Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/571

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WIRELESS '1'ELEGRAPH CONVENTION. Novmmn 3, 1906. 1589 c. ann rms sranoss namo- . imm n,r,m wm,] me new er ann; rhjsmrmquu rr nuxsans- 6 swangxsoragn ngusrnssxou °°d°°°-“°°' sion nas nmrmtnnsnamns. or wruuas nusnnss. XIX. XIX. 1.Enregleg6n6rale,c’estla 1.As ea·alrul,`tahallbe °•°¤l¤*•· station bord qui appelle la sta- the shipbofied statioii lbat calls ` . a ne u , ex. . , <=•¤1 v•¤1· °‘°§‘ ‘£?‘°';¤ i io. me "‘§ °°·r‘¤‘i.““°.$¤i“.°¤l%$.i be mad »······ regle gginérale, Pane lorsque le ageneral rule, onl when theodit U navnrese trouve lunedistance de tanceof thevcssel gem thecoastal la station cotiere inférieure I 75 station is less than 75 per cent pour cent portée normals de of the normal range of the latter. 3. Avantds 6d 1 »3.Bef rocsed1ng' to ca.l1,.,,3..*4"'“"""* Ei, 1.. station .¤E%.i°§.a"?z§§ a. .t..é’5§ ‘L.. .¤.r,.a...i‘.»..u plus sensiblemenf possible son adjust its receivin§d:pparatus to systéms rééaegteurets assurerque itsmarimumsensi 'tyandmake la station `ere qu’elle veut ap- surethatthscoastal station which g:lern’est pssencommimicationr it wishes to call up k notin cer- ` elle constate qu’une transmis- respondence with any other stasionestenoours,elleattendla dont Ifitiindsthataggtranspremiere suspension. . - ;D|SBt1?;l£l:s progress, it all wait · or suse. 4. La station de bord fait em- _ 4. The station shall W•v•¤»¤•¤e¤· ploi, pour Pappel, de Ponds nor- use for calling the normal wave of male de la station eotiére. the coastal station. 5. Si, malgré ces récautiom, 5. If m sgfs of these precau- 1¤¤¤¤v¤¤· un éehange radiotgégraphigue tions the pu lic exchange ofwirepublic est entravé, l'apE oit less telegrams is impeded at any cesser A la premiere g:e,tl1ecallsballceaseuponthe d'une station eotiere ouverte I is _ request from a coastal sts-

 publigue. Cette tion open to public correspondstation doit alors   is du- ence. Ths_latter station shall  

Me approximative de l attente. such case indicate the approxv mstelength oftimeitwillbe necessary to XX. XX. 1. L’app•l comportelesignal _ 1. The call shall comprbe the Munn 1 • 1 • 1, 1 • 1 • i, l’ trois fois de la thseslllettmsoftliestationcalled station a 6e, le mot "ds" suivi reggated three times, the word ds Yindicatif delsstation exp6di— " m" (“de") by tries répété trois fois. call letters of the sending station _ repeated three times: 2.Lastataona éerépond 2.'1‘hecallsdstatnonshallan- 4-••¤¤••¤•¤· endonnsntleignspd swerbymakmgthesignal - O I O —, - O - O Q suividelindioatif répété troisfois followed b _ the call_letters of the de la statiomoorrespondante, du correspomhnanstahon repeated mot “de", ds son et du three times, word "from," its @1sl owncalllettsrs, and thesignal. 1 • 1_ 1 Q Q