Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/853

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INDEX . 1795 Apporntvngnlg Dwuwri, Treasupy pcparlment, P•n· ApproP1iat€ons—(`ontinued. htappropnauon for chief of dnvmon, etc. . 374, 752 for Lomrnissinn on Industrial Relations. . . 416 Appoquinimink River, Del., for carrying out pmvisimm of fur seal• couappmpriation for improvement of ... 205,806 {mh GNN B!’i¤i¤» J¤P•¤» 502 Apportionment of Reprucnmtivea in Congress *n. “¤*· ···········--··· ,- ·: ··-- composition under Thirteenth Census 3 13 ‘°' Alm°"‘°“‘ V'f'°"“. °°b“?°‘? °°""m·"°"· · 5% Aw~i•¤•’ Swm. Nw Ywk GW. ig; todifyin ew nm °° `i{é£B1}£`f 517 aprropriation for Exe protection, eu: .. 422 Maki " app ° 518 ¤r ¤¤¤¤1¤¤¤•¤¢<->, ew-. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ww form portof;;<;i:xl1;>;1se;l3.t1:-;:;:; '`'` szs A '?°'Y‘°° mm °“"”m£°“” ······-·-· *27 {or coiétiiigent expenses, Signage? . .: . . 630 . or re ui in vees on xmssi amendments to certain general acts for iis- and triiiuiaries ... if . 633 cal year 1912  : . 37 for relief of Hood sufferers in Minissippi and annual. for fiscal year 1912 continued dur- Ohio Valle 633 · ing the month of July, 1912 638 use of balance IK: rations, etc., to .·\mericontinued during first. half of August, cancitizens in Texas, removing {mm 1912 . . . .. . 640 danger in Mexico . · . . 640 continued during last half of August, for expenses of international maritimecom 19]% ____________ · __________ _ ______ 642 femnce _,__ ,_,_ _ _ _ __,__ , ,_,_ _ _____, @8 appmpnauon for preparing statement cf. . 478 for medal to Capt. Rostmn, of "Carpathia," for ur%ent deficiencies. ... 1, 47, 634 for services in rescuing survivors of for dp ciencies . . ... 596, 9l2 ··’ri¤nic** ________________________ 639 for diplomatic and consular service . . 94, 688 for encampments of Organized Militia with for fogtmpatnons ... _ . 12 5, 671 Army . 639 for Ibstnct of Columlua . ... 139, 938 for exmerminating the ann worm . 640 for nver and harbor improvements .. 201, 801 for im lament trial of {oben W. Ambfor Military Academy .. 251, 856 Eald ... 640 for Department of Agriculture .. 289, 828 for transportation to American citizens for . 311, 736 fleeing from danier in Mexico .. M1 for naval service .. . ... . 328,891 use of portion for su siswnce .. 643 for legislative, executive, and judicial ex- for investigating udnninisuation of Patient penses. . 360, 739 Office ... . . 643 for sundry civil expenses . . .. 417 for Corbett tunnel. Wyo., claims .. 643 for the Indian service 518 for refunding duaies on embroidery mafor the postal service 539, 791 chinos. orc . . . . 663 for the support of the Army 569, 704 for school ser-tions to South Dakota and for condemnation expenses, extension of North Dakota, Smndinig Rock indian Colorado Avenue and Kennedy Reservation . . . 878 Street N W., D. C . . 1 for surveying and allotting lands, Standing for public building, Bangor, Me ... 23 Rock Indian Reservation, S. Dal:. for legislative expenses lst. sesion 62d and N . Dak.. . 678 Congress . .. 35, 36 for immigrant station, Chicago, lll ..,., 682 for mileage, Congressional, for ilscal year lor classification, etc., Revolutionary War 1912, immediately available 36 military and naval remrdn. . .: . 723 for nconstructing, etc., bridge across Wey- for condcmnation expenses, extension of mouth Black River, H1nglia.m,M•¤. 62 Western Avenue N W., D. U. ..., . . . 724 for condemnation ex nses, extension of for expenses. extension of New Hampshire Lamont Street EQW., D. C .. . . . . 71 Avenue, D. C . 729 for protecting levees between Head of for inquiries and investigations: Senate. . . 1021 Passes and Cape Girardeau, M0., for maintenance of order, etc., inaugural against. Mimissippi River Hoods . 78 ceremonies, 1913 . . 1021 made available for tnbutary waters . 631 for Congmszional expenses, inaugural cere— for preservation, etc., of naval trophy Bags ngomes, 1913 _ . . . . 1023 at Naval Academy .. . .. 79 for paying claims for myunes to Governfor protecting levees on the Minissippi and _ ment emplovees. .. 1361, 1372 tributary rivers against impending estimates for regular annual, to sub- Bood . . 85 mitted only as now required by for expenses determining title to lands, etc. , law ... : ... 415 Potomac and Anacostia Rivers and general or lump-sum, exceeding $250,000, Rock Creek, D. C . 94 estimates, to give each object of for exchan 'ng lands, etc., for Calaveras expendnturje contemplated . 487 Big ‘Free National Forest, Cal. . 108 also mine details of expenditures made T0? checking inroads of Missouri River op- dunng PIQVIQUS Escal year ... _ .. 487 posiw Sioux City, Iowa . ... 109 lump-sum, restriction on paying planes for expenses, dis§0¤al of Omaha Indian Res- fmrn ..., _ 4 13, 626, 790 ervation, ebr., unallotted lands. . . 112 not applicable to mechamcsnetc. ... 790 for equipping Army transports with lite- restnctx0ns_modnEedas toscxenuiic work boats, ew . . 133 for Agngultural Department . .. 854 for condemnation expenses, extending Un- no specxiic or inqeimte, in regular annual { qerwgoq Street NW., D. C ... I. 194 appmpna;1onmgfext;u€cn;¤7;1;§;c:o bt: or paym ramage assesmenlz on certain en _ Ingians lands in Oklahoma. ... 194 unless apeciically m pmfcr paying claims {or erroneously, etc., col- vided by law ... 2 . . . 487 lgcggd ygyqeygnqg m_xgg_ _ ,_,,, , , _ _ 240 pefmlheht lhhull from trust for expenses of regulating ehipmentofnurr Greene Hul>b•rd collection of enery stock. ew .. . . 319 gnvmga .. . . .. .  %