Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/351

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328 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 335. 1912. 7%% ,£”.$€s‘3? *”a.a¤.a*°° "’““‘, ..a...t...‘°K'.¥;¥'.§‘,$°i‘.?a*“¤»m...,"‘° "‘Z.?h ’&`2€»?e°§.¤,.a"‘° ““?" [Public, N0. 50.] ‘ B it enacted theS•mateandHou•e Repreeentativeaof the United ,}.i;;.“.t.'..°:"°° "* sm;. damn;} at aww wawwdmt are renewing me bt, zand they are hereby appropriated, to lie paid out of an money m the Treasury not otherwise ap priated, for the nav service of theiGoh§rnmentg<}r thelyear June tlnrtieth, nmeteen hundred an theen, an or_o erpmposes: "•’°”'•'¥· mr or rn iuvr. Pay and allowances prescribed b law of officers on sea dut and other duty; officers on waiting orders; officers on the list; clerks to paymastcrs_at yards and stations, general storelneepers ashore and afloat, and receiving ships and other vemls; two clerks to gen- $:1cmspectoEof1:;l;ePayCorps; onecflregriizopayoilieermchargeot rters’ro ;n exceed ten oaccoimtmgoilici at yards and staglons; ac1otr;1muj;;l5ion of zrgartersfor officers on shore not occupying eu rsmuding a msgimuerscarpenters, sailmakemflumachilnists, pharmacists, and mates, naval constructors, and msistant naval constructors; and also members of Nurse Corps (female); for of quarters for officers serving with troops where there are no public quarters belonging to the Government, and where there are no suiliment quarters possessed by the United States to accommodate them, or commutation of quarters not to exceed the amount which an_oflicer would receive were he not serving with troo¤E:;_pay of enlisted men on the retired Inst; extra pay to men ree ting under honorable mtere¤ on deposits by men; pay of petty officers, seamen, lan en, and ap rentice seamen, me ud1§i11?1en in the en.gmeers' force men det for duty with N ava] tra, and for the Commission, forty-eight thousand men; and number of enlisted men shall exclusive of those

 i,L:‘;‘§tr“$‘i£’tt,‘“.{IQ;““°“t¤,§fr.:;'¢?.f}.‘ §‘3£t°‘}3£%§*.’2$`¤%§2§1°X£% ‘}.‘§°}.‘3f§§ .

mac saste resienma mtime otim eeessary to appoint, not to exceed twentyyin Buy one year; arid tcfnhrllaxeltlhousand five hundred a rentice seamen under tram` at tr ° stations PP. . . mg. °mm£ Eid Ign boagd sgrups, at the pay prescribed by law; pay of a.?¤,r.“’§$.¤°m'P°.i].*05.°‘£€,§ a%‘&Ta‘?5°.£‘Zf §§’£‘,`?‘1'£0°..‘r.¤‘h3 $lL§°i,E.°dE’;°J and sevent -0ne dollars and twenty-5ve cents. Q§§;,;;j•,Lggf;f;*.;; _ The of tl;e13g%iveal1ist of the Pay of the N avy are hereby

   M 1T.°.§°§°¢w.¥'.t;"§ddit§011’L‘¤ pmd"°"““"“’“ arse`? .¤d°‘£§.t’TE.?’Z §2££¥2£§;

in all one hundred and sixteen passed assistant and assistant a - {,;_•f{··gr ¤m,,_r_ §asters: Prov&1edé%T§u;t the tgtal incrleasgrg the Pay Corps ofptlle ~ a not ex wenty uringt e iis al . §,°'{§;3‘§,${:§‘f'·,L 'He Auditor for the Navy Department is allow pay- ·~"·`*°*··** "`"°"'“ 2“‘°“‘?.JT;ZZ1*.?.¤‘°*3¥°*.?.?.;‘§ °E°i'E""h¥'.e.h° Y§'°·g'““‘°‘i. "°$';‘“”°°‘ ‘as 0 a n tee epht, which have heretofore beer? disallowed hnlrllelasolil og de(d'%nd

,8 . Y ision

o_ tkxe Eomdpgréollexgl of the Treasury dated December twenty- ’;‘.»?.ez;‘3%, ··p.‘;“a a§‘i‘¤.$°,f‘¢· “"* ‘° ""' “‘°“‘ °“‘ °‘ "“° “PP“*

 '° _ That hereafter any officer retired under the provisions of sections»,mp?1°;o{ mght Pd m*}° of the Ad *PP1’0V¤d M¤¤‘¢l1_thu·d, e` hteen hundred and ninety-mne an Act to reo and increase 15ne efficiency of the ot tig; Navy andléiharine Cprps of the United States,


lfmm _ hcismtmd. three-ourthstheseapayof the