Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/326

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 287. 1912. 303 not be required for the transmission or exchange of radiograms or signals by or on behalf of the Government of the United States, but every Govemment station on land or sea shall have special call letters designated and published in the list of radio stations of the United States by the Department of Commerce and Labor. Any person, com- Vi<>¤¤¤¤¤ • ¤=i¤¤¤· pany, or corporation that shall use or operate any apparatus for radio mum" communication in violation of this section, or kno ly aid or abet another fperson, company, or corporation in so doin , shall be deemed Pam Euilty o a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereofg shall be punished ty' y a iine not exceeding five hundred dollars, and the ap atus or device so unlawfully used and operated may be adjudgedaforfeited to the United States. Sec. 2. That every such license shall be in such form as the Sec- F°"‘“ °'"°°“’°· retary of Commerce and Labor shall determine and shall contain the restrictions, pxursuant to this Act, on and subject to which the license is granted· t at ever; such license shall be issued only to citizens of ,,,,';“"‘“‘“° °“‘”“‘· the United States or orto Rico or to a company incorporated under the laws of some State or Territory or of the United States or Porto Rico and shall specify the ownerslgp and location of the station in ¤.,I§$"°' °° °° '*’°°*`

 said apparatus shall be us and other particulars for its

identification and to enable its range to be estimated; shall state the purpose of the station, and, in case of a station in actual operation at the ate of passage of this Act, shall contain the statement that satisfactory proof has been furnished that it was actually operating on the above·mentioned date; shall state the wave length or the wave lengths authorized for use by the station for the prevention of interference and the hours for which the station. is licensed for work; and shall not be construed to authorize the use of any apparatus for radio communication in any other station than that speci- I fied. Every such license shall be subject to the regulations con- u,$,§‘,'f’°°° '° ”"“ " tained herem and such regulations as may be establis ed from_t1me to time by authority of this Act or subsequent Acts and treaties of i b G _ the United States. Every such license shall provide that the_Pres1- ,,,2,ff YX mi., .,'Z',$2_ dent of the United States in time of war or public peril or disaster °‘°· may cause the closin of any station for radio communication and the removal therefrom 0% all radio apparatus, or may authorize the use or control of any such station or apparatus by any department of the Government, upon just compensation to the owners. _ _ H _ d 0 mm Sec. 3. That every such apparatus shall at all times while m use ,e.;..Y§.'RQ‘ "° and operation as aforesaid be in charge or under the supervision of a person or dpersons licensed for that purpose by the_Secrctary of _Com— I { F merce an Labor. Eve erson so licensed who m the operation of ,,Z2""“" °“ ° °‘°° any radio apparatus shilh to observe and obey regulations contained in or made pursuant to this Act or subsequent Acts or treaties of the United States, or any one of them, or who shall fail to enforce obedience thereto by an unlicensed person while serving under supervision, in addition to the pumshments and pen ties herein prescribed, may suffer the suspension of the said license for a period to be iixed by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor not exceeding hm one year. It shall be unlawful to employ any unlicensed person or ,,,,l:’§{°¤m,€,'L$§f,$ for any unlicensed person to serve in charge or in supervision of the °¤*°¤· use and operation of such apparatus, and any person violating this provision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall_be punished y a ine of not more than one hundred dollars or imprisonment for not more than two months, or both, in the discretion _ of the court, for each and ev such oEense: Provided, Thiih IB ($5** permits of emergency the Secretary ?,?(}ommerce and Labor may authorize *°"°**‘* a collector o customs to issue a temporary permit, in lieu of a hcense, to Q10 operator on a vessel subject to the radio ship Act of J¤11¤ :Xl;_3$§§’g§2°' twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and ten.