Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/301

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278 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Orr. 284. 1912. M¤*¤*=°•“'• °*· For general administrative expenses connected with the above- °°°°°` mentioned lines of inv:ls§•tion, including the omce of the chief of bureau, ghe loaisbnreau, the cgzief clerk, thedoiiiicer m chargeo u cations,rec0 suphesan Erty,an orm1s— cellaneouspexpenges incident therelto, ousand five hundred and thirt ollarsg In all for y ecxpemes one million six hundred and fi:fty-eight thousand and eighty aenm. ’ 1 ¤••¤=·¤, P¤gg;·¤·°*=· Pmronasm aim DISTRIBUTION or varuanm sirens: Fo , ' propagation, testing, and of valuable seeds, b , trees, shrubs, cuttings, and plants; all necessary offictedixturdrgs and su lies, ue transportation a , twine,_ gum ca , elelcltiric curreht, rent doudtiside Idfptlhe District og gglurnlpa, travelmg' expenses an necessaryrna an repairs orpu up and distributing the same; for repairs and the employmentuis loc?1 and sp(;•pi$lv_ ts, clerksi glssnaitgnts, and gthegrgibor in eci nan were,twoun aneig - __2_•‘_¤¤¤¤•¤•¤¤°· five thougyand and eighty dollars, of which amount not les than two hundred and twenty-six thousand nine_ hundred and forty dollars shall be allotted for congessronal distribution. And ’°'°"“"· the Secre of Agriculture is hereby directed to expend the said ‘ sum, w nm as racticable, in the pmchase, testing, and distribu- __ tion of such valualile seeds, bulbs, shrubs, vines, cuttings and lants, ,f:;§ §,°";;,{,°,,,§° the best he can obtain at public or private sale, and such as shall be _ suitable for the respective localities to which the same are_to be apptgltioneil, which same are to be_d1slt1:]`buted as hersfmafter sta ,an s sogzrrehased inc eavarrezn vegetable and ilowerseeds suita le for lan and eultureiin various nasa. sections of the United States: the Secretary of Agri- D_‘§;‘;‘i,{,‘°§',,,_§°’,,,,$ culture, after due advertisement and on competitive bids, is author- •¤¤wr1¤•¤· ized to award the contract for the plying of printed packets and envelopes and the packetrng, assemb , and mailing of the seeds, bulbs, shrubs, vines, cuttings, and plants, or any part thereof, for a period of not more than five ears nor less than one year if by such `¢§;£:i¤¤¤¤ dis action he can best rotect the interests of the United States. An M equal prolportion of hve-sixths of all seeds, bulbs, shrubs, vines, cut- » tings, an plants shall, upon their request, after due notification by · the Secretary of Agriculture that the allotment to their respective districts is ready for distribution, be supipgied to Senators, Representatiyes, and Delegates to Congress for tnbution among t cir constituents, or mailed by the department upon the receipt of their addressed franks, m qpckages of such weight as the Secretary of A 'culture and the ostmaster General may jointly determine: Indludolonwmp- gn _ . . vas Prcvzded, however, That upon each envelope or wrapper contam.m§ packages of seeds the contents thereof be plainly indicated, an the Secretary shall_not distribute to anKmS:nator, Representative, or Delegate seeds entirely unlit for the c te and locality he represents, but shall distribute the same so that each Member may have h di mb", of equal value, as near as may be, and the best adapted to the

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Ifrmndedhalao, 'lfhat the seeds allotted to

Senators and presentatryes for distribution ru the districts embraced within the twenty-fifth and thirty-fourth parallels of latitude shall be readv for delivery not than the tenth day of January: Pro- “{,’*:‘F}g;**jgg¤g‘m“,f· vided, a1¢o, That any portion of the allotments to Senators, Representatives, and_Del$ates in remaining uncalled for on the first day of April sh l be distributed by the Secrets? of Agriculture, ving preference to those persons whose names an addresses have Eleenh gaurmshqdbléy Segators ard Representatiyxe: in Copigress, and w o veno ore uring e same season 11 su ed b the .2_"’°"°"’“'°"‘“’· department: 4nd promlkd also, That the slisl repoift, asprovrded in this Act, the place, quantity, and price o seeds purchased,