust etc., transfer oimO1mstea$lmlI'aynds, _ North Caro- oftlldhians by will . 678 hna, to, for conservation of navrg- under sale etc., of surface of Choctaw a\?e waters, etc., purposes . 1& ¥:ld-Cluckasw coal and asphalt 68 Beaaary o Commerce, herufterSecre¤;YofCommerceanxlI•bor may extend time for installments on to be call ..., 736 Cheyemie and Arapahoe lands, Becrdavy of Qommeroe and Labor Oklahoma. _ 33 aippropnatum for, Amstant, clerks, etc. . 405, 782 may lease log, etc.,_H0t Sw Ark., to · ntie3undegfursealsregulati0i¤cli?.ct .. gg Leo. _ :11871 Mem Hospital 121 un er communication n . ... here•ftertobecal1edSe¢:retaryefCom- mayselllandandtimber,Choctawssgremerce Q ... 736 _ pted lands ... . .. - 497 to consolidation of enrollment and timber on public lands, etc., _ hcemeoi domestic ve¤els..; ... 70 byforestfireqdasposalof .- 1016 to license yachts to go from port, etc., nle, etc., burhal ground of yandotte S entry at customhouse .. 31.5 Inm Kansas City, Kaos., by, scutmy o , re . . ... 668 office created, appointment, salary, etc 736 to appoint clerk for payment of power toract as mediator, etc., in labor 738 to pensufns ... . 312 isputm . a rov ocation etc., 0 wa transfer of authority of departments, etc., to 738 pplndian school lands, 0%: .. 132 Secretary ojState read{ustments of rights of way Colville a propriation for, Assistants, clerks, etc. 372, 750 ndian Reservation, Wash ... . . . 635 chief clerk to sign papers, etc., by direc- to arrange pensioners in three groups for tion of ., . . . ... 750 quarterly payments. .. 312 to extend invitation of President to com- to classify, etc., unallotted and unreserved mercial nations to take part in Fifth lands in Indian reservations ... 125 International Congress of Chambers to convex part of Fort Brown abandoned of Commerce and Commercial and m' itarly reservation to Texas ... 734 to Indpstrial A&¤)ociations..- . . 636 to degyler nrmitmgg, etc., sign capitpl, invite cre` vernm nts to parti '- nix, to vemo o 'zona or gte inlglnternationdl Congrm SL useogf State . . 63 to Hygiene . _ E .E 642 Santa Fe,ft§ Govemor of New Mexico for 72 requ 1 tic co es 0 use tate ... pean governments to commirnircfi to d PL bonded agents to receive sums tofixdtlqstigatae rural credits . 1026 can Esroifcts, etc 267 0 7 I *) appropriation for, Amistants ... 395, 772 homutzadeentries .. .? ... 133 orassrstangm, attorney, glerks, etc,. 396,712 to direct payments to pensioners without 12 guthenzgd gppmvg an yy-dnmgge gmggmvg (,c_____________ 3 assesarnents qén Indianballot- to dhpose_of unall0tBt;d_ la§dsb’on Omaha I men in oma; rerm une- Reservation, e .. ..- ll etc .. . . 194 of proceeds. . r ... apprldlsgiigbts of way across, etc ... 194 Stxeding Rock Indian Ressvation, S. lu bndw Snake River, in_Jacks0v·. Hole, _ pak., and N. Dak: .. -...2..:. 675 wgahfargzm reclamation fgd. . ._ 7® forests 241 clmngeoftimber. _.:.._.--.¥.-.:. 80 imue public lands in exchange there- P'¤¤¥“m°¤ vi **9* ¤d1°¤¤-u8 P¤bh¤ 80 mtfYZ§iLimgs· ``'`` Q§.Qf,`2.§.`i.i$LirL`Q.§{,.“..°,.,.r` " m wgmd `°` iid KJ ````' iii? 81

  • ¤¤ °‘*‘”¥di‘}g °~r·*¤>* ¤¤~·m¢·— - -- 6* to ata.; ri zz.;

$:3 iliurglgkrgiéég - I-1; ag`; ----- 1 606 gdetgggn w Harney Naomi smut, M tion, Mont. w L¤¤i¤ W· Hill ------ 64 nuns mi§é£afi·§}é§r£,`0}&i;ZCZZZffZZZ mo se Kiowa, Comanche and Atpache In- to extend and subdwxde de erred pay- dians, Okla., trust funds or benefit ments for ceded lands, Kiowa, etc., d tribes; restriction ... 33 reservation, Okla .. 91