Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/412

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 350. 1912. 389 For foreman, gardeners, mechanics, and laborers employed in the *°*¤¤•¤·•*¢· public grounds, $31,200. For one sergeant of park watchman, $950. W¤w1=¤¤¤· For second sergeant offpark watchmen $900. For day watchman, as ollows: One in Franklin Park and adjacent D•¥ *¤*°°· reservations on New York Avenue; one in Lafayette Park; two in Sxmthsoman Grounds and neighboring reservations; one in Judiciary Park; one m Lmcoln Park and adiacent reservations; one in Iowa Circle and reservations to the nort east; one in Thomas and Scott Circles and neighboring reservations· one in Washington Circle and neighboring reservations; one in Dupont Circle and neighboring reservations; one in McPherson Park and Farragut Square; one in Stanton Park and neiggioboring reservations; two in H and Seaton Parks and neigh ring reservations; one in Mount aernon Park and reservations to the northeast ;_one in grounds south of the Executive Mansion; one in Garfield and Marion Parks and reservations to the east · one in Monument Park; and three in Potomac Park; twenty-one in all, at $720 each, $15,120. For night watchmen, as follows: Two in Smithsonian Grounds and m"‘° '°'°°‘ neighbonnisreservations; one in Judiciary Park; two in Henry and Seaton Par and adjacent reservations; one in grounds south of the Executive Mansion; onein Monument Park; one inGar1ie1d Park and neighboring reservations; one in_Iowa, Scott, and Thomas Circles- and neighboring reservations; one_m Stanton and Lincoln Parks and nsigh rvations; one m Lafayette and McPherson Squares an F and Farragut Parks; one WashinQon and Dupont Circles and neighboring reservations; one in Mount ernon Park and neighboring reservations; two for greenhouses and nursery; and four in otomac Park; nineteen in all, at $720 each, $13,680. For watchman for the care of the monument and dock at Wake- w"‘°°"°·v" iield, Virginia, the birthplace of Washington, $300. For contirfent and incidental exdpenses, including psurchase of pro- °"‘“"‘°“""°“"" fessional an scientific books an periodicals, boo of reference, blank books, photeyraphs, and maps, $700. V For purchase an repair of bicycles and revolvers for park watchmen and for purchase of ammunition, $400. For purchasing and supplying uniforms to park, Monument, and ““”°'”“ b¤gF,th'd?chmc¤’ $2,800. d d P bli Buildmgs' d P"‘ "°‘“ °*'"’°° 0 amounts appropriate un er u c an ,,,,,,,,,, Grounds, thrggsiliizhgoi $32,875 ililallpbe paid out of the revenues of the District of Columbia. nerr, wan, arm xavr nsraarunnr sUrr.DrNo. ,,‘§‘$‘f· Build ng. Office of the superintendent; Clerk of class three; stenographer w$l§’§°£a¤,YIEi°°°°* and typewriter, $900; chief engineer, $1,400; five assistant engineers, at $1,000 each; electrical machinist, $1,200; capltam of the watch, $1,200; two lieutenants of the watch, at $840 eac ;_forty-nme watchmen; carpenter, $1,000; electrician, $1,200; machinist, painter, and plumber, at $1,000 each; three dynamo tenders, at $900 each; seven slnlled laborers or mechanics, at $840 each; messenger; foreman of laborers, $840; ten firemen; eleven conductors of elevators, at $720 each; seventeen laborers; three second·clam firemen, at $660 each; four forewoxnen of $harworr;ia1n,$at2$i;40(? each; seventy-seven charwomen· ener $ 20· in 11 . _ _ _ For {ucl, lights; repairs, and misdellaneous items, and city direc- **1**- ”¥"“· °‘°· tories, $32,000. . mursuuesnr Navr Dsmsruszrr Ammx, Mxus Buunmc: Engineer, $1,2003 ‘ four Bremen; two elevator conductors, at $720 each; ye watchman? fourlaberers; one forewoman, $300; nme charwomen; mall, $14,220.