Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/302

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. C11. 284. 1912. 279 and the date of urchase; but nothing` in this aragra h shall be construed to prevgnt the Secretary of Agiculturelfrom seiiding seeds to_ those who apply for the same. An the amount herein appro- P.-l’$ pnated shall not diverted or used for an other purpose but {01* the purchase, testmg, prodpagation, and distribution of valuable seeds, bnzlhs, mulbgrry an gther rare and v'zi,_l];1ab§nftrees,hshtr·hubs, Rm mgm M vrnes, cu tmgs, an p ants: u , at —e' t ou- experiman mh sand seven hundred and forty dollars off which sum, or sdlinulgh thereof as the Secretary of Agriculture shall direct, may be used to collect, purchase, test propagate, and distribute rare and valuable seeds, ulbs, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, and plants from foreign countries or from_our possessrons for experiments with reference to their introduction mto and cultivation in this country, and same shall not be distributed generally, but shall be used for experimental tests, to be carried on with the cooperation of the agricultural experiment statrom. ' Total for Bureau of Plant Industry, two million three hundred and twenty-three thousand ive hundred and dollars. FOREST SERVICE. r·>··•¢¤·¤¤¤· Saumns, Foamsr Smzvrcnz One Forester, who shall be chief of °°` bureau, five thousand dollars; one administrative assistant, two thousand dollars; one forest supervisor, two thousand seven hundred dollars; one forest supervisor, two thousand six hundred dollars; five forest supervisors, at two thousand four hundred dollars each; twenty forest supervisors, at two thousand two hundred dollars each; forty- ve forest supervisors at two thousand dollars each; sixty-six forest supervisors, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; ten forestsupervisors, at one thousand srx hundred dollars each; four deputy forest supervisors, at one thousand seven hundred dollars each• twang-ya-pane deputy forest supervisors, at one thousand srx hundred do each; thirty deputy forest supervisors, at one thousand five hundred dollars eac ; twenty-five deputy. forest supervisors, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; two forest ra@, nimm. at one thousand five hundred dollars each; twenty-one forest rangers, at one thousand fourhundred dollars each ; seventy-eight forest rangfers, at one thousand three hundred dollars each; two hundred and ty- two forest ers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; seven hundred a -four assistant forest rangers, at one thousand_one hundred dollars each· one property auditor one thousand eight 4¤•¤¢<¤-¢\•*¤·¢*¤· hundred dollars· one clerk, two thousand one hundred dollars; three , clerks at two thousand dollars each; eleven clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; twenty-five clerks, at one thousand srx hundred dollars each; nine clerks, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; seventeen clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; six clerks, at one thousand three hundred dollars each; seventy- seven clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollargf each; ifty-mne clerks, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; ty<>ne clerks, it one thousand and twenty dollars each; thirty clerks at nine hundred and sxgy dollars each; one hundred and twentgr-zfht clerks, at nine hundredollars each; two clerks, at eight hun and forhy dollars each; one game warden, one thousand four hundred dollars; one oem wgidenh game warden one thousand two hundred dollars; one compiler one °"°°"‘“*’ thousand six hundred dollars; one draftsman two thousan dollars; three draffimen, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; two draftsmen, at one thousand five hxmdred dollars each; six draftsmen, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; four draftsmen, at one thousand three hundred dollars each; seven dfaftsmen, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; two draftsmen, at one thousand one 87618°—vox. 37-21 1——·20 .