Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/801

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778 SIXTY—SECOND CONGRESS `Srss. III. Ch. 142. 1913. Nw ¤¢¤¤>· For surveyor general of New Mexico, $3,000; clerks in his office, $1;,000; in sill, $20,000. uu _ tin _ t ts oraomesse rs on rm g, msrumen, plats, rliaywiug aperl:?inding recetiyrds? telephone, 1§istration of letters, post-officellrox rent, drayage, towels, books of erence for office use, and other incidental expenses, mcluding the exchange of typewriters, $1,500. _ _ 0r•¢¤¤. Fplr surveyor general of Oregon, $3,000; clerks rn his office, $12,900; in a $15,900. For stationery, telephone, towels, binding, post-office box rent, books of reference for office use, and other mcrdentsl expenses, rncluding the exchange of tyggwriters, $1,000. L _ seumnmm. For surv or general o uth Dakota, $2,000; clerks m his office, $4 500; in li $6,500. t I•‘or rent of, office for the gurveyor general pay of messenger, stationery sup)p)lies,·drafting mstruments, fuel, ice, binding records, post-office x rent, telegrams, registration of letters, towels, furniture and typewriter repairs, books of reference for office use, and other incidental expenses, mcluding the exchange of typewriters, $600. mil 1:3:- sugveyor general of Utah, $3,000; clerks in his office, $16,000 ;_ in $1 ,000. For a of janitor stationery, late and supplies, rinting and binding tables, drafting ilinstruments, post-oEl):e box rent writers, drayage, towels, books of reference for oiliee uae, and g er mcidental expenses, mcluding the exchange of typewriters, 1 000. ` . wumagum. hor surveyor general of Washington, $3,000; clerks in his ofliee, $11 000; in all, $14,000. Flor rent of office for the surveyor general, pag of janitor, furniture and repairs, stationery, binding records, books, lanks, books of reference for office use,_ and other incidental expenses, including the exchange of typewnters, $1 500._ “'¥°¤¤¤¤· For surveyor general of wyoming, $3,000, and for the clerks in his offjge, $20,002; m all, $23,0(z2._ d Hm hgh or ayomesse ,stioneryan supp ,'ts rin’ binding}? books, post-o§ce box rent, draftingminstmments,,ul>ounttil.1g maps, ice, towels, furniture and repairs boo of reference for office use, and other incidental expenses, including the exchange of type- '*•***°**¤¤ I * wn’lt‘l(im, $1,200. h bl to th f ` ¤¤•=** atnoe nsescargeae eo a roriationsfor M"' °`°` clerk hire aneliliiicidental expenses in the ofrfi§:sul€' tlililsugveyors gengral shpll bg ingiurred by the respective surveyorlsd general in the conuct o said offices, except upon previous s c authorization b the Commissioner of the General Land Officelmc y ,,,§’,‘}{‘ °“°° °°"“" POST OFFICE DEPA.R'I'MENT. PostmasterGencrnI ¤me1e1e»r,c¤m.,er¤I Owrrcn Posruasrnn GENERAL! Postmaster General 12 · chief clerk, including $500 as superintendent of Post Oiiihe ment buildiiigs, $4,000; private secretary, $2,500; disbursin (58Ik, $2,250 ; boo eeper and accountant, $1,800; two stenograplgers at $1,600 each; appomtment clerk, $2,000; clerk assistant to chief clerk, $2,000; c erks—four of class four, seven of class three, eight of class two, five of class one, six at $1,000 each, five at $900 eachcurator of museum, $1,000; telephone switchboard o ator· assist; ant telephone switchboard operator; messenger in cggrrge of mails

  • '*§$°’•· "“°"· $900; mmsenger; two assistant messe ers· e $360- ° ,

nn. . . . ng » gag » °¤8¤19¤!'» ¥}.2?°£;s°2€.`?Z Zi‘§c“¤¥2§Z§,“g"2°¥‘?a33 °"%°°t‘i.;‘$,.,’d°i°°“‘°‘““· "*"°°’ 1 8* » 680 l $900 each; fireman, who shall be a blacksmith, §.n mwli¢i shall be a steam fitter, at $900 each; ten elevator conductors, at $720