Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/411

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388 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sms. II. Ch. 850. 1912. mr %’l‘i’ {L"‘*.?°"”'°.li‘21.r°2’.,lZ,°.."t'T¤lr'(l. ‘£e”é`uf.`£°l` §"i£’°%LZ“.?°““‘ 'P”°'”°J¤’ e _ o e year mne hundred an thirteen shall not exceed $42,000; and that the Secretary of War shall each year, m the annual estimates, report to Congi-icgsuntgilu lpgf persons so employed, their duties, and the gm W" N $¤'$"‘°“cn"s’ J? 3“J»•‘5‘“ses.°’ I””"‘? s”’?“°’ lil" ‘Emi’°" . . ; sr . . ; tw 0 ws , t three, ten of class two, of class one, eightelelrlr at $1(Zg0(l) ellicallli Lhglele assistant messengers; five laborers; two char- _k§.“*0*g° Dmsrou eé Amrams, Omen or nm Cmmr or S•ram·: ssgiumux For ?1eJfollowin‘g now aiusthorized byluection twentlyl of the Act ap- ° rov anuarywent- t `eteen dred dt , dd by the Act approve<{Mayft]:vi1enty-sedleriith, xdiieteen hnaigdhlglmaxid eight, namel : Chief clerk, $2,000; c1erks—two of class four, two of class three, three of class two, mne of class one, seven at $1,000 each; m ;1g3e amnstaut messenger; two laborers; two charwomen; m , , . WL For rent of quarteas, $2,500. · vm¥::”·¤•¤¤• ¤· _ For xmscellaueous of the Division of Militia Aifairs, including stationery, fuel,_ t, furnrture, telegraph and telephone service, and necessary pnnting and binding, $3,500, which sum, together with

¤¤¤*¤• the foreg<;mg amounttuofoii   and gentéhshall   paid iérom the

e1.u, permanen a propma n or mihtxa un er e ro ti sixteen hundlied and sixty-one, Revised Statutgs, Lmiirlhsergdeiljc aiiid no other or further sums shall be exfpended from said appro riation for or on account of said Division 0 Militia Affairs during tllie iiscal c¤¤¤¤s¤¤:¤p·m¤¤- yG?)r¤s·`l·.i;xtg?eni<rrh%Nsn·;1ll>$ um Dmrmnmm; For purchase of professxonal and scientific books, law books, including their exchange; books of reference, blank books, amphlets, periodicals newspapers (subscriptions to_ periodicals may Ee aid for in advance); g1;p?ti1rtype:1vr;tem_m¢%* adding machiues, iruiludingdtlxeg exchange; ean*epan·sosame;c s,ma ,' t,li1 , towels, 1ce, brooms, soap, spo esttrgdel, as, hlhgd begging apeaiizsteiis for and repairs to the buildingsn€outside of the State, War, ang Navy Department bmldxg) occupied by Adjutant General's office the Bureau of lnsular airs, and the other offices of the War Department and its bureaus located in the Lemon Building; expenses of horses and veh1cles,_mcluding their exchange, to be used only for oHic1al_purposes; freight and express charges; street car tickets, not eglgggiedznlg $300; temporary labor not to exceed $1,000, and other “““°”°’Y· Szggxggiaiignery Fg the and its bureaus and offices,

  • ’¤•*·¢¤·*·¤¤v·- Flor post e stam s for the War Department and its bur a ·

required imager the Postal Union, to 6 ub' as »·-··· ssssis £’?§&‘s“i..‘“g.°’i¤°€§§§§}§2s§§;;l "‘lT“f° °° mm °d` o um ia gegggtmpéit, as follows: Medical dispeusary, Surgeor(irGu:rie(i·;.l§;1?>f¥iVcl;f Bulreani of i;`§s.§.E“.‘I§“2§‘!§€é’€-i in ‘1H'°§i‘§%§°'“"“ °“‘“’ ”»3°°; s¤is`¥$<i¤l¤lal°°l]“°° PUBLIC BUHDINGS AND GROUNDS.

  • ·‘“’°"“c‘§°°°°°· •* Orman or rms , .

.m.¤¤,s nam. $3,000; assistant agi; c1$%;1;l<;8$;;¥g0 ·G:;;?NDS· Supurrutendent, one of class three, one of class two and st h h no O C ass four' messenger landscape I {mt $2 400Q Ogmp Gl', One of class one; $1,500; mku, $16,140. ’ ’ ’ ““"°y°' md d"“““””*¤»