Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1050

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1032 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 141. 1915.

      • 2* ‘”°'¤· °*°·· *¤· For diem at not exceeding $3 in lieu of subsistence pursuant to

vsfrgfiilsséo. sectionpthirteen of the szmdry civil Act approved August first, nmeteen hundred and fourteen, for persons employed in the Bureau of Pensions, detailed for the purpose of makmglspecial mvest1gations pertaining to said bureau and for actual and other necessary expenses, including telegrams, $85,000. _ _ _ .1·¤¤¤*·¤¤vi¤¤ d* For purchase, repair, and exchange of machines, addressing “°°s’°t°' machines, typewriters, check-s1€n1.r` g machines, and other laborsaving devices, furniture, Bling ca inets, and postage on foreign mail, $6,000. — °,§,{;‘“ ‘°' ‘“s""”’”“ The sum of $750 or so much thereof as may be necessag, of the .4¤:l=,p·M $6 000 appropriated for miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of ensions, _ 7 P . . . . · m the leg1s1at1ve, executive, and judicial Act for the fiscal year mneteen hundred and fifteen, is made available for constructing a fireproof and waterproof vault for the use of the disbursing office, Bureau of Pensions. mm °“°°~ Pxrmvr Omrrom: Commissioner, $5,000; first assistant commissioner $4,500; assistant commissioner, $3,500; chief clerk (who shall be qualified to act as principal examiner), $3,000; four law examiners, at $2,750 each; three examiners in chief, at $3,500 each; examiner of interferences, $2,700; examiners of trade-marks and d•signs—one $2,700, first assistant $2,400, six assistants at $1,500 each; examiners-one of classification $3,600, forty-three principals at $2,700 each, sixty-three first assistants at $2,400 each, seventy- three second assistants at $2,100 each, eighty-eight third assistants at $1,800 each, one hundred and ten fourth amistants at $1,500 each; financial clerk, who shall give bonds in such amount w the Secretaxiy of the Interior may determine, $2,250; librarian, $2,000; six chie s of divisions, at $2,000 each; three assistant chiefs of divisions, at $1,800 each; private secreiggy, to be selected and appointed by the commissioner, $1,800; tr ator of languages, $1,800; clerksnine of class four, nine of class three, seventeen of class two, one hundred and thirty of class one, ninety at $1,000 each; three skilled draftsmen, at $1,200 each; four draftsmen, at $1,000 each; messener and profperty clerk, $1,000; ninety copyists; Efty copyists, at §720 each; our messengers; twenty-fiveassxstantmemengers; labore1s——fourteen at $600 each, forty-two at $540 each; forty messenger boys, at $420 each; in all, $1,322,390. n¤o¤,¤w. or purchase otflfprofessional and other reference books and publications and scien c books and expense of transporting;publications of patents issued by the Patent Office to foreign vemments, $3,000. €<>Pi*;°' mkgy i=· For producing copies of weekly issue of patents, des' and m up t°ms’°t l$1‘8·d6··!I18I'kS; production of copies of drawings and speci‘dc1§.1ti}dns of _ exhausted patents and other papers, $140,000. ,,,{,’;§€§‘,§§"°‘ ‘“° °' For investigating the question of public use or sale of inventions ~ for two years or more prior to filing applications for atents, and such other questions arising in connection with applications for patents as may be deemed necessary by the Commissioner of Patents; and expense attending defense of suits instituted against the Commissioner of Patents, $500. ¤;u’¤°°g;;'g¤¤* B¤· For the share of the United States in the expense of conducting B the International Bureau at Berne, Switzerland, $750. ¤,,§"°“ °‘ m‘“’°‘ Burman or Enucarronz Commissioner, $5,000; chief clerk, $2,000; specialist education, $3,000; editor, $2,000; statistician, $1,800; specialist m charge of land-§rant college statistics $1,800; two translators, at $1,800 each; co ector and compiler of statistics, $2,400; spec1a.l1sts—one in foreign educational systems and one in educational systems, at $1,800 each; clerks-—four of class four, four of class three, five of class two, eight of class one, seven at