Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1225

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olxxvi mnnx. Secrerm-y the bua·ivr·—Continued. Pars Seuvtory of the Dummy-—Continued. Pan. to imueqgatent to People’s Church Associa- designated on to approve plansé etc., · tion, Fort Bidwell, Cal., for cemet- for omce building m square 14 . 881 °" ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘ Qi ‘F. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ *,4* 652 °°“°‘£'.*'”"}“p‘°m...°‘°‘"§.‘2,L‘§;§’t.{‘§.,$i’.§‘§.;°,‘i{ to original claimant cis ono o land grant, Alabama .. 684 and Rock Creek Parks, etc . 885 toissue petentstoLuther Burbank mrlandn commission to agprove designs, etc., for . to be used for spineless cacti props.- national arc ves burldrng...;éi 885 ti ;' . 507 commimion to present connected eine purcgsgg dimlandguzf Umatilla Indian for_ construction, etc., of public Reeervat.ion,.Oreg., iit only for graz- 665 _ _ . . . ... . 890 ‘ ____,,,,___,, , ,..,,,,, directed re rm c erroneo y, to mailmgopies of amgndedréromestead law 124 etc., ger reveiruiagfgues 240 to trymen . presen ore anuary , . . . to make en eapim.0 pzumenu from tribal dutia enforcing tax on white phosphorus frmg? to Choctavs, Chickanws, matches .. 81, 83 Cherokees, and Seminoles . 44 may designate anistant and chief clerk to Win , Neb. and Wis . . 187 sign odjcral vers, etc . 373 torequest tsofrailway land grants may discontinue alhalla, Neche, and occupiedb Indians, toaccepto ther 1007 Sag; John, N. Dalr., as subports of 130 land in tizrvie .. en .. . .. to sell agenqyefnd ool on former may grant riéht of way etc. under New Lemhr Indian Reeervatron, Idaho. . 195 York ty post office; 268 land:) kr.r;uColv1ll%aI;lr1d1an Reservation to 197 motor boat fo'i·_ customhs sezervirce, Corpus 665 ogan .. , ex. au on ... -. . land; in Umatilla Indian Reservation to 186 to appggrt employees at mints and amy 384 ndleton, (keg ... ces old jailihetc., Fort Aminiboingalliaénodoued to convey pa&t_ of marine trgselriva- ' ‘ Reservati n to unt tion, 1lmrngton' , . . ew Meng? . T, .. 309 Hanover County for school uses 191 tract in Flathead Indian Reservation to to deliver furniture, etc., at 8 Rrorghacsnjvlont .. 192 capital, to Governor of 64 ecremry Arizona use State appropgtiongfyhmistant, clergs, $. . 390, 767 Santa Fe,fi§tt;'}overnor of New Mexico for 72 porn' tm t actrng' asistant sur- use o te ... gp J by .. .. 345 to exchange sitrshfor immigrant station, acting dental surgeons for temporary Baltimore, d . , . 1 196 ` b 345 mak rul to_ t rtrn adul service y to e es proven rmpo g - anthorizedtoarrangeforexchangeofdata teratedgr·arnandseedsforseedmg.. 506 for nautical and astronomical almar 342 to dm, ego.,] lireproof na~ 884 nacs .. no ves ur mg donate of “Maine " to municipali- 48 to presgzlllglemrizgdatiom frziree adrriission of tr e .. c mporan y crossdesignatzl on comminion, erection of Me· . ... . . . . 13 morial Amphitheater, Arlington 882 fmreriervrgrlgcgrtrned checksfor payment Cemetery, a ...,. o pu c ues . 733 North American Indian Memorial Com- use oi §ailors’ Home property, San Franmiqion: .. B 45 8 cn;c;>#Csl., subject to approval of... 190 ma rssuodrschargee,e . enames ecrezoryo ar, Y personsdwho senéd in any foreign 324 approprirlatiora it Afsisktgmt, assistant and warun erauum . cre cer ,cer , tc .. 386,"63 may loan flags, etc., for inaugural ceremo— 1024 for transportaiion to refugee; I 111% . . - m exrco .,,,,_, , __,_______ 641 may mg:} pltyimenta on naval con- 32 thallcwangg from, fzsr snrtlésistgnclez . . 643 or wor one ... all 0 acce‘ , ., Revolutiousrg War naval records to be col- cemetery, Li£e Rick, Ari . 663 to lected yi . i. .1; . : 723 arrange for comr?<i;m€rfiti•}nGgi tiitigth cause parts 0 wrec 0 " e" anniversary t t . mirde into tablets for donation as 34 change plans for·0im;rov·in)g Blaicyks $2- 625 ics . ... 7 Ri , Ala. Lock Dam , S..,m§,a pigment ..;.1.. Uma Sm,37 d h i‘£€ . . li? . ’ .. TT .. 3 fi 32 a ro nation r ... 1, 749 d gd to Am, pp reduced_efter March 4, 1913 371 e xlgifyulldipdg forcddligifl 1021 deficiency appropnatrou for pay .. 913 Grand Army of the Republic for official salary fixed at $7 500 913 badges p 628 Serrctary cj Seruite, _ deliver obsolete appmpnatron for, amstant, clerks, etc.. 360, 739 etc., to specified cities etc .. 506 1009 credit directed for paying puges for August, obsolete ordnance to Jewison, Mlm ss 1912, after ad gourmnent . . . 741 donate relics of “Maine " to municipali- 3ppl‘0pfi$·tl0¤ fi)! ..·...-- · ..·... 741 ties etc; regu-ictiouy ______ _ 48 statement to be tiled wml, by candidate for marry {rum lima at chicago, Ill; .1ZZZ 626 S . 27 dwgnzgted on cornrnimilon to ac%uire land °°.,,"“.,,”,.im.,.. r..‘J, i"‘£:m¤, cme, ea. am, m i’J.§Z§.’§Y"2.§‘d° £"é,°,,.,;'@ 1;;- djvisions in Office of .. 373, 751 etc ..,_,,,,,___. _ ,,_____ 335