Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1286

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xl INDEX. Casper, Wyo., 1’¤8¤- Cattle—Continued. _ Pmappropriation for public building . . - - 6 duty on wearing apparel composed of slnns Cassava, or Cassadg, of,_ etc. . : ... . . 148 on {rw list ______________,,_,______ , ,,,, 163 on free list, hair of, unmanufactured, not Casmh, etc_, specially provided for, . ._,,,.,_,,, 158 duty on, buds, ground, etc ... 135 hides, raw, etc .--.- 158 011 ... . .. . Q7 C gang, for food ... . . 163 imgrouud ___,,, . .,... 5 all Gif', . Cuggirgrite, duty on, cloth, not specially provided for. . !42 on free list; dutiable when native mines Cattle, Neat, _ _ produce 1,500 tons a year .. 163 importation of, prohibited . - . 195 Cast Iron, suspended as to countries not affected by duty on, undirons ,..,,.. 126 contagious disease . 195 castings ,,,._,,,.. . 126 notiiicatmn by Secretary of the Treaschiseled, etc .. . .. 126 u1:y ... - ... 195 ha1;tgrs’ irons ,,,, , _,,, 126 punishment for violations . . . 195 hollow ware, coated, etc ... . . - . 126 Cattle icks, Southern, malleable, not specially provided for. . . 126 appropriation for eradicating .. 419, 1090 pipe . . ...,. . - 126 l1ve·stock demonstration work on replates .. . .. 126 leased areas ... 419, 1090 sadirons .. . 126 restricuon on use of materials, etc- 419, 1090 stove plates , - 126 _ demonstration at fairs, etc 419, 1090 tailors irons . . . 126 Cauliflower Seed, vemels .. . . 126 on free list . - ... 162 Castile Soap, Caustic Soda, duty on .. . .. 119 dugg?. . .. 119 Castings, on _ list, hydrate of potash not containduty on cast-iron . . . 126 _ mg over 15 per cent of .. . . 161 cbiseled, etc . 126 Caviar, steel, crucrblc, etc . 124 duty on. ... 134 not containing alloys . 124 Cawood, Alaumder, Castleton, N. K, _ payment of Court of Claims findings to adbridge authorized across Hudson Rnver be- _ mmxstratrix of 982 tween Schodack Landing and .. 308 Cagerme Pepper, Castor Beans or Seeds, 133 C uty on- . ih, 6 .. . . 135 uty on. . .. . ... aywre, etc., tam, reg., Gutar Oil, appropriation for support, etc., of .. 97 duty on . _. ._ . 117 Cezueq ndum War, _ _ soaps containing - - . , ... 117 eficnency appropriation for pay of volun- Caswrfrgra ggtstoreum, 156 Cedar teers . 229, 331 on . .,.. , Casualty Insurance duty on, les, posts, eu: .. 130 Cstamp taxfonSpo1ic¥cs cgi. . . .. 7 62 spweei bpgafds, etcliéil ..,, ,,,,,,_,_,_____ 130 omlogue o cientt tem ure, ntema— on ree ist, oge, ro or ewn only .. 164 tional, Cedar Falls, Iowa, appropriation for expenses, preparation deficiency appropriation for public bui1d· { °*· ·=······ .11;-‘ ‘a.=,,‘, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 2313%%% c.a.»e"‘“‘u.;;;e»;"‘w ‘‘·‘· v ‘‘··‘‘ v" “° or pnnt an in . . , , rorve o ou , a., Catalogue of Entries, opyright Ojioe, payment of Court Eg to 990 appropriation for printing and inding 69, Cedar Red, Cami 673, 881 on irlge lmphevgn, 164 , un, a., a ¢ , duty on manufactures of . 150 payment of Courtpdisillaims iindings to 990 mot spgctrally proylxfviced for .. Cedartoum, Ga., f on ree , unman ... . . a ro tion or public build' .. 6 610 Catherwood, James Steele, Ceaglil, pm P mg , appointed on Board of Managers, Volunteer duty on oil ...,,,_...,,_, _ ,___ 117 SoIdiers’ Home ., . . 780 Cckry Seed GIIOTL, Hitgh W'., I'l‘ld'h7L FGWNCT, on bee __________ _ _ _ 162 aplpropnation for reimbursement to ... 99 Cdlulcid ``````'```'`'` Catt e (see also Industry Bureau, and duty 0;, · 116 appropriation dr eradica ‘ scabies. . - 419, 1090 C°”“’°·”» . . . PE1 .*l,:p,ct1¤g anthem? .,,,.. ug, um <1¤¢>* ¤¤ hqmd ¤<·l¤¤<>¤¤ ¤f —------~-·----- 116 for e orcing humane treatment of ex- Cdlulm ESWS, port ___________________________ 419, logo duty on compounds of ... 116 for executing 28-hour law ... 419, 1090 11q\11<1 ¤01\1t10¤¤ of . . . - . 116 for inspection and quarantine . . . 419, 1090 Cement, etc., for surppressing contagious diseases"- 419, 1090 appropriation for investigating structural for e ioat.i¤g southern cattle ticks; re- materials of _,,_.,,,___..,.__.,, 503, 1044 Btflciious .. . ... _ . 419, 1090 dut on gypsum, etc __,______________ _ ____ 120 for emergency upe in eradicating, etc, geenek ,,.____,_,_________.,,,,_,.. , . . 120 contagious of. . 1115 not specially provided for .. 120 payment for animals destroyed ... 1115 white nonstaining Portland . 120 payment for herd at Hawthorne Park, on free list, copper ... . ,.. 156 H -·····---· · ·----·~·---····----· 1115 hydraulic ... . . 156