Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/217

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194 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. H. l Ons. 238, 240. 1912. J¤1H;§3912· CRAP. 238.-—An Act To authorize the extsnion of Underwood Street northwest. [nwasa zu.] Be 12 enacted by the Senate and Ho·ue£§fRepresentat·ives caf United D}§*§‘,g{,§•g,‘“F,;*‘,';, States of America in Congress assemb , That under an m accordmnnwen. ance with the provisions of subchapter one oi chapter fifteen of the

 md Code of Law for the District of Columbia, within six months after

v¤1.u.n the dedication, in accordance with law, of the land necessary to widen Underwood Street from its present western terminus west of Ei€hth Street west, to Seventh Street, west, to its width of ninety eet, as laid down on the permanent system of highways plan, the Com- _ mistiionersi of ;he_ Drzgiict of umhra 510, émd theycouuzthepepg, an to mstrtute m e preme o e lilistgigtzbf Columbia a proceediuguin rem to colirdemn the_ land that may be necessary'to extend said nderwood Street from its Bresent western terminus wat of Eighth Street, west, to the Pmey ranch . Road, wgth ahwidth of niriety feet, Ta; laréltgovzlnedon the pgrnanent · 1,,,,,,,,. : , t ` ati n to

  • ·=‘¤~” in  ;;ti; IIl&dB togthe p:ss:§ecof (i.hisdA.ct, 3

mm1ss1' 'ners e `stri to umiaareau o` an du·ec' to institute theocondegnnatizon proyided for herein within months u i ' ":""`“°° " ‘“°‘r.,d"`2?; i,Z°§T.€?Z£ih§$.€f$’éd1i.””$§d·”“r§”i‘§" l?&“$r‘.£ed°“.’¤“‘g 5,‘§”°.§’§‘.§‘ » ages {oi-, apld in respectiof, the téh be oondemnei for sagd extension, pus e costs an e pmceeding ereun er, shall be assessed by th j as ments. ’ ¤?Z".•{°°“°° M Sec. 2. That thergris hereby appropriated, out of the revenues of . the District of (blumbia, an amount sufficxent to pay the necessary costs and ses of the condemnation proceeding taken pursuant hmmi °f"m°' hereto, and ior the payment of amounts awarded as damages, to be ’ repaid to the _District of Columbia from the_ assessments for benehts, and covered mto the Treasury to the cred1t of the revenues of the District of Columbia. . _ Approved, JuIy,17, 1912. Jnggxgsll I tgtnire provide ter the payment ot drainage snesmeahcn [nw 1w aan.] _ our 0. Be itmactedby theSenateandHmae,3Regrvaeah:#ive:of the United ¤,.;3T; . States of America in Ooniresa assemb , That the Secretary of the g;gy_:_,{;*¤:;';•g*_ Interior be, and he is here y, authorized, in his discretion, to a prove approved. the assessments, to ether with ma s showing right of way and dhfinite location of proposed drain ditcliaes made under the laws of the State o oma u n otmen certain tee d fOklah th all8g°` ts f `Abs Sh Citizen Pottawiizomieeauottees in (little River rlerlixinage tdiintiigtffnin gottawgtgmie aCl<fu;1ty, Qkl;)h°<Lmai_ané1 upon the ahllotments of scan ox oteesm p or age 'stricts, in 'co Co Oklah m . hmenc. Tha1?th: Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, autheirizeail, in his disgretion, wrlplay the gmount amessed Eainst each of ,0* _ otments: , at s assessment theed AW www giilteerlr dollars per acre on any allotriilent or portion thereofggneiichere is hereby appropriated for saxtgpurpose, out of any money in the Treas- It t Mmmm uryinot o _ erwnse approlpria , the sum of forty thousand. dollars, to .,...£_ Ja, be immediately av ab e, the sand sum to be reimbursable from the rentals of said allotments not to exceed fifty per centum of the amount of rents received annually, or from any funds belonging to the said allottees, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior. ..£‘,‘Z"°"' °""""°° Sec. 3-_'1hat the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized, m his drscretron, to approve deeds for right of way from such