Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/325

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302 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Cas. 285-287. 191*2. A 1912. CHAP. .—An Act To authorize the Great Northern Railwn. Com to ¤ig·“';&·] construct fggidge across the Misouri River. _ y pany [Public, No. R] _ _ · Be·ite1u1ctedby theSena¢eandHmiseofRe esen!at·wesoj’t7wUnited i;‘i'Z‘Z?id“}¥ii£e»¤ States of America in Congress assembled Thiit the Great Northern ’**”‘{;,{ °°,:*§,f,$,{ ·Railwa Company, a corporation organized and existing under the ]¢{¤¤$¥°`¤¤¤¤¤•· laws oty the State of Minnesota, its successors assigns, be, and the are hereby, authorized to construct, maintam, and operate a bridge and approaches across the Missouri River at a point suitable lmeucn- to e needs of navigation either in the county of MCKBDZ16 or W'1lliams, in the State of Nzorth Dakota, or the count of Dawson vm. M. v-So or Valley, in the State of Montana, in accordance with the provisions fhA ·lSl0d.“.A11.A0tf•0l‘0g|1]At•8i}l),B nst ti fb'dges ote ctenti co rucono ri over navigable waters/’ approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. Am¤¤<¤¤•=¤¢· S10. 2. That the ight to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is expreuly hereby reserv . - _Approved, August 10, 1912. 4 _ A“8ig_",,}?é_1°1’5 CHAP. 388.-An Act Authorizing the State of Arizona to select lands within the .1.}.. former Fort (hunt Military Reservation and outside of the Crook National Forest in [Public. No- 2¤·l partial stidaction of its grant for State charitable, penal, and reformatory institutions. Bs it enacted by theigenate and House of Representat·ives of the United ,,;,'{",§§f““*"” States of Americu in Cbngrees assembled, That all lands, toggther with hMA¤j¤£· ¤! •¤*·•=* the improvements thereon, Wlullll that part of the former ort Grant Military Reservation, in the State of Arizona, situate and being outside the boundaries of the Crook National Forest, be, and the same hereby are, made subject to selection by the State of Arizona in artial satisfaction of the grant of one hundred thousand acres madg to vei. aa, p.m. it for State charitable, penal, and reformato institutions by section twenty-five of the Act of approvedlgune twentieth, nineteen hundred and ten Statutes at Large, e five hundred

 and fifty··seven): P ed, That such selection shagluie made within

' three years from the date of approval of this Act: Provided further ¤¤•¤¤*v- That no more two thousan acres of such lands shall be selected under the provisions of this Act. c Approved, August 13, 1912.

  • °1‘§°‘Ki§°u‘ CHAP. 287.-An Act To regulate radio communication.

["°"“°· "°°· ***1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o the Umled ,,,§,f‘“° °°'”'“""°" States Amevjicajn Oonyress assembled, That a person, chem an , or wmqsuégség corporation within the jurisdiction of the Uni ed States shallynot Ei"' use or operate any apparatus for radio communication as a means of commercid mteroourse amongmthe several States, or with foreign nations, or upon any vessel of United States en ed in interstate or foreign commerce, or for the transmission of or signals the effect of which extends beyond the jurisdiction of the State or Territory in which the same are made, or where interference would be caused thereby with the receipt of messages or signals from beyond the gunsdictxon of the said State or Territory, except under and in accordance with a license, revocable for cause, in that behalf anted by the Secretariipf Commerce and Labor upon application tgisrefor; "°°’“°“· but nothing m t Act shall be construed to apply to the transmission and exchange of radiogrlsms or s§nels between points situated in the s‘Q,.;,,;°""” , wm,. , Stgmq Sidi}? Pfvvided, at the o act thereof shall not extend beyond G°"nm“ ___ e_ ]\11’lSd1¢tI0ll of the sand State or interfere with the reception of ee., radiograms or signals from beyond said pmsdictien; and a license shall