Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/216

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cm. 235-237. 1912. 193 of a bawdy or disorderly house and any person convicted of such an P¤****¤•°**°*· oifense be pumshed by a fine not exceedirtifive hundred dollars or imprisonment not exceeding one year or be . _ Sn0._ 2. That said police court shall also have concurrent jurisdio- h,L'?‘°'°°°°°°°"’ hon with said supreme court of threats to do bodily harm, and any person convicted of such offense shall be required to give bond to P"“""“"°'°" eep the peace for a period not exceeding six months, and in default of bond may be sentenced to imprisonment not exceeding six months. Approved, July 16, 1912. /’ I-.,.• — _ CHAP. 236.-An Act the of War to a cash rewud for Nl Y'- im suggestions submitted by employ • of tplig Ordnance Depart- ment for improvement or economy in manufacturingprocseaorplant. [Pabuc, No. mv.] Be·ite1uzctcdbytbeScnateandHm»seo Rc entatives the United States of America in Oargrass assembled? Thlxtathe Secregfalry of War %i¤e• Departis hereléiauthorized to o er periodically at such of the estab ishments }‘,§‘,f§ ,§,‘$,}",$’,’}’§,?,,§’,§j of the dnance Department as he may select a cash reward for the £¤;gt<;¤;t:f *¤¤1>¤>v¤— suggestion, or series of suggestions, for an improvement or economy ' m manufacturing processes or plant, submitted within the period by one or more employees of the establishment which shall be deemed the _ most valuable of those submitted and adopted for use: Provided, §{,‘,,,'f""yg,,,, That to obtain this reward the suggestion must be one that will clearly effect a material economy xdproduction or increase eiiiciency or enhance the quality of the p act in comparison with its cost and in the opinion of the Secretary shall be so worthy as to entitle the erlniployee making the same to receive the reward: Promkicd ther, at the sums awarded to emplo%ees in accordance with thns xl;{.¤;•:¤¤*¤¤*¤v Act shall be paid them in addition to their usual compensation and ' shall constitute part of the general or shop expense of the establishment: Promkled further That the total amount (paid under the pro- ¤¤**- visioas 0; Act shall not exrziipd one thousan dggluarz for agy one mm" cm N mon : further, at no employee s e pai a re- ,,,,,,,,, · ward nmder is Act until he has progaerly executed an agreement to the eifect that the use by the United tates of the suggestion, or series of suggestions, made by him shall not form the basis of a further claim of an nature upon the United States by him, his heirs, or assigns, andy that apphcation for patent has not been made for the invention. Approved, July 17, 1912. CHAP. 237.-An Act To provide American registry for the steamer Damara. ‘T°{§%;§%u° Bcdenactedbytlle Senateand H'0uae0f of t}ie United g:‘;"·:{“”°‘] r States ofrimcrica in Omzgreaa assembled, That the Commissioner of _,,..,,-iw; “¤;.“°°m°i Navigation is hereby authorized and directed to cause the steamer ¢¤¤°°“°· Damara, rebuilt at San Francisco California, from the wreclg of the British steamer Damara, wrecked in the harbor of San Francisco and abandonedtgg her owners as a total wreck, to be registered as avessel cancun of the Uni States, whenever it shall be shown to the Commissioner of Naviption that the cost of rebuilding mid vessel in the United States amounted to three times the actual cost of said wreck and that the vessel is wholly owned by citizerm of the United States Approved, July 17, 1912. ‘