Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/502

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1520 EXTRADITION TREATY—SALVADOR. Arm. 18, 1911. provided such participation be de quelepertieipaciouteugapena uukhableb° °nmentbydpn¤' lss deemlée laws ofy lilgmacutncing arties. ¤¤-·¤y¤*¤*v¤· The mm" ofthisTrea " deeste'1‘r•- mw shall noltlimport claimof extradz tado no derecbo do extretionforan cnmeoroifeucecfe. diciéu rdelitoalgunodecaréo- political character nor for acts ter lkicoui porectosconexioconnectedwithsuchcnmesorof- nsdld: con el1o•;y uiuguna perfences;mdnoperaonsunendeg·ed sona eutregada poréaunauotn llyortoeither of theCqutracting de lssPutes0outratanteseuvirarties in yxrtue of this Treaty tudde_esteTr•t•doser|j _ shall_be tried or punished for • 6 castigsdadog dehto taco. _;,g,°¤*=g,°g{ gz; pohtncal crime or ofeuce. Whm Cuaudo el im o oom~ nm · wnuw mm. the offence charged comprises the preudeuuecto dehomicidio,a.sesiact either of murder orgssassina- nate 6 de enveueuamiento a sea tion or of poisoning, emther con- consumado_6 intentado, summated or attempted, fact de haber cometido 6_mtenthatth¢;;1tfeucewast;oml1;u1t°f}edt1<;;· w el dehgo gfoutra la vida del attem against e e , ° de Sovergign or Head of a foreign extran'em, éloohtra I? vida dg . . x 1 Stateiglr égainst the life of any oualquier miembro de su familia mem has family, shall not no sera cousiderado motive sutibe deemed sufficieut to sustam ciente para sosteuer que tal dethat such a crimeoroifencewaa lito ha sido decarlcterpoliticoé of a political character, or was au un acto conexiousdo con delitu act counected_with crimes or of· de carceterpolitico. Muna feulges of a polétical to S_ _ Um b ,,, _ °°'°"" an ues oushallanseas snug ‘ ‘ ··· ····* ,.¤...,t,3'2°... ,0., wm. at cass: .¤t.°‘&¤°L provisions of this Article, the de- este artieulo, seran eiinitivas las cnsions of the authorities of the decunoues de las autoridades del Government ou which the de- Gobierno ante quien se ha hecho

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other than that for which he was no sea equal éaquella por que surrendered without the consent giesido enum.], sin 8] consent;. of the Qovemment which surreu- miento del bierno ue hizo la dered him, which may,·if it think extradici6n,elcualpue(de,si1ocree proper, require the production of conveniente, exigir la presentar¤¢.»·¤¤· one the docummta mentioned ci6n de uno de los doeumentog in ArucleXI0fthisTreaty. m:;ld0senel articulo Xlde o. ARTICLE V. ABTIUUID V “¤’“°°°"*¤°· Af 'dviecrixnimlshall the Ele¤’mm' gnu]; surrenudlered under the provlizioms 0 cou do mz? ap- . '·*¤$·si ¤¤¤z1¤ 6 dmhereof,wheu,froml•p•eot time posncicms del puesmte Tratado orother lawful cause, according cuaudoporeltrescnirsodeltiem tcthqlayscftlxeglecewithin the 6 ctrecsusalegal eouarregg yunsdnchou of ’ theerime t¥a•:n’leye•del¤uut:>dentrode