Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1169

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III; Ch. 147. 1915. 115], Armrrnn sETTLE1mNTs sUnMrrrED BY rmi Annrrorr ron THE rosr *¤d**·¤*°”•¤•¤¤· omuon DEPARTMENT. Special Delivery Service, fees to messengers: T r burse th §P•*=*¤id¤¤*'•¤v- postal revenues, for the fiscal years that follow, the fmoiinnts retained m` y ppstmasters m excess 0 the appropriations for those years, name y: For nineteen hundred and twelve, 96 cents. . For nineteen hundred and thirteen, $42.80. For mneteen hrmdred and fourteen, $26,864.72. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. m,D$tg"'““°°*°**¤* To pa Albert H. Cousins district fiscal nt Forest Service at *1**** H·°°°**°*- Portlami Oregon for amourits deposited b to the credit of ,the hmm ‘°` apgropriation "G’eneral expenses, Forest &rvice nineteen hundred an twelve," $6.10, which sum represents disallowances made by the Auditor for the State and Other Departments. DEPARTMENT or COMMERCE. ”.:.°f"*“°“‘°‘°°“‘· uo1=rrnoUsE smzvrcm. To pay the claims for damages which have been considered, ad- u§§,,"f°‘°‘ "°"' °°" justed, and determined to be ue to the claimants by the Oommis- V°*· 3°·P·5’*"· sioner of Lighthouses under authoritly of the provisions of section four of the Act*of june seventeent , nineteen hundred and ten (Thirty-sixth Statutes, page five hundred and thirty-seven), on account of damages occasioned by collision for which vessels of the Lighthouse Service have been found responsible, certified to Congrem at its present session in House Documents Numbered Twelve hrmdred and eighty-one and Sixteen hundred and eleven, $1,091.41. V EUREAU or rrsnnnms. m”h"i°° B°”°“' The sum of $10,000 of the appropriation of $60,000 for main- ,.;¥°""°’°°°°"°°` tenance of vessels and launches, mcluding purchase and repairs of d,$;j‘y°§v';§,_b§g?m°· boats, apparatus, machinery and other acihties required for use with the same, hire of vessels, and all other necessary ezxnses in connection therewith made in the sundry civ1l_ Act for the cal year Am. p- 816- nineteen hundred and sixteen, is hereby made immediately available. DEPARTMENT or LABOR. r.‘%:£“"“‘°“‘ °‘ CONTINGENT ExPENsEs: For contingent and misceilaneous ex- °°““"*°“°°‘*’°‘“°‘· enses, including the same objects specified under this head in the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fifteen, $5,000. rMMronAT1oN snnvrcn. · ”""“"‘"°°’°"‘°°‘ Section four of the Act of August fifth, e` hteen hundred and D°‘“""“‘f“'“°‘Q"°°· eighty-two (Twenty-second Statutes, page two fundred and twenty- vd-22 P 225 five), shall not be construed to prevent the Secretary of Labor from hereafter detailing one officer and one clerk employed for the special duty of enforcing the alien contract labor provisions of the immigration Act approved February twentieth, nineteen hundred and seven v¤x.s4,p1>-898,906- (Thirty-fourth Statutes, page eight hundred and ninety-eight), m pursuance of section twenty-four of said immigration Act, or duty at the Department of Labor at Washington.