Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/350

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gus. 333,334. 1912. 327 and Fourteenth Streets, under the dprovisions contained in the Act of V°*- "·P·°¤· Congress approved March secon , eighteen hundred and ninety- three, entitled "An Act to provide a permanent system of highways in that part of the District of Columbia lying outside of cities," and an amendment to said Act approved June twenty-eighth, eighteen V01.l>,p.619. hundred and mnety.-eight, an that upon the completion and record- ~ ing of said new hig way plan it shall take the place of and stand for ang previous plan for said streets. ' nc. 2. That whenever the owners of the land comprised in that h,Z,’§$'§°§n°§§¤’§§,°§,§ portion of the new location of Fourteenth Street northeast authorized 0* ¤¤=¤¤ iw! by ¤w¤· erein, lying south of Randolph Street, shall dedicate the same to m the District of Columbia to he used as a public hgghway, in a manner approved by the Commissioners of the District 0 Columbia, the said commissioners be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to vacate and abandon as a public highway all of Fourteenth Street D°"‘““°"‘ northeast now publicly owned lying between Otis and Randolph Streets, and not inclu ed in the new location of Fourteenth Street authorized herein; that part of Perry Street northeast between the easterly line of Fourteenth Street as now located an the westerly line of tract of land designated as parcel 146-2 in book of assessment and taxation in the office of the siuveyor of the District of Columbia; and that part of Quincy Street northeast lying between the westerly line of Fourteenth Street as now located and the easterly line of the new location of Fourteenth Street authorized herein; an the title to ,,§j§;';*f,§_ *° """* the land contained in said abandoned_part of public highway shall * " revert to the owners of the land abutting thereon. Approved, August 22, 1912. cnn. 334.-An Act To provide for me may unda bona of massa ct sm, tw; &.i,¥f· sciences, and industries. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ¤"ch_M_ nd States of Amerika in Congress assembled, That all articles which umuaausw sxbe imported from foreign countries for sole purpose of exhibition °**;*{f°am°," ,m_ at expositions of the arts, sciences, and mdustnes and products of m>g3dw¤<g:1u::·“gi the soil, mine, and sea, to be held in expositions to be eld by the under mia hee of Merchants and Manufacturers’ Exchange of New York, in the °“,$gi_ ”_ P_ M., buildings in the city of New York owne or controlled by the Merchants and Manufacturers? Exchange, a corporation oggmzed under the laws of the State of New York upon which there ll be a tarid or customs duty, shall be admitted free of the payment of such duty, customs fees, or charges, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; but it shall be lawful at any time ,,,§f"°' "°“""’ " during the exposition to sell, for delivery at the close thereof, any goods or property imported for and actually on exhibition m the exposition building, sub-ect to such regulations for the security of the revenue and for e co ection of import duties as the Secretary of AM.; the Treasury may iprescribe: Provided, That all such articles, when 'p:& on nuns sold or withdrawn or consumption or use m the United States, shall ‘ "“· be subject to the duty; if any, imposed upon such articles by the revenue laws in force at the date of withdrawal; and on articles which shall have suffered diminution or deterioration from mcidental handling and necessary exposure the duty, if paid, shall be assessed accordmg to the alppraised value at the time 0 withdrawal for consumption or use; an the nalties prescribed by law shall be enforced against any person gulliy of any illegal sale or withdrawal: Provided _ That nothing in this section contained shall be construed as an mV1t¤— ,u§’,°ml,'§,§”f;*;‘;‘;,,b‘}{ tion, express or implied, from the Government of the llmted States ass. i·0_&DY foreign Government, State, municipality, corporation, partnership, or in 'vidual to import any such articles for the purpose of exhibition at the said exposition. Approved, August 22, 1912. 876l8°—vox. 37—m• l-——23