Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/800

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. III. C11. 142. 1913. 777 coal sampling and crushing machin and the nscess tion Otgg central heghtintg andfpovlgrbpliant of the Interiug D¢:;>nai·“t- men , , ors0mu ereo asma·enecess ' diately available. y uy, to be 6- For postage stamps for the Department of the Interior and its P<>•*·¢¤¤¤¤=r•· bureaus, as required under the Postal Union, to repay postage on matter addressed to Postal Union countries, and flir the purchase of special-delivery stamps for use in the United States when it is necessaiiy to secure the immediate delivery of mail, $3,500. or the purchase of one machine for baling 'the waste paper of the A B·¤¤:w¤¤e pew. Department of the Interior and its bureaus, to be immediately available, $700. simvmrons emmnar. arm umm ctmzxs. sumymanaa. For surveyor eneral and ex officio secre of the Territo of mn Al;_ska, $t,0(;0;i§erk? in his office, $9,030; irtiuall, $13,000. ry or ren_ 0 _ o _ ces or surveyor gener , a of messenger station-

3, printing, bmdmg, drafting mstrumedts? typewriters, books of

erence for office use, furniture, fuel, lights, and other incidental expenses, mcluding the exchange of typewriters, $2,500. or surveyor general of Arizona, $3,000; clerks inhis office, $13,000; m’°°°` in $11, $16,000i Hi f th or rent o 0 ce or e surve r eneral, station binding' records, books of reference for oililra l§S8, typewriter gd repairs, repairs of furniture, freight and drayage, filing cases, dr supplies and tables, and other incidental expenses, including the ex of typewriters, $1,800. _ or surveyor general of California, $3,000; clerks in his oice, mh $12,000; in all, $15,000. F · nay of messeniegr, stationery binding records, repairing ma , re an. * locks, cloc , furniture, batteries, and gypewriter, towgg telzphone, books of reference for office use, an other incidental ex uses, including the exchange of typewriters, $1,500. mama gin surveyor general of Co orado, $3,000; clerks in his omce, ` $23 000; in all, $26,000. Flor rent of office for the surveyor general, pay of messenger, stationery, printing and binding, urmture and repmairs, mushn for mounting plats, drafting instruments, record boo , indexing volumes of letters, ice, telephone, post-office box rent and regmter stamps, books of r?erence {gr oflige use, téypewnters, ansi galaer incidental exnses, inc uding` thexc ange o t writers _, . peFor surveyor general of Idaho, $3%ll•00 ; clerks m his office, $17,000; m°°` i°1iu’$20’00?' t t' b' an g · v dur · or a 0 masse er, s a ionery, m , prin mg,_ m- strumeiits}; post-oilicldgbox rent, furnitureQlypewnters,_me of refegence f<;r omce use, 8;1d;0tgG1° inciden expenses, mchiding the exc ange 0 typewriters 1 . _ _ H For surveyor general of Montana, $3,000; clerks m his omce, I $2%,000; in s}ll, $23,000. _ ms tfomw be t ~_ ado ary or a omessenger, xren,1ce,s n , printing, binding, furnit1irel:%>o0l<spgf reference for office use, and other incidental expenses, including the exchange of typewriters, $1,500. N For surveyor general of Nevada, $3,000; clerks m his office, $10,000; ""°‘ in all, $13,000. _ _ For stationery, drawing materials, pqst—0ilice box rent, register- ' letters, telephone, ice, repair of furniture, books of reference for xw use, and other incidental expenses, including the exchange of typewriters, $1,000.