Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/327

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304 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 287. 1912. S°•¤°¤* •°"l°°‘ °° Sec. 4. That f r the e of preven or interfer- '°g°m°°°' ence with commiinicatign statiogsuign which such apparatus is operated,_to facilitate radio communication, and to furt_er the prompt receipt of distress signals, eaid private and commercial sta- E““"“'“°"` ·i“1°’“'h§.}hi°i?$"éii°E§%°%°'§“’S““°”t.$§°hi°60°°“°“ T'“’3°i.’2§3` t1o o e 0 mmerce an r throgsgh the collectors of cusl2oms(e:;1;>ther officers of the Government _ 0 regulations rovi or. ,.,§,§‘,,"‘,?,§_’ °° ""° ”The°Secretary of Oommerge and Labor mey, in his discretion, waive the revisions of any or all of these regulations when no mterference . H of ge character age mentioneg ensue. _ I

,,,, mmerce an rmay grant specia tem r

it cw, licenstes to sttaartioins actually engaged in conducting E the development {ei the science of radio communication, or the apparatus perta1nmg' ereto to c on special' tests using an amount of power or eny wave lengthsarit suc hours and under suhh conditions as will msure the least interference with the sending or receipt of commercial or Government radiograms, of distress signals and radiograms, or with the work of other stations. ,,,i'f§_'“‘“°“° "“° In theslec regulations tee piaval and military stations shall be understood to stations on an . ’*"""“°“* Rnomnuons. . xoanur. wsvn Lmxom. """“"'°l°"‘°" First. Every stationshall be required to designate a certain definite wave length as the normal sending and receivmgwave length of the station. This wave length shall not exceed six undred meters or it shall exceed 01;.e thsgeand hupld-led maeuters. Egeery cgastal station open to er u c service s at times rea to receiv PM. P- rw memagesggilsuchpwave lengths as are required by the Beilin convenii tion. Every ship station, except as hereinafterlprovided, and every coast station open to general public service sh be prepared to use two sending wave lengths, one of three hundred meteis and ene of six hundre _ meters, as by the mternational convention m Pr¤•¢•¤- _“"w_ force: Provided, That the _ retaigy of Commerce and Labor may, in his discretion, change the hmit o wave length reservation made by regulations finst and second to accord with any mternational agreement to which the United States is a party. orrnmc wave: Lmsorns. °"'°""'°’°"‘"’·'* Second. In addition to the normal sending wave length all stations, except as provided hereinafter in these regulations, may use §;{,‘,,,'°',;,,,,_ other sending wave lengthsi Provided, That they do not exceed six C r hundred meters or that they do exceed one thousand six hundred · meters: Promded further, That the character of the waves emitted conforms to the requirements of regulations third and fourth following. USE or A "rtmn wAvm." °"°°*`°’“""""°‘" Third. At all stations if th d` t t b of d gmmiqarm s as ··mmmmeg*?isnt)i1;§¤iipi):iiir`i;’m¤?ihiu1ih;l;~¤ierto is m two or more wave lengths, more or less sharply defindi as indicated by a sensitive wave meter, the energy in no one of the lesser waves shallexceed ten per centum of that m the greatest.