Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/854

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1796 mom;.

n•d. has Aretibald, yelcn (vides), 1;;;

pgrnanent, ectrng’ revurne pennon ... . customs repealed ... E ... . 434 Arzctizaeu, u prohila¤on' onexpmdri (XIX _ invi' tooercom "vedsaigns zde applicable to Didrict dlieut: lu _ iorufhlic buildinggpcretpealed .. 428 statunento¢,1oriir·atandseer>ridsé¢nis emp1oyrgientautlroi·iaedinofficeofBuper~ Sixty-second Cong: eonseliehtad. 615 vringmebitect to ambt in standard- Aqrudiu: D. C'. (su also airingtm Aqua- iaing, etc., public buildiy., . 88t dgact, D. C.), civil service laws, etc. vaiv ; praent

 ter. i  154,958 employes not sl%bl• . 888

Aqua _ _V•H¤_ of me additigualtoregrrlarliceforce 888 appropriation rmprovanent . ... Ardmore aslduug ss: Archives Areas: Bay and Pau, Ter., Building, D. 0.). appropriation for improvement of deep Ard, Jana 1., . water harbor, ... _ ... 446 pension incrmse . . . . . 1278 Aran•¤:u%k•eaTqm·s:s‘ilR¤lr¤y, A.rd»rore,0k{:;d·d_ _ _ b _1 _ may Cummings urnng ning resent tu Stedman Ishnd,'1'ex .. 55 mq site authorilmd; pagable frorndblfg Annu! Pass Station, Ter., ance .,..,,._,_,,,,,..,,,_ _ __,,,,,, 333 purchased 'tionalhndfogantboriaed. 238 Arpeatiaemrl, Armen Pose, Tar., appropriation for invutigating 846 appropriation for improvement of channel Argentine Republic, to Corpus Chnsti from. ... 813 apgpriation for ministerto . 75, 688 d¤ngeo¢ehanneltoP•¤Gavalloauthor~ _ secrotaryollegation ... 75,688 _1aed,topa•byPort0'Conr¤>rr. 214 Ar·idLanla, examrmtion by board of Engineer- omcers additionalgranttoGo1¤radoof,underCarey for deep water harbor, etc .. 213 Act 38 Arapaho Nacional Fora, Colo., qualifications of former homestead entgappropriatiimfornninterance, etc., ot. 281,839 men, making a pllication for ad i- proclamation . 1770 tional entry of bye raaka 499 Arapahoe and Cheyenne I , Okla., Arithmeties, Sdaool, appropriation for support etc., of 529 illustrations of American and foreign coins Arapahocufadiona, Hour., Northern Cheyarnc _ permitted in . . 65 ap pnatron’ foreapput, etc. ot. ... 527 appro, tion lor surve r neral,clerka, F•':flinerid¤·s" ' ... 527 wg; .. .. 899,777 Arhvation, su port, etc. Indiana on reservainternatioml convention ol American Re- . tigris in . .. 5 21 prblics extending treaty on, of deiiciemy appropriation lor election ex- _ pecuniary claims ... 1648 pensee 606 Arburonoa, Bureau of I formarehal, deputies, etc ... 612 Union/o•·Pro¤ro¢•oa for contingent expenses, surveyor genxpropriation for contribution. . 101, 698 eral’a office . M _ Convention, for prosecuting Indians in. . . .. 622, 625 wrthlirazili ... : . B .. . 1535 condemnedu5:amon(;’nhted :2, for State mm Arbwatum, neemonoaol wrsou o errno- cap: groan oen unt Court of, Coronado National Foiest, diininidred 1749

· annual conbibution . .- 100,693 Dixie National Forest, Utah and, boundqf American and Brizirh Pecuniory aria modihed . _  1773

Cla-wu, furniture, etc., in capitol building at Kpegrqpriation for expenses . . ... 102, 694 Phoenix to be de vexed to governor qnency appropriation for .. 47 oi, for use of State 63 special agreement providing lor, with homestead entries of 3% acres of non- _ _Gr»t Britain .,...,..., . ... 1625 uwahle, etc. lands allowed in 132 Arburuuon qi Dijfaenoea of Railway Em- hun ers in had district, ploym, granted leaves of absence .. 24 apggpriationiorexpensesof .. 437 may select tract of land etc., for penal, e¤ riation for .. 915 etc., institutions iron: Fort Grant Arbogag, _ , 302 Amon increased ..,. 1318 Navajo N ational Monument, area of reserlc, Charles H., vation diminished . 1733 deHc1eni;r“,arp;pmpdation for services .. 929 Peuiiied Forest National Monument, area Arbwmle, , M ,,,,,,,,,,,_.,..,,. E 1716 pension rncreased' .. . . 11 proclamation announcing 'on o Ar·bru:Ele,Jam¤.K., 66 Stated .,,,,,,_,,,,,,,, -1728 penmon increased 11 re1inqmdrm' ent nested to Indian' occu- Ar¤odi¤,§i&., dpantsoilalxzsmrdlrmdpmu 1007

 for improvementof harbor. 216,815 lan inexchangen  I .. .  10*

.Ilober¢WC, semiaridlandsin,setandetorspinel¤ sppmyqnaéonfor expenses of the Senate, cacti propegatim by Luther Bar- _ rmpeadrment trial of .. 640 bank . ... . . 507 ¤¤P¤¢hm=§ proceedings ot, ordered lm i;ueolpaBt:nta.etc&i . W?

. ... to veone presur ve

A¤¤\¤•§8.&,im' , td mm _ ... . . - 14 durations of .. 8(B cmdition for admidon of .. , U