Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/7

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PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTION S. IX M Pqo. Brwge, slnissip `River. An Act To extend the time for the com lation of the munici bridge' at Saint lguis, Missouri. February 17, 1912 . ... . . . ,.,,., 67 Bnkige, White River. An Act To authorize Taney Coimty, Missouri, to construct 3 bridge across - the White River at Branson, Missouri. Feb 17, 1912 ,..,,,,,.,,___ 67 Choctaw and Chichaw lands, Okla. An Act Tolfrovido ict the sale of the surface of the segregated coal aigiglt lands of the Choctaw an Chickasaw Nations, and for other purposes, February , . . ..,,...,.,,,,,,, 67

 vessels, enrollment and   An Act T0 amend an Act entitled "An Act tosim lify the

issue of enrollments and licenses of vesels of the United States. “February 29, 19i)2 .. 70 District of Columbm Lmrwnt Street. An Act To authorize the extension of Lamont Street northwest, in the bistrict of Columbia. March 1, 1912 .,..., 11 Bridges, Kootmai Riva. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the bound of county commipionerp of Lincoln C0unt§ State of Montana, to construct, maintain, and operate three bridges scros the Kootenni iver in the State of Montana. March 4, 1912 .,..,.,, 71 Army, Female Nurse Corps. An Act Relative to members of the Female Nurse Corps sewing in Alaska or at places without the limits of the United States. March 4, 1912 ,.,,,.,. 72 New Mexico, Ten-itonhl prycrty. An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of the Treasury, an the Attorney General to deliver to the governor of the State of New Mexico, for the use of the State, certain furniture and furnishings, law books, and type~ writers. March 4, 1912 . . ., . 72 Dam, Sqvmmah River. An Act To extend the time for completion of s dam scrum the Savannah givcghxt ordneéaori thiinouth of Ste·v¢£n betwgext the of Sotgeth am ,an umm,Go0rg1a,•u onz yan csprov ugust ,mne u N lhundred nine. MnrXh;l§191:.h; ... H . R.,} .‘ . ;..aE1... 72 am y, m pmcn. ct u arising commkion 0 ensigu given mi ipmen uppn graduation from the Nsvnl Acndemy. lhrch 7, 1912 73 Navy, grorrwtwn of qgcaa. An Act To amend section fifteen hundred and five of the Revised _` tatut/gs of the nited Sta the nugimion from promotion of officers of the Navy not profesionnlly q ed. 11, 19 73 "R. L. Agunzf uemna. An Act To mthorize the change of the name of the steamer William A. awgood. Much 11, 1912 .. 73_ Injunb to Government An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act granting to certain eugployees of the nited States the right to receive from it compenntion for injuries suntqmed in the course of their empl0yment," approved Hsy thirtieth, nineteen hundred and Egt. March 11, 1912 . 74 "Balt City," atarrner. An Act To authorize the change of name of the ntamer Salt Lake City. Much 12, 1912 . ‘ 74 Bridge, M River. An Act T0 authorize the Minnesota md International Railwsg Com- ‘ ml to construct a bridge scm; the Mimsippi River at or near Bemidji, in the tate of each. Much 12, 1912 74 Port Angeles, Wash., toumaite lah. An Act Providing for the reatgpraisement and sale of certain _ lands in the town site of Port Angeles, Washington, md for 0 er purposes. March 16, 1912. . 74 Bridge, White River. An Act To authorize the b0•rd of county comugimioners of Baxter County and the board of county commimionern of Marion County, in the State oi Arkansas, acting together for the two counties as bridge commininnern, to construct a bridge across the White _ River at or neu the town of Cotter, Arkansas. March 22, 1912 75 Rnght cznvucy, Pu/ge: Sovmd-Lake Washington Waterway. An Act To authorize the Northam Pacific ` way Company to cron the Government right of way along and adjacent to the uml connecting the waters of Puget Sound with Lake Washington at Seattle, in the State of Wuh· . _ mgton. March 22, 1912 75 Umgcd States courts, Wat Virginia. An Act T0 amend section one hundred and thirteen of the Apt to codify, revise, and amend the laws relating to the judiciary, approved March third, _ nineteen hundred and eleven. March 23, 1912 ,... 76 Publw lands, Pond Creek, Okla. An Act Granting the courthouse reserve, at Pond Creek, Oklahoma, _ _ UQ the city of Pond Creek for school and municipal pu . March 23, 1912 .. 76 Phdrpping citizmahip. An Act To amend an Act approved Suly first, nineteen hundred and two, entitled Q‘An Act: tempomrilgnto provide for the administration of the affairs of civil gov- _ ernment in the Philip ine Is ds, and for other purposes? March 23, 1912 ... 77 Bridge, Mumaipgi River. Xu Act Authorizing the town of Grand Rapids to construct s bridge _ across the isimippi River in Itasca County, State of Minnesota. March 23, 1912 . 77 Public lavnais, isolated tracts. An Act‘T0 amend section twenty-four hundred and fifty-Eve of the %)€;é!B€d Statutes of the United States, relating to isolated tracts of public land. March 28, 77 Miaswnppi River jloods. An Act Appropriating three hundred and fifty thousand dollars for_the §·§YP00B at m§i§t3iDihg and protecting against impending Hoods the levees on the Mississippi 78 Wet pn , 1912 ., , .,.. , ... Choctaw coal lands. An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to permit the MIQJHH, Kansas and Texas Coal Company and the Eastern Coal and Mining C0¤-\P¤!}Y to exchange certain lands embraced within their existix:5 coal leases in the Choctaw and Chicka- _ B"' Nitmm fvrother lands within mid nations. A 5, 1912 . t . . . 73 United States courts, marshal, Connecticut, 'An Act Pmviging for an increase of uelxry of the United SWWB !¤9·!'¤h&I for the district of Connecticut. April 8, 1912 .. . . . . . . . . 79 T'°Ph3’ A*19*, m1=al. An Act Making a pm riatiun for repair, reservation, and exhibition of the o “’°PhY Bagsuow in store in the Academy, Ammpogs, Maryland. April 8, 1912 .. · 79